Third grow/ unknown strains


Well-Known Member
Ok i decided to start my third journal so i can keep track of age so after this post i probably wont post for a few weeks, i dont know yet. i got some seeds from a buddy he said they were from some dank from last year and also their was some whitberry in the mix but cant tell strains by seeds, so their all unknown to me,

so i germed 15 seeds all of wich germinated and planted them in jiffy pellets, 8 of them have already popped up, their in a veg box its 2 feet wide by 2 feet long and is about 4 ft deep, i also have a cuuting in their that i took today from my ak47 x powerplant, hopefully it roots, their vegging under a 200 watt cfl and will flower under 600 watt hps when the time is here, i have no clue as to wich soil i will be trans planting these into, but out of all the soils i have tried i like black gold, so i will most likely use that, i also wanted to try a few plant with the hempy buckets but dont know for sure if i am, i dont really have enough cash to invest in growing, so im tryin to keep this cheap. here somepics

comments and advice are always welcome to.:bigjoint:
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so i fixed the air intake so i dont have to leave that small door open on the veg box, i put a fan in the small box wich has ducting leading into the veg box for cool air and the heat exits on the top on the otherside and it works great:bigjoint:


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ok today i took some pics of the babies, all but one have came up and that one will pop eventualy, some look indica dom, and some look sativa dom, i really dont care for growin sativas though, also my cut im tryin to clone is still alive but a bit yellow. also i got 2 new clones im not sure on strain or age so im startin day 1 for the clones, they seem to have a deficincy or nute burn, im growin 1 for another patient and the other is mine i will label them later to let u know what one is mine, also the cups their in say plo i dont know what it stands for but i know their from a dispenserie type place, also im doin one seedling from 12/12 from seed just to see what its like, i will be doin to plants the hempy way to to see how that is. heres the pics oh and also i have a three leafer theirs a pic to show:bigjoint:



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ok i am gonna trans plant tonight cu the roots on the seedlings are poppin out of the jiffy pellet, this pic is a seedling im doin a 12/12 0n just to see what happens, also i want to do a few hempy style so if anyone has advice on hempy please give it to me i will post pics of the before and after transplant and what soil and stuff i will be usin.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Ok, so first off, that 3 leaf plant was bad ass! I've never seen anything like that! AWESOME! This is looking to become a really nice grow! You've got alot of little plants goin, hopefully most of the turn out to be girls! I'm excited to see what happens come flower! How long are you planning on vegging for?

I have actually been really interested in growing Hempy style! It looks WAY legit man! I'm glad that you've decided to do that! I'll be watching along closely! I wanna try hempy, don't know alot about it tho, so maybe I'll learn some shit watching you do it! + rep, the shit's looking good!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so first off, that 3 leaf plant was bad ass! I've never seen anything like that! AWESOME! This is looking to become a really nice grow! You've got alot of little plants goin, hopefully most of the turn out to be girls! I'm excited to see what happens come flower! How long are you planning on vegging for?

I have actually been really interested in growing Hempy style! It looks WAY legit man! I'm glad that you've decided to do that! I'll be watching along closely! I wanna try hempy, don't know alot about it tho, so maybe I'll learn some shit watching you do it! + rep, the shit's looking good!
thanks, i dont no to much about hempy either but it seams really easy, i got some pics up here soon:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok the seedlings were 4 days old and roots were showin through, i also transplanted the clones. the clones and 8 seedlings are in black gold coco mix, and perlite. and then 2 seedlings that i am doin hempy style. i ended up throwin 3 away just because. now the three leafed seedling is my favorite but not cuz its the fastest or best growing but because ive grown plants that were just like this and they seemed to have triple nodes but it was male so i didnt flower it hopefully this one will be female. the little pellets are mycorrhiznal, pellets u just place in your soil and water and they dissovle, and their cheap. got some pics of them in their new homes for now, i dont know how long im vegging the clones nor the seedlings for but the clones will have a shorter veg time do to the fact they are like ten times as big already, well heres the pics:bigjoint: any advice or comments are always welcome:leaf:



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ok got some pics of the seedlings and the clones, seed i numberd the seeds 1-8 pics are in order, and clones 1 and 2 both a side shot and top veiw of the clones, and my hempy seeds, and the 12/12 seed seems to be growing really fast. i am planning on topping the clones here in the next few days, well heres the pics tell me what u think and also any advice or comments are always welcome:weed:



