clone help plz

on tuesday i cut clones and used clonex, i know they arent supposed to look like thriving plants after they get cut but they are yellowing, most leaf stems are purple, and just generally look pretty crappy. The 2 say i had a dome on them where the humidity never went under 80% and now it stays above 50% but generally around 70%. any pointers would be appreciated.


Active Member
on tuesday i cut clones and used clonex, i know they arent supposed to look like thriving plants after they get cut but they are yellowing, most leaf stems are purple, and just generally look pretty crappy. The 2 say i had a dome on them where the humidity never went under 80% and now it stays above 50% but generally around 70%. any pointers would be appreciated.
Have you been misting your clones? it is very important for cuttings to be in an almost 100% humidity environment. The plant does not have roots to uptake water so you have to mist with a spray bottle at least twice a day. The yellowing of the leaves is supposed to happen, but not that early and it should only happen at the tips of the leaves. This usually happen 1-2 weeks after cutting and signifies rooting. Also, its a good idea to cut all but one set of fan leaves off the cutting, and cut the leaves left on down to only an inch or so. What kind of light intensity are they under? clones should not be under more than 100 watts flouros. Too much light will cause them to transpire and there isn't a root base to uptake more water so they will whither and die.
Have you been misting your clones? it is very important for cuttings to be in an almost 100% humidity environment. The plant does not have roots to uptake water so you have to mist with a spray bottle at least twice a day. The yellowing of the leaves is supposed to happen, but not that early and it should only happen at the tips of the leaves. This usually happen 1-2 weeks after cutting and signifies rooting. Also, its a good idea to cut all but one set of fan leaves off the cutting, and cut the leaves left on down to only an inch or so. What kind of light intensity are they under? clones should not be under more than 100 watts flouros. Too much light will cause them to transpire and there isn't a root base to uptake more water so they will whither and die.
I mist 3-4 times a day, going through 32oz of ph'd water. and i have a cheap humidifier in the room. ill try cutting the leaves. Thanks
Edit: they are under 2t5s


Active Member
I mist 3-4 times a day, going through 32oz of ph'd water. and i have a cheap humidifier in the room. ill try cutting the leaves. Thanks
Edit: they are under 2t5s

no dome? put a plastic bag over each of the clones to trap humdity. Just having a humdifier in the room might not be enough humidity for them to flourish. 90 - 100% humidity is a must. Also, the roots need to be kept warm, so if you have a heating pad, put it under your tray.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like they may have gotten to cold too, under 72, degrees they can metabolize properly.
What temps have they been experiencing?
Clonex is good stuff, its what I use as my rooting solution as well, along with a thick gell rooting hormone in my aeroponic cloners.


Active Member
should i put them back under the dome? its the only way im going to be able to keep a consistant high humidity
yes, yes yes... keep them in the dome until you see roots popping out of your plug. if you're not using plugs, watch for new growth then take them out a few hours a day at first and gradually take them out completely. +rep if this helps

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
They definitely need to be back in the dome!
Unless they're constantly being supplied water to the cutting base they won't have enough moisture/air to flurish.
no dome? put a plastic bag over each of the clones to trap humdity. Just having a humdifier in the room might not be enough humidity for them to flourish. 90 - 100% humidity is a must. Also, the roots need to be kept warm, so if you have a heating pad, put it under your tray.
i have a dome, i just put it back on. i was told it only needed to be on for 2-3 days

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
I'm sure you'll have good luck. Just keep asking for help, there's lots here for support!
What cloning technique are you using? I can give you a good idea of what your success rate should be.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
clonex is good shit, i swear by it (gotta be careful though people might think i'm trying to sell it, lol).
those jiffy plugs should do alright for you too, just be careful they dont dry out, they have a dendency to do that.
your first time, as long as you stay patient and watchful, without disturbing them too much you should hit about 65-75% success rate. just keep the dome on them until you start to see sprouts.
clonex is good shit, i swear by it (gotta be careful though people might think i'm trying to sell it, lol).
those jiffy plugs should do alright for you too, just be careful they dont dry out, they have a dendency to do that.
your first time, as long as you stay patient and watchful, without disturbing them too much you should hit about 65-75% success rate. just keep the dome on them until you start to see sprouts.
Sounds good, appreciate all the help
12 days... nothing yet, the yellowing has deffinently stopped and theyre are a bunch that still are very green and look good. Guees its just a waiting game now.
when i first cut my clones i forgot to slit the bottom, if i do it now will it help at all?


Well-Known Member
12 days... nothing yet, the yellowing has deffinently stopped and theyre are a bunch that still are very green and look good. Guees its just a waiting game now.
when i first cut my clones i forgot to slit the bottom, if i do it now will it help at all?
my friend never slit the bottom of the stem when he made cuttings and he always succeeded


Active Member
I recently had some mishaps with cloning. But now i finally notcied the problem. HUMIDITY IS MAJOR. Dont let you leaves dry out or humid go down. I killed few clones for leaving the dome opened outside the grow tent for about 1 hr transplanting the clones. Than didnt know why they died. Its the humidity. So keep them humid and mist often. When using rockwool try not to squeeze the rockwool so air escapes and not soaked but saturated.
Hope it helps. I learned alot after killing few clones but now its pretty easy.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry too much about not slitting the bottom.
I used to do it for years, but then stopped because I didn't seam to notice a difference in success.
As long as your using a decent cloning hormone you'll be ok. A good tip I can give is to put a capful of hydrogen peroxide in 2 cups (16 oz's) of water and soak the cloans for 24 hours before planting. What this does is kill any bacteria that would try to harm the exposed tissue, while softening it up as well to produce roots.
Glad to hear things are looking better, I love when being patient actually pays off!