Coffee as a fertiliser?


Sup folks, just wondering what would happen if I was to add instant coffee powder to my crops to act as a fertilizer, as I have heard caffeine can help stimulate plant growth? I could be wrong... so what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Used coffee grounds can be used as a fert but not instant coffee and plants don't like cafiene

you can google it there is lots of info


Well-Known Member
When I make a potting soil mix, I add the free grounds from Starbucks. Plants like the nitrogen in coffee grounds, not the caffeine. Grounds are about 2% nitrogen by volume. They are pretty close to a neutral ph, as well. I add a few cups to my large tomato planters outside, and about a cup to smaller planters. Make sure not to glob big piles of it anywhere, though. If it isn't spread out and dug in, it'll grow mold.

Btw, it makes great worm food if you decide to start a worm farm. I add my coffee pods from our machine every day, and they love it.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can use coffee, its great for plants but it IS NOT ph neutral, it is highly acidic, and this is used coffee grounds. It is a nute, it contains nitrogen, it is KISS.