Well-Known Member
Hey bro! THings are looking good! Those clones look really really nice! That's sweet that you got your hands on em! And god dude, I want a 3 leaf sprout! That shit is fuckin sick! I'm hoping it turns out to be a she!
Those hempy's look dope too! I'm thinkin bout tryin it. If it grows I just might have to! lol


Well-Known Member
thanks, ya the clones are startin to look better now, and i to hope the 3 leafer is a she i grew 2 just like this awhile back and both were male i read somwher that they usally end up male but mabye ii will get lucky, and the hempy is easy and cheap, just have to remeber to water every day, and the hempy ones are growing slower right now because the roots havent hit the res yet once they do it will take off, thanks for stoppin by and checkin them out, i recomend the hempy already though just do a few hempy way though and still have some in soil that way is somehow u do mess up the hempy u still got the soil plants


Well-Known Member
so i decided to top the two clones today i didnt just throw the tops away i am tring to clone them ive tried cloning like 50 times and every time is a fail so i hope these root, their in jiffey pellets, they were woaked with superthrive, and some floranova bloom. also used some root powder, thier in bottles with clear rap on top for humidity, here some before and after pics of them also i noticed the leafs on these clones are really thick almost like rubbery but they smell way good, to bad i dont know the strain, ive been trin to think of a name for them any help would be cool, well here they are:weed:



Well-Known Member
dude sweet! I really hope those clones root for you! So did you soak then in straight superthrive? Or was it deluted with water or what? Just cuirious. I'm getting a few new clones next weekend, and am going to try and clone them. I've read a shit tone, and also think that using superthrive is a good idea. It may be tough since they're top's tho, just because I hear that the lower down on the plant you take the clone from, the easier it is to root. I really hope yours roots! That would be awesome! I've tried cloning 4 times..... They've all died, I still have one that doesn't look dead tho, I'm wondering if it's rooting, it's been about 3 weeks now since I cut it.... So I dunno... lol


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i added 1 drop of superthrive to 1 gallon of water, and also .5 ml of the floranova, my buddy at the hydro shop says its good to use a lil bit of flower nutes for clones cuz its high in phosphorus, and im sure it will be tough specialy since the plants i took them from arent to old themselfs, but i have a good feeling abou my cuttings, also what did u put ur cuttings in soil, or peat pellets or somtin else


Well-Known Member
ok got some more pics and a few questions, the seedlings are growing quick, i think i overwatered though when i first put them in their pots cuz the soil is still wet, my question is whe should i start to feed the seedlings, the clones ar edoin goodtopping them didnt seem to stop growth at all, the only thing abou the clones are the roots can be seen at the bottom already, is that a prob. my cuts i took are still green so thats good, i can see roots about half way down on the hempies, also the small plant in the pill container is a hempy to im just seein how long it will live in their, it is also cool to see the roots, and a pic of the seedling in 12/12, oh and when should i start to feed the clones to:weed:



Well-Known Member
dude that's sweet! That 3 leaft plant is SO dope! I want one! haha, I like what your tryin with the pill bottle! that's pretty cool! I wanna see what happens


Well-Known Member
thanks , and the pill bottle is just to see how long it can live in their, if i can tell sex when its to rootbound, i will keep it but if not i will just toss after it stops growing and dies off,


Well-Known Member
ok today i waterd the clones with 1/2 tsp, of growbig, i seem to have root probs though every grow, i transplanted my clones about 6 days ago froma small styrofoam cup, to a bigger pot and i can already see the roots comin out the bottom again, is that fine and normal, jorge ceventes guide isnt really true for the amount of time a plant can be ina certain sized pot, also when u guys think i should throw them into flower. also i decide to name the clones luckycharms, cuz i got lucky on getting them, and have only been doing good with them. i know their the same strain cuz they both have dark as purple stems, same leaf serations, thickness, texture, size and smell wich is oh so sweet already, i also waterd the hempies today with 1/4 tsp of grow big, along with the pill bottle hempy so well se how they like that. my cuts i took are still very healthy lookin to, i have a good feeling about them, also the seedlings are growing so fuckin quick every day i will post pics in a few days so u can see how much they grew from the last pics:bigjoint:

Also any info, help, comments or advice is always welcome peace:-P