DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

mr west

Well-Known Member
well I dunt work so i dont rally have to get up in de mornings but to have a pee lol and feed the cats lol, they sit by my bed and attack parts of me that be come visable through the duvet lol. Gota love waking up bleeding aint ya lol.


Well-Known Member
Only cat I have is my misses, lol. And I always wake up before her so up to now I have managed to escape the waking up bleeding part, haha. Cat's just done give a f!!
Feeling rather bloated after eating a whole sheep yesterday that was mascerading as a Haggis'. Instant gout!!


Well-Known Member
well I dunt work so i dont rally have to get up in de mornings but to have a pee lol and feed the cats lol, they sit by my bed and attack parts of me that be come visable through the duvet lol. Gota love waking up bleeding aint ya lol.
One of my little buddies gave me a good scratch on the lower lip this morning. They are so cute sleeping all cuddled up, until they had a bad dream or something, throw a hand out with claws blazing. Luckily no blood this time though.

I have had to start wearing shirts to bed becuase a couple of my younger kitties seem to confuse my nipples for moms. THAT is not fun, hahaha.

DST... just staggering with the growth of the plants. That CJ is monster... looks bigger than T & L combined.

Any idea what's going on with the Headband leaves that look like they are curving under. I had some of my Sour Grape leaves do that. I think mine was due to high pH.


Well-Known Member
One of my little buddies gave me a good scratch on the lower lip this morning. They are so cute sleeping all cuddled up, until they had a bad dream or something, throw a hand out with claws blazing. Luckily no blood this time though.

I have had to start wearing shirts to bed becuase a couple of my younger kitties seem to confuse my nipples for moms. THAT is not fun, hahaha.

DST... just staggering with the growth of the plants. That CJ is monster... looks bigger than T & L combined.

Any idea what's going on with the Headband leaves that look like they are curving under. I had some of my Sour Grape leaves do that. I think mine was due to high pH.
Ouch, cats suckling on yer ti....oooh, don't go there, that don't sound good:lol:

The CJ has some growth rate for sure. The other CJ is slowly running out of height, looks like I will need to move it about. I already super croped one of the tops as it was hitting the under side of the shelf!!

Not exactly sure which of the Headbands you mean J? Some of the leaves have twisted a bit (group shot, the greener one top right), but I was putting this down to light positioning. A lot of the plants have leaves growing in funny directions towards the lights.....do you mean sidweays twisting?

Let me know which pic you are talking about...I am going to have to go and look at them in the room now, hahaha :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Let me know which pic you are talking about...I am going to have to go and look at them in the room now, hahaha :bigjoint:
I actually was talking about Mrs. Jones... sorry about that.

I guess it's just twisting of the leaves... but it looked like some of them were doing an underneath taco deal. I think it's just the blades trying to face the light. Sorry to worry you. :-P


Well-Known Member
Ah, now I see what you mean, yes it's the light positioning. It's quite strange the way some of them are growing actually. Some of the fan leaves are sitting normal, some are at 90 degrees to the plant facing direct at the light tower, and some are all over the place. The casey is a real weed, it seems to be taking over!

Hey, no worries, I prefer if someone got a point to bring it up rather than just saying, Nice grow (if you know what I mean) You did have me going for a minute though, off I was trudging through the newly laid snow to the potting room to figure it out....I actually pulled a few Headbands out (don't even know if it was the ones in the pic, lol) I trudged back thinking, Jig has much better eye sight than me, lmao.

Any further fwd with the travel plans? PM me later if you got time bud. Mauy Thai training in 30 minutes....


