Hmmm root rot

Weezy F Baby

Active Member
Well, ive got some spotty areas with my bubbleponics system

i am currently trying to get the temp of the water in it to see if that is the cause but too the touch it feels cold

What i see on my plants are this:

-My plants have one to two very long roots reaching to the bottom of the system.
-I recently put nutes in (yesterday) doing only a 1/4 of a dose
-I looked at my roots and they seem to be a little slimly with a brown spot here or there
-One of the plants has a brown spot that just recently developed on the under belly of one of the leaves (these plants are about 10-15 days old)

Should i be concerned about root rot? There is a small smell from the roots also.


Weezy F Baby

Active Member
hmm after rechecking them the brownness has definatnly gotten alot bigger

no smell but there is a brown film that came off the roots while i was touching them

they have however gotten maybe 2x bigger since yesterday

i wish i had pictures but my camera is MIA...ill hopefully find it soon


Well-Known Member
What kind of nutes are you using? Maybe you stated and I'm too tired and missed it. Anyway, some nutes, like Botanicare's Liquid Karma, leave sediment on the roots making them appear brown and rotted. However, with some good splashes or swishes in the reservoir, it washes off. Not sure about the brown spots on your leaves w/o seeing pictures.


Uses the Rollitup profile
That sounds like pythium growing in there. Good catch, and it's something that you will have to take care of. The cheapest way is hydrogen peroxide. The drugstore 3% kind put a tablespoon (15ml) per gallon of res water and try to get rid of it.

Change the res, and try to get all of the brown mess out of there. New roots should be white.

HTH :mrgreen:

Weezy F Baby

Active Member
That sounds like pythium growing in there. Good catch, and it's something that you will have to take care of. The cheapest way is hydrogen peroxide. The drugstore 3% kind put a tablespoon (15ml) per gallon of res water and try to get rid of it.

Change the res, and try to get all of the brown mess out of there. New roots should be white.

HTH :mrgreen:
After doing some more research i was thinking pythium too. I have the 5th slot open and light just pours in, plus we prolly didnt change it as much as we should of and maybe the temp is a little to high
hopefully there will be a drugstore open tomorrow

Weezy F Baby

Active Member
ok so i got the peroxide

should i put it in (i got a 6gallon resiovr) and let it sit for a while to kill the badness?

how long should i let it sit before i change the resivior aqua?

or should i just change the res water and then put it in?

thx in advance guys, you all have been really helpful


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hey weezy, do you use a large res? do you have any kind of pumps in there to circulate the water?:mrgreen:

Weezy F Baby

Active Member
ok so i got the peroxide

should i put it in (i got a 6gallon resiovr) and let it sit for a while to kill the badness?

how long should i let it sit before i change the resivior aqua?

or should i just change the res water and then put it in?

thx in advance guys, you all have been really helpful
quotin myself just in case people dont read the first page :p

Weezy F Baby

Active Member
well here i go to try it

im putting 5tablespoons in

wish me luck (hopefully this wont kill the plants)

How long should i wait till i change the res? after adding the peroxide

Weezy F Baby

Active Member
sweet most of the rot is gone. this stuff works wonders

still two roots with some on it but those roots are in the resivor (just above the water)


Well-Known Member
umm i had the same problems do some research before you add the h2o2 that sometime mess up the enzymes in the nutes,by the the way my first attempt with this system i had 6 plants ph will have to be adjusted 2-3 times a day it sucked i ended up tossing all sex plants then tried 5 plants same thing happen,oh the first time i tried the h2o2 it made matters worst even went as far as dipping the roots into a water and h2o2 solution,both times at 2 1/2 weeks into the grow this stuff happened to me the plants wilted a foul smell and a foamy rez with the brown slime and when i firsted noticed it it took 24-48 hours before it took over,now what i did was changed the the res gave them only sensizyme hydroguard and superthrive they was almost 3 weeks old so i put them on 12/12 and in 5-7 days 2 plants was showing there vagina hairs so i tossed the other 3 which one had balls, then i started them back on nutes at a 1/4 strength with the cal-mag,sensizyme hydroguard,liquid karma,and superthrive,imo this system is to small for 6 plants or 5 i'd say no more than 2 it was a nightmare for me but now its a breeze,in fact i ph water when i mix my nutes and dont check it after that.i'm 54 days into flowering here check them out good luck any help i can give let me know oh i used fox farms nutes this time around there 3 pak line and once the roots hit the rez i took the drip feed and pump out
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Well-Known Member
heres a full view of it this only has 2 plants in it i started 12/12 when they was 2 1/2 weeks old from seed
psp 004.JPG

psp 003.JPG

psp 002.JPG

psp 001.JPG
this is why i say no more than 2 plants in this system

Weezy F Baby

Active Member
nice plants

so far the h202 has worked great, almost all plants are root rot free

although now i have a white substance in the rockwool, i think its prolly undissolved nutes from the drip system but who knows

anyone ever heard of soemthing bad coming from nutes on the rockwool ? :P


Well-Known Member
yo man i took it when they hit the water in the rez its cool,not to wish any bad on u bro but my rock wool did the same stuff,h2o2 cleared it for a day or 2 but it came back ten times more than it was before,i had a journal on here and a bunch of threads about what i was goin thru good luck u need help pm peace oh btw thanks the plants are sooooo bomb lookin looks like i dumped sugar on them i wish i had a better camera


Well-Known Member
oh the spots on the leaves wont go away you will have to watch the new growth and make sure they are ok, good luck,what nutes are u using and whats the ph of the rez?