Club 600


Well-Known Member
May be because it looks so peaceful!! That was one cool part of I am Legend (all in all the film wasn't that brilliant) at the start when you saw the deserted streets, the deer running around...was nice. One thing I hate about this country, it is sooo densely populated!!! Was talking to the wife about a guerilla grow, and she was like, and where you going to find a spot that doesn't get trampled on in Holland? Good point love! We shall see, lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah man the film overall was poor the book is immense really deeply delves into the descent to madness of the dr. worth a go if you get a chance.

shame bout ya boy man looks well structured. if you have space and the inclination the pollen would be handy


Well-Known Member
Hey DST shame about the Mango. I was looking foeward to seeing that one. Are you going to keep it? Its a beautiful plant...


Well-Known Member
yeah man the film overall was poor the book is immense really deeply delves into the descent to madness of the dr. worth a go if you get a chance.

shame bout ya boy man looks well structured. if you have space and the inclination the pollen would be handy
Always the case, Don, books just crap on films in general. Will look into that for sure. Thank.

Was just mentioning to Trynagrowsumshit that he is currently sitting next to me in my office as I am still a'pondering.....

I also have the other Mango, hopefully that's a girl ffs.

Hey DST shame about the Mango. I was looking foeward to seeing that one. Are you going to keep it? Its a beautiful plant...
Thanks SL2, it's a real shame, but like you say a good looking plant so I might just keep it for a while, get some pollen, then do the malky on it.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Don't know if you've seen it before... but there is a trick for only seeding part of a plant. You use a plastic bag and water or something... I can find a link if anyone wants. It's pretty cool... you can just seed a little bud and that's it.

Oh.... also, supreme dissappointment. THe 1500 w I was to pick up turned out to be a 150 w. D'oh!


Well-Known Member
Jigfresh- if you would find the link should be interesting to read.
Well... how is this for more disappointment. The guy who made the post got banned from RIU... and I guess some of his pics got taken down. So of course there are none of the critical pictures of how he did it.

Sorry for the tease.

Also, I'm finally jarring the last of the Casey Jones. The jars are what I already have from her. She's going to fill up 3 large jars and a small jar for sure. Might need a spare.



Well-Known Member

It's with heavy heart that I write this, but it appears that Thelma and Louise, should actually be called Thelma and Louis(e - silent E) since the latter seems to be masquerading as a Hermie. Yup, you heard it correctly. I will get pics, but it looks like I am going to chop her. I am not taking the risk of it messing up my whole gig just to have twins in my grow. I knew it, my ex was a twin (she was fully female i can tell ya, but her brother was a boy) fek.:wall:

Wanna see pics?

EDIT: OK, i am back with some pics, it's not like it is just an isolated one, looks like quite a few on her. It's funny as she started getting frazzled tips on some of the top leaves, one has gone to the extreme of completely frazzling up. But most were okay, but after finding mango boy I was having a close inspection of more of the plants and I came across these bollox:finger: Bah, it has to be chopped. Sorry folks. I have not enlarged the photos, don't want to many herm pics on full display in the thread:lol:



Well-Known Member
Damn DST, that sucks...I had a hermie last grow and thought I could catch the balls and pick them off. Did not work both plants ended up having seeds everywhere. I feel for ya bro...


Well-Known Member
My money plant:
So this was it in March 2006. At my old house - you can almost see the view over Amsterdam in the background.

And this is the same plant it in 2010:

and just so you guys can see, this is the view from my old house. Really miss this view, it was cool. Everyday for a year we took a picture of this view, and then at the end of the year we looked through the pictures as a slide show. Like a time frame camera shot or something. It was amazing to see the seasons change (especially in the park/trees)

DST thanks for the pics. I have seen femailes and males before but not a hermie. Sorry for your loss.

is that a jade plant it lookslike it, also the veiw is awsome man specaily with the city in the very distant with the sun right on it awsome photo man, could be a nice postcard, and yes u can eat the sap its just like honey, the only shitty thing is it attracts ants but all well heres a pic of one flowering its not mine but just to show the awsome flowers, theirs a few differnet colors that can come out so here they are:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
some pics of the trans plant, i really like the sqaure pots i couldve fit 16 plants in a 2 ft wide 2 ft long and 4 ft tall box, heres a few pics head to the new journal for more info on the grow:bigjoint: also the three leafed one is my favorite


Well-Known Member
That is beautiful McP, Is that a Jade plant?
That is beautiful.

DST... sorry about Lewis.

Got the final weigh in..... Mrs. Jones gave up a gram short of 10 oz. Woo Hoo.

That makes over 14 oz. for the grow. Not too shabby for 71,000 lumens.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member

Sorry about louis....but it's best to remove him/her from the hot, horny ladies...the temptation is too great.
Here is a site for grow bags
They say they can ship to A Dam

Don Gin And Ton

The dairy queen is a lovely's at this point that we can see the potential of the plant and to me this is when the growing gets interesting.


Killer yield...great job!!! Since the Cal supreme court threw out limits, can't you grow as much as you want?



Well-Known Member
no its a hoya plant its a vine plant thats from the jungles, its an awsome plant u can eat the sap off of the flowers and its just like honey, i think dst's plant is a jade though but im not sure, and the pics of the hoya flowers are not my plant mine is still small awaiting for its first flower, but thats what it will eventually look lilke:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
DST Sorry to here about your herms man its just very frustrating for sure. Same thing just happened to me only i didnt catch mine and if it wasnt for the the bagseed cross i would have kept them. As a result i killed off everything and gutted the room. gonna do some remodeling anyway and get a sog going.