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming you mean the martial art, not the alcoholic drink.
that's right bru, the martial art. More martial in my case, less art, lol.

muay thai training??? fuckin' awesome dude!!:clap:
Keeps my love handles down to a minimum Doc, lol. Another trait I have picked up from my wife, she use to compete in South Africa, and now she trains me:bigjoint:...well, when she is not working!! I mostly just have a training session that I run through. Got a 180cm boxing bag and all the kit at home which saves flogging my arse down to a gym. And paying the extortionate rates they charge. Most of the clubs here are really focused on the fighting aspect, competitions, etc. But I just want to do it to keep fit (I am to old, to many injuries to compete!);-)

Have a good un guys,



Well-Known Member
ive always wanted to do some martail arts i used to box, but i eventually want to do cage fighting, and mabye start my own fight club, cuz the ufc has to many rules and such things now


Active Member
Im a lover not a fighter lol
aye, ye be with the best of us mr west...

yo D, I'd like to ask your take specifically on the New York 47 so far.
I'd like to know if you think it's worth the buy.... looks rather vigorous
from the photos. And by the way, saw a few mother cali o's in a collective
a few days ago, and they had that lime green tint eerily similar to the lovely
lady growing voraciously in your garden. Basically, guy tending to them
and the rest of the plants said its quite normal for the strain. Not that
you were worrying, thought i'd mention it.



Well-Known Member
ive always wanted to do some martail arts i used to box, but i eventually want to do cage fighting, and mabye start my own fight club, cuz the ufc has to many rules and such things now
Mauy Thai rules, no biting, no headbutting, no kicking in the baws...simple, everything else goes. Arms, elbows, knees, legs, fist, it's all good.
Have any of you ever seen Ong Bak?

Im a lover not a fighter lol
Geez, you do make me giggle!!! lol.

id fight more but i always seem to get hurt...
Haha, I know what you mean, I don't fight anyone that isn't kicking me out of a bar or club:finger: lol.
Seriously, my days of fighting are over, it use to be my drug when I was younger. Walking down the road, gang of your mates, chanting, about to run into another gang, ready for a ruck....one of the best adrenalin rushes I ever had...until you are sitting in a cold police cell with your shoes off (like I am going to hang myself with my laces stoopid!!)

aye, ye be with the best of us mr west...

yo D, I'd like to ask your take specifically on the New York 47 so far.
I'd like to know if you think it's worth the buy.... looks rather vigorous
from the photos. And by the way, saw a few mother cali o's in a collective
a few days ago, and they had that lime green tint eerily similar to the lovely
lady growing voraciously in your garden. Basically, guy tending to them
and the rest of the plants said its quite normal for the strain. Not that
you were worrying, thought i'd mention it.

Firstly, like you said I wasn't worrying too much about the Cali O (but it was on my mind), but seeing that it is something I have never grown, this is a very good bit of news to have, Scotty. I must say, since they have gone into flower they have picked up amazingly in depth of colour as well to the point where I am thinking, I actually quite like these girls.:bigjoint:At first i was a bit pissed and thought that it was due to the scorching they received at birth. But seems to be from what you said, a standard genetic. I actually really liked weed that I have had in the pat that has the distinct limey colour and taste to it, so lets hope that's what I get!!

Okay, now for the NewYork47. Compare it to the Blackjack, there was no stretch at all. The fem seed came up a peach, nice dark green leaves at birth, and then indica style fat baby leaves, developing into what you see now. Even before it was flowering, when I rubbed myself up against it (you know how I like to get my dirty mac on:lol:) the stink is lush. A real earthy smell from the stem. The main stem on it is growing into a fat solid stake and I am expecting it to be a real good one. I would def say go for it Scotty. This is something I already want to grow again, purely because it has been real simple, plug and play type plant. It also showed it's hairs within a couple of days. I am amost wishing I had it in a bigger pot. Here's hoping for that 20% plus THC ride:bigjoint:

Thanks for the visits guys.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
until you are sitting in a cold police cell with your shoes off (like I am going to hang myself with my laces stoopid!!)
They just make us take our laces out of our shoes. Belt too of course. Really glad I wasn't ever wearing my baggy pants.

