FLood and drain questions ???


Well-Known Member
Hey guys im kinda new to the hydro and was needing some good advice and good anwsers.
1. How many times do you flood a day for veg.week 12345678 flowering.
2. How long do you flood Rockwell cubes 6x6?
3.What kinda of timer do i need for the pump?
4. how big of a reservior do i need for a 4'x8'?
5.WHat can i use for a medium while using flood and drain?
6.Can someone give me a list of equitment i will need to purchase? Including parts like timing equitment,pumps and fittings.


Active Member
I do for a 4x8 it will be about 90 gal, i flood for 30 min 2 times a day, i use a stander 30 min on off timer, for a medium you can use coco, rock wool, grow rocks, lots of things. That is a start hope that helps a little.


Well-Known Member
1) I flood three times per day for fifteen minutes - only while lights are on.
2) See #1
3) Any cheap digital timer will work.
4) thirty five, or fourty gallons
5) I use Hydroton in my pots, and in the flood table.


Well-Known Member
1. How many times do you flood a day for veg.week 12345678 flowering.
you should flood 3-4 times a day for about 15 min per flood
2. How long do you flood Rockwell cubes 6x6?
depending if you have other media around your cubes do about 15min of oxygenated solution. (you might have to tweek that, just keep an eye on your plants and go from there
3.What kinda of timer do i need for the pump?
I usoually buy the cheap $7 timers at wallmart and never had a problem
4. how big of a reservior do i need for a 4'x8'?
depends on what you are flooding, i use a 30 gal res
5.WHat can i use for a medium while using flood and drain?
One of the most common is hydroton but it gets pricy
6.Can someone give me a list of equitment i will need to purchase? Including parts like timing equitment,pumps and fittings.
that totally depends on a number of things, you should look up hydro on youtube or flood drain. you should get a good idea


Active Member
1) I flood three times per day for fifteen minutes - only while lights are on.
2) See #1
3) Any cheap digital timer will work.
4) thirty five, or fourty gallons
5) I use Hydroton in my pots, and in the flood table.

35 or 40 gal how many 4x8 tables have you used???????????????


Active Member
you wrote...Hey guys im kinda new to the hydro and was needing some good advice and good anwsers.
1. How many times do you flood a day for veg.week 12345678 flowering.
2. How long do you flood Rockwell cubes 6x6?
3.What kinda of timer do i need for the pump?
4. how big of a reservior do i need for a 4'x8'?
5.WHat can i use for a medium while using flood and drain?
6.Can someone give me a list of equitment i will need to purchase? Including parts like timing equitment,pumps and fittings.

1. How many times do you flood a day for veg.week 12345678 flowering. ....... every 3-4 hours for twenty minutes on ....
2. How long do you flood Rockwell cubes 6x6? ....... i dont know for rockwool i used hydroton
3.What kinda of timer do i need for the pump? ........the kynd that will let you select 10 minute intervals or a digital one
4. how big of a reservior do i need for a 4'x8'? ........at least 70 gallons but you should really have a 100 gallon res.
5.WHat can i use for a medium while using flood and drain? .........you need to read up on ebb and flood there are several mediums available... i like hydroton . its
6.Can someone give me a list of equitment i will need to purchase? Including parts like timing equitment,pumps and fittings. ...... again you need to read up on hydroponics...

but basically for 1 4x8

you will need a good pump .
a 100 gallon res.
air pump and stone heavy duty not aquarium
a small pump to recircualte the water and warm up the res.
ph meter ppm

plus buckets etc etc etc .. this is way way to broad a question....

Read up on hydro come back with a more refined question.

good luck..


Well-Known Member

What is your point?

If the table had no plants, pots or grow medium it would take less than 10 gallons to fill.

35 or 40 gallons is more than adequate for one 4x8 flood table.


Well-Known Member

What is your point?

If the table had no plants, pots or grow medium it would take less than 10 gallons to fill.

