bud rot... or peng smoke?

now i know the buds are small... first grow ive learnt quite a bit :P

just occurred to me... does this look like bud rot? i am only worried because the humidity has been in the high zone for about a week and now noticed some pretty clingy frosting... its probably a coincidence of the bud maturing but i just got worried!

no yellow leaves on the buds, just curly like they've always been.

Any advice?

also, any estimates to harvest? its supposedly now into week 10 flowering... buds filling out a bit :D (thank fuck)

oh yeah its Super Silver Haze...



Active Member
What are you referring to here as bud rot? I see some premature sativa-like buds with some resin production, looking healthy enough.

10 weeks bloom? Hmm... well, looks like they've got a good bit of plumpin' up to do yet.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised that they haven't filled in with true bud mass at this point. 10 weeks is a long time for a sativa to be in flower.. I think anyways... Aren't sativa's supposed to flower a little more quickly than an indica?

Anyways, I'm afraid that these may never fill in with bud mass. I hope they do, and you did say that they were filling out a little more so fingers crossed.

As for bud rot, I'm not seeing anything like it nor am I exactly sure what you're talking about. they seem to look fine.

One last point: You need to have a small hand held microscope to watch the trichome production to be able to tell when your finished flowering.. They are 12 dollars at any radio shack.

Here's a link to show you what to look for: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/292051-best-way-tell-its-done.html

Good luck.



Active Member
I'm surprised that they haven't filled in with true bud mass at this point. 10 weeks is a long time for a sativa to be in flower.. I think anyways... Aren't sativa's supposed to flower a little more quickly than an indica?

Anyways, I'm afraid that these may never fill in with bud mass. I hope they do, and you did say that they were filling out a little more so fingers crossed.

As for bud rot, I'm not seeing anything like it nor am I exactly sure what you're talking about. they seem to look fine.

One last point: You need to have a small hand held microscope to watch the trichome production to be able to tell when your finished flowering.. They are 12 dollars at any radio shack.

Here's a link to show you what to look for: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/292051-best-way-tell-its-done.html

Good luck.

I think you've got it backwards man.

Indica bloom time is approximately from 6 to 8.5 weeks.

Sativas range from 8/9 to 14 or more weeks in the bloom cycle.