the best designed CFL fixture!


Active Member
Hellbelly: yours looks dangerous.
Yes it does.
Looks can be deceiving. It's been running nonstop 18 hrs a day for 16 months. Believe me I was scared to plug it in at first. I didn't leave it turned on alone for the first week or so. It can crank out almost 400w over an area less than 3 sq ft.
Don't try this at home.


New Member
does anyone know where i can get these 3way bulb fixture? i cant even find them online. is there a real name for them? help!!! i need them asap


Active Member
here is a pic of my set up. its 3x3x5. i have 4 48" 40 watt sunshine cfls, and 6 short cfl's from lowe's. i bought a $13 bathroom fan also and mounted it on the inside, at the top where the air is hottest and 1 90 degree elbow to vent it out. i havent made a carbon filter yet but so far i'm not too worried about the odor b/c it sits inside my shop.

let me know what you guys think:leaf:



Active Member
oh, and one thing, the 48" cfls do not last very long when mounted vertical. i have some in my shop for overhead lighting and they are probably 6 years old and still going. but when mounted vertically they may last a couple months or a couple weeks. but they are 6.98 for a pack of two so no big loss. its worth it to me b/c i didnt want to take up even more space and have to build it over 4' wide.

and thats pineapple express from the tude growing in there. in week 7 of flower.


Active Member
Just use 3 68 watt 6500k cfls and that will do what 8 23w and buy really cheap reflectors and hang from ceiling about $100 bills and 6 plants can veg under change to 2700k or right around there for flower and u will get great results.Good luck bro!


Active Member
8-10 65 watt CFLs
that is with 10 650 watts burnin 1 400 watt mh/hps cost less to run and is cooler than that set up.I use hps for flower and it is alot less on my elec bill and only 1 cord not 8-10 what a mess that is and alot more drag.


New Member
indyman i am currently in my 6th week flowering and am now trying to build my 3rd fucking growbox. this is my first grow so i underestimated the size of these suckers. my plant is doing alright but has been through a lot of stress lately with me moving. can anyone tell me why the leaves are twisting and flipping down on the sides? sorry the pic is sideways dont know how to fix it



Active Member
here is a pic of my set up. its 3x3x5. i have 4 48" 40 watt sunshine cfls, and 6 short cfl's from lowe's. i bought a $13 bathroom fan also and mounted it on the inside, at the top where the air is hottest and 1 90 degree elbow to vent it out. i havent made a carbon filter yet but so far i'm not too worried about the odor b/c it sits inside my shop.

let me know what you guys think:leaf:
nice bro that looks great.


Active Member
indyman i am currently in my 6th week flowering and am now trying to build my 3rd fucking growbox. this is my first grow so i underestimated the size of these suckers. my plant is doing alright but has been through a lot of stress lately with me moving. can anyone tell me why the leaves are twisting and flipping down on the sides? sorry the pic is sideways dont know how to fix it
Yeh they do that shit 6 weeks in that looks close to norm depends on strain some flower early some flower later.if u can get tiger bloom fox farm's about $20 a bottle or bat gauno for $7 what ever u can afford they both work great .jamacian bat g is best for flowering high in pk nutes,feed up till 1 week before u finish and yellowing of leaf is a natural thing, they do this at latter part of flowering.what nutes if any are u using now.


New Member
i have ff TB and BB at half strength of what the websits feeding schedule is and they still get minor nute burn when i feed. i did not give this plant any nutes until 1 week into flowering and thats when i started to see this plant doing weird shit. unless i see any deffencies im not using it any more on this plant. i think the twist might be from the ph in the water. is bottled water ok? or does that have a bad ph? i dont have a ph kit so i cant tell.


New Member
and this plant has only started showing signs of budding for three weeks now but it is 6 weeks flowering. is it just a late bloomer and will it get a lot bigger? as you can see the top cola is not very big at all. will time do its thing? or should i expect a very small yield?

Medical User

Well-Known Member
that is with 10 650 watts burnin 1 400 watt mh/hps cost less to run and is cooler than that set up.I use hps for flower and it is alot less on my elec bill and only 1 cord not 8-10 what a mess that is and alot more drag.
I respect that you use MH (my closet has a 50 watt MH too) and HPS (i switch balasts come flowering time to a 75watt HPS)

However I still only have 1 cord, all my lights (the CFLs) are tied in series to one plug, no overheats, and if a chandelier can hold 8 65 watt CFLs mine can hold 6 42 watt and 2 65 watt.

My set up is light weight, the bulbs weigh more than the holder and was cheap as all heck to make one piece of thin plywood 8 sockets , some nails and a lamp cord took me a whole 20 minutes to wire the thing and plug it in. It hangs from lightweight chain tht allows for height adjustment and the top reflector can be split to allow for the MH or HPS to shine down and penetrate deep to the 4 feet of plant.

Again Props for the 400 watt set up, but the purpose of the thread was to reate the best CFL set up. with 8-10 bulbs and be light weight and height adjustable.


New Member
and this plant has only started showing signs of budding for three weeks now but it is 6 weeks flowering. is it just a late bloomer and will it get a lot bigger? as you can see the top cola is not very big at all. will time do its thing? or should i expect a very small yield?