35 or 40 gallons is more than adequate for one 4x8 flood table.
well i think that would be good for one time . The level will drop when the plants get thirsty. Do you want to fill it up everyday? that where the 100 gallon will come in hand because you wont have to top it off so often


Well-Known Member

You don't have to add every day - you just monitor and add when needed, and with a 100 gallon res you waste 100 gallons of nutes every time you do a change.

I would rather add, and adjust my nutes to proper levels than waste over twice the water/nutes on each water change.


Well-Known Member

You don't have to add every day - you just monitor and add when needed, and with a 100 gallon res you waste 100 gallons of nutes every time you do a change.

I would rather add, and adjust my nutes to proper levels than waste over twice the water/nutes on each water change.
I think less work is better. The more gallon res is less work. Im lazy. I think the 100 gal is better for a 4x8. or for at least two tables


Well-Known Member
You still have to check your PH and TDS levels and adjust them between water changes so your point makes no sense.

When you start paying for, and then dumping a hundred gallons of nutes every two weeks you might change your mind.


Well-Known Member
You still have to check your PH and TDS levels and adjust them between water changes so your point makes no sense.

When you start paying for, and then dumping a hundred gallons of nutes every two weeks you might change your mind.
yea well when your paying 200 bucks for a three set of GH 20litres. 200 bucks for less work and lots of buds? who cares. what is 200 bucks? you will get that in popcorn buds. when you have 6 tables how can i maintain all of them every single day. Maybe if i had one table i was around all day it would be good to have a 40 gallon.. but once a week is good for me.


Active Member

What is your point?

If the table had no plants, pots or grow medium it would take less than 10 gallons to fill.

35 or 40 gallons is more than adequate for one 4x8 flood table.
Ok you dont no what you are talking about do the math ok here i will help you so you dont fill do stuped ok. less than 10 gal to flood a 4x8 x6in table, 92inx48inx6in=26496 ok now devide 26496 divide by 231, that is cubic in per gal and it ends up being 114 to flood the whole tray so about 90 gal to flood it with 6x6 cubes. DON'T POST IF YOU DON'T NO.:clap:


Well-Known Member
Ok you dont no what you are talking about do the math ok here i will help you so you dont fill do stuped ok. less than 10 gal to flood a 4x8 x6in table, 92inx48inx6in=26496 ok now devide 26496 divide by 231, that is cubic in per gal and it ends up being 114 to flood the whole tray so about 90 gal to flood it with 6x6 cubes. DON'T POST IF YOU DON'T NO.:clap:
I knew he was bluffing. so many people just say what they think is right and now what is right. thank you


Well-Known Member
I like BIG res.....

100 gallon res filled to 80 gallons feeds my two 3x3 trays.. FOR TWO WEEKS.. nothing needed....

4 trays ,2 resevoirs.... 4x 600 HPS...

No top off... no extreme pH and PPM fluctuations... no temp swings....

How often you water will depend... straight hydroton can tolerate multiple floods a day...

Mediums that hold a lot of water (like RockWool) cannot be flooded as often... not without issues...

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I'd say your res. size would be based on how deep your bed is and how deep you flood your pots....how many times a day depends on how quick your medium is dry'n out....you can grow with the clay pebbles ( hydroton), high silica rocks, perlite ( large chuncky perfered), exc...I'd suggest getting digital times, there just more accurate, and most have a back up battery in them that will keep time if you were to lose electric for any period of time. Get small pumps, the larger ones are usually an overkill....b sure to have a dark res., light brings on problems in there. Get alot of bubble stones for your res., the more the better.


Well-Known Member
You still have to check your PH and TDS levels and adjust them between water changes so your point makes no sense.
I check my 100 gallon res everyday... but I never have to correct anything...

MAYBE a little pH down at day 12... but even then my pH is ALWAYS within range...

No topping off either...

I can actually LEAVE MY OP (and I have) for 2 weeks... and barring equipment failure... everything works like it should...

When you start paying for, and then dumping a hundred gallons of nutes every two weeks you might change your mind.
I use 60 bucks a month in my flower room... and I get 2 pounds a month... sorry I will not change my mind...lol...:razz: