Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
ok...so I can't NOT take pics :hump::hump:....I just love this :hump::hump:...as always...the full size photos are in my gallery....enjoy....these are now 13 days old from sprout.:mrgreen:

3 BigBud

3 BigBud

3 BigBug

BigBud closeup stem

BigBud closeup stem



Top44 lower fan leaf (>4 1/2")


New Member
The plants sound like they are doing very well tahoe. 1/4 inch think stems at 13 weeks is awesome.

Yes I know what you mean about space. If you don't want them growing too big you need to start either trimming them or bending them etc. or even flowering them I guess.
I've never been that limited so I don't don't know what to say.:-|

I'm looking into lights at the moment.
well another weekend, and some more time to chill and relax. I love my weekends! The plants - they continue along into overdrive. Today is day 13 and the single Top44 is now 6" tall and 13-14" across and has 5 nodes. The 3 BigBud are somewhat smaller (less tall 5" and less broad across 11-12") though not by much, and also have their fifth node. the stems continue to astound me. they are like already a stout 1/4" or 60-70mm thick. the leaves are all very broad and deep green. there are no signs of anyover/under watering, or nute problems, so thing look good.

I have taken IC comments and they have given me concern. I do not want any chance of a fire. I am also becoming increasingly concerned with the lack of stealth with my system. and the CFLs power to properly address the flowering needs. and the space limitations and crowding of the plants and the lights ability to penetrate. and the potential for odours...and I needed to make a decision about what was I going to do. Was I going to continue to do the DIY thing and manage issues as they came aolng or should I make the effort to address these issues, and therefore be free to address the issues of growing the plants in a more appropriate environment. I have reviewed my options, even prior to setting up what I have. Tents, stealth cabs, DIY boxes...etc. I had at one point decided on a particular approach, but though that I would start small, and simple and build it up from there. As the plants have progressed, it has become more apparent that my simple and DIY approach will potentially pose serious limitation and even risks to success. So...what did I do?

Well, I went BIG! Go big or go home...right?! I am going to get what I REALLY wanted to do in the first place, but didn't want to spend the money. I will get it all set up properly and then show some pics. Might arrive Monday, but that's probably optimistic. Once set up, and warmed up, I wil just tansfer my pots/plants. I will be moving to HPS....and this is REALLY exciting!

Now comes decision time again. the plants are adding close to an inch a day. I am already having to think about when to switch to flowering mode. Many have been providing their thoughts and opinions. One aspect is height, some people have said you don't want them more than 10-12" cuz then you will end up with "monstros" that outgrow your available space (about 42" height). There is the consideration that I may want to top them. that still scares me, but only because I have never done it, that's all. And since they are already so stout and bushy, do I really want/need to? then there is the heated debate about "preflowering" before doing the switch, or the "inducement" of flowering. I guess I wil cross that bridge when I get there. maybe topping the plants will allow me to better manage the height and therefore has the time to allow for preflowering to occur before going 12/12.

Anywho....thing are good. I am happy. the plants are happy. now....all I need....is some frickin' smoke to help me chill until this process reaches is objective! :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke:


New Member
OMG Tahoe. they look beautiful!!!:hump::hump::hump: Good job!!!
I'm jealous. :cry:
ok...so I can't NOT take pics :hump::hump:....I just love this :hump::hump:...as always...the full size photos are in my gallery....enjoy....these are now 13 days old from sprout.:mrgreen:

3 BigBud

3 BigBud

3 BigBug

BigBud closeup stem

BigBud closeup stem



Top44 lower fan leaf (>4 1/2")


Well-Known Member
thanks a million Lacy....I am sooooproud. I can't wait to see what happens when I get them in their new home...and flick on that HPS ...... 430W ....53000 lumens...oh yea.....stand back....I'm getting all excited just thinking about it!

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Tahoe! :) HPS:shock::cool:

You almost need to think about a new grow journal...maybe just append 'v2.0' to title :)

Oh boy, I can't wait. Have the lights shown up yet?


Well-Known Member
nope not yet....it might be Monday...but it'll be next week for sure. I will be interested to see what stage the girls (yea they are all girls....how do I know....I just know...hahahahahaha)(okokokok really I am relying upon the power of positive thinking....) will be at. and whether the top44 might be ready to flower in the next week? that would mean that if we are led to believe the factuality of the top44 (44 days to finish) I would have something less than a month (<30days) flowering time to stay within that schedule. Keep walking forward......watch out for potholes!


New Member
Yeah tahoe. I am going that direction also. i'm looking at either a 600 watt or an 800 watt.
htgs high tech gargen supply has great prices tahoe. (either from ebay or their website itself.)
Lots of variety too.

It is very exciting.
thanks a million Lacy....I am sooooproud. I can't wait to see what happens when I get them in their new home...and flick on that HPS ...... 430W ....53000 lumens...oh yea.....stand back....I'm getting all excited just thinking about it!


Well-Known Member
AND the BEST part is if these plants continue to be such awesome performers, I will have the capacity to do proper clones and then get a perpetual grow going.....gosh golly darn...I just can't contain my excitment over this!....I wish I had a frickin toke to settle down a little...I going off the scale and broaching the mentally insane level of happiness.....yikes!

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
wonder how many iterations the breeder of Top44 had to do before it became 'top44'.

Think he started out with like "top136" or something and worked down? 8)


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha...good one....I wonder if there is anyone here that might even know that story....hahahahaha...thats a good one....got me LOL....


Well-Known Member
Hey T.

So what system did you get? or is it a secret..... You can tell me... I wont tell anyone...I promise.HHaaaaaaaaaaaaa-

I keep hearing about how your plant will become a monster if you grow it bigger then 12" in veg. Take a look at my mother BB she is like 6-8 months old and less then 2" she's a bushy bit*h.

Have you thought of use the liedown method? This is how I got my mother-


Well-Known Member
See this is what I'm talking about, now I know when it is you. Nothing like a sexy women in a tit shirt. oops did I say tit.


Well-Known Member
hey Logan....thanks for coming in. Yea I'm gonna make it a surprise......I'm really stoked about it.

I really don't know what the reality is going to be with my plants. they just seem to be doing really well and I will have so height limitations....topping and lst are certainly options.....I'm still somewhat undecided.


Well-Known Member
thanks man...I topped the Top44 last night...and I'm gonna post a couple more shots this AM....Ithanks for your positive comments. I am really pleased....though knowing full well that things can change in a heartbeat...I'll take it for now though.
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