The TGA Growers Club

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Ha ha one thing about being a stoner.... you can look at some pics one day and then look at them a few days later and its like looking at brand new pics. Real nice photos Mared , those are about as good as they get.

You guys sure your on the right track? I always backed off on my N during flowering to help bring out colors in my girls. I do top dress twice during flowering though. First time with worm castings and the bat shit for bloom and second time with just the bat guano.

Who was it again who said "dont be afraid of the fade" lol


Well-Known Member
Ha ha one thing about being a stoner.... you can look at some pics one day and then look at them a few days later and its like looking at brand new pics. Real nice photos Mared , those are about as good as they get.

You guys sure your on the right track? I always backed off on my N during flowering to help bring out colors in my girls. I do top dress twice during flowering though. First time with worm castings and the bat shit for bloom and second time with just the bat guano.

Who was it again who said "dont be afraid of the fade" lol

A plant definitely needs Nitrogen to produce plant matter, whether it is flowering or vegging. Two basic elements involved in the process are Carbon and Nitrogen, but too much N can confuse a plant's hormonal signals or keep it from fully flowering.:leaf::leaf:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member

A plant definitely needs Nitrogen to produce plant matter, whether it is flowering or vegging. Two basic elements involved in the process are Carbon and Nitrogen, but too much N can confuse a plant's hormonal signals or keep it from fully flowering.:leaf::leaf:
Thanks for clearing that up for me lol


Well-Known Member
anybody ever grow or smoke Subcools "The Flav" ?

it just made a comeback and im wondering if i should pick it up or go with Querkle or one of the others that sells out a lot.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Is there anything in the BioCanna (organic) line that does the same thing...maybe Bioboost? Damn that shit's expensive though.
to be honest i would normally give a dose of big bud every say 3 weeks through flowering

im running the normal canna boost instead of the big bud this run using every water as a test run i was going to do a side by side but its going to have to wait.


Well-Known Member
if your careful then u could still use big bud with the canna boost, because the canna boost does not have a EC, it should be compatible with any nutrient line as far as i know.


Well-Known Member
nice bush aagiants! how many weeks in are ya just a couple id wager, should be starting to frost up anytime!

Thanks Don! You called it...just a little over two weeks right now...I should've let them get bigger, i am going to get a 150 or 250 for my clones in veg..Thanks for noticed Don! :joint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
if your careful then u could still use big bud with the canna boost, because the canna boost does not have a EC, it should be compatible with any nutrient line as far as i know.
good to know cheers jberry! im kinda at the limit nute wise A & B + pk+ boost i think adding big bud with all that pk in there anyway might tip the balance with the other stuff if i dropped a few ml of the A & B maybe but i guess that would be replacing it with the same ish ?!!?

Thanks Don! You called it...just a little over two weeks right now...I should've let them get bigger, i am going to get a 150 or 250 for my clones in veg..Thanks for noticed Don! :joint:
for the few $ or £ difference go with the higher, if your talking cfl ?


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics very random pics jillybean, pandoras box and 3rd dimension. Went into flower last night after a 32 hour dark cycle. If youd like to know specific plants just ask!! I can tell you that all the white buckets are jillys and most orange are pandoras, grey is half 3rd dimension and half jillybean. Vegged for 28 days under 1 100w mh and 1 400mh both hortilux bulbs. All are still feeding at 15ml of Nitrogen. Tonight they were fed bloom nutes for the first time.



Well-Known Member
my deep purps are in veg and growing sooo slow its crazy! they are like 6 weeks old and are 4-7 inches tall with like 8-10 nodes... im planning on topping, clonning, and sexing them. at this rate i wont have enough cuttings to fill my flower rooms until 2011 lol.

i may have to just throw them into flower without taking cuttings, smoke it up and choose a new strain?

i knew that it would be slow in veg because erkles are the same way but idk if i can hang... same reason i dont grow erkle or gdp, ect.

my KaBoom's are the sturdiest little sprouts ive ever seen, no elongating, no problems at all, and they look the best so far out of the 10 strains ive started lately, BUT they are still just little seedlings atm.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah man i know how you feel jberry i thought the same way and didnt take cuts vegged for like 7 weeks and ended up with 5ft monsters all said and done, worth it for the primo tasty bud at the end but not very compatible in a multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
sick pics HC!!! love the jilly beans colors, hows the yeild looking?
it also has a ton of leaves in and around the bud, more then average it looks, correct?