And I'm with you mr. west. I'm a lover not a fighter. Two big reasons I don't fight. I really don't like getting hurt, and I have a crazy temper that I worry if I did get in a fight I would end up killing the person. I get's mad!!! :cuss:

I think training would be good... teach me some responsibility. I studied Hsing-I for a few months. Really loved it. Just cost too much money for a college student (which I was back then).

About the plants... it's a shame about the boy. He is real good looking. Also love the house plant.

About other plants, do any of you guys know a flower that can grow in my grow space... maybe out of direct light, or in light whatever. Just something that would like the conditions. I really need a legitimate plant growing with the MJ. This growing thing is such a part of my life that I can't keep it secret... but I can't have everybody in existence know I grow pot. I need a cover that I can equally (or at least close to) fall in love with growing. I need pics of my pretty flowers that can be shown to anyone.

ok... sorry for going on forever. thanks for letting me borrow your journal dst, haha.



Well-Known Member
damn.. u gon save some pollen?
Hi T, I was thinking about it, that's why it is sitting with me in my office (keeping me company:lol:) and not in the trash can!!

They just make us take our laces out of our shoes. Belt too of course. Really glad I wasn't ever wearing my baggy pants.

And I'm with you mr. west. I'm a lover not a fighter. Two big reasons I don't fight. I really don't like getting hurt, and I have a crazy temper that I worry if I did get in a fight I would end up killing the person. I get's mad!!! :cuss:

I think training would be good... teach me some responsibility. I studied Hsing-I for a few months. Really loved it. Just cost too much money for a college student (which I was back then).

About the plants... it's a shame about the boy. He is real good looking. Also love the house plant.

About other plants, do any of you guys know a flower that can grow in my grow space... maybe out of direct light, or in light whatever. Just something that would like the conditions. I really need a legitimate plant growing with the MJ. This growing thing is such a part of my life that I can't keep it secret... but I can't have everybody in existence know I grow pot. I need a cover that I can equally (or at least close to) fall in love with growing. I need pics of my pretty flowers that can be shown to anyone.

ok... sorry for going on forever. thanks for letting me borrow your journal dst, haha.

Yeh, belts as well, it's just that my feet would always get cold which is why that sticks in my mind. Nothing beats the cells in Holland though, you even get a cushion (albeit a plastic one!) And they wake you up in the morning with a cup of coffee and a roll up (lucky I was going through a period of smoking ciggies,) in fact it was a very good looking Police woman who opened the door for me on that particular occassion (I thought my luck was in- haha) Nah, she just charged me instead! Doh. The funniest thing I remember (I was still half pissed) was that when they gave me my sheet with a list of my possessions to sign back out, there was one thing on the list that said Wiet. This was when I didn't understand Dutch and asked, what is Wiet? The police man pulled out my bag of grass and said, it's your weed. Which they promptly handed me back.:bigjoint: Oh memories of drunken sillyness.....naturally I was smoking a doobie within a few minutes of leaving the station. It was an hour on the train home so was well needed.

Edit: How about Cactis, Jig. There are so many species out there, and it's also something that people get involved with selling and breeding as well....bonsai (but then you gotta have real patience!!!)


Well-Known Member
It's with a heavy heart that I have to tell you this, but I discovered today that Louise, from the duo Thelma and Louise, is actually a freak. Okay so they came from the same seed, I figured that we could see this ride through, but Louise being the smaller form the start (although she always looked the healthier) and I am not sure if this has stressed her out, as I said before, I grew 2 plants in one pot no problem, and they were OG's as well.

Let me know what you think? It's getty the malky for sure.



Well-Known Member
Mauy Thai rules, no biting, no headbutting, no kicking in the baws...simple, everything else goes. Arms, elbows, knees, legs, fist, it's all good.
Have any of you ever seen Ong Bak?

ya im not down with the biting or kicking in the nuts headbutting i can handle, and no ive never seen ong bak what is it, if its any thing like the bareknuckle fights the ufc used to have before dana white took over than awsome , also sux about the males, i got my new journal up and going thoughu should stop by sometime and check it out:bigjoint: