Third grow/ unknown strains

thanks bro ya a lil late though, its been about 2 months since i had a plant i was growing, i unfortanutly had to let someone grow my wed for the summer, cuz i dont have the property to do so. and the smoke was better then it looked and smelt, got one ounce shy of a half pound, its all gone now though. it was a very narcotic high

Yeah I read about the lack of property, man I could use a narcotic high right about now...I'm starting to grow tired of the indica high! haha

i like the indica highs cuz they are better for pain and to help me sleep, but i know what u mean of gettin tired of it, sounds like u need some more sative strains. i use the term narcotic high as meaning like a couch lock layzeness and cant feel your body type of high it was very nice. i am definalty gonna be gettin some shishkaberry next grow
i like the indica highs cuz they are better for pain and to help me sleep, but i know what u mean of gettin tired of it, sounds like u need some more sative strains. i use the term narcotic high as meaning like a couch lock layzeness and cant feel your body type of high it was very nice. i am definalty gonna be gettin some shishkaberry next grow
OH, my definition of narcotic high would be more of an "up-lifting" high, like the type a Sativa can give you...well I have been lookin' into some Super Lemon Haze...some people claim it to be the best...

OH, my definition of narcotic high would be more of an "up-lifting" high, like the type a Sativa can give you...well I have been lookin' into some Super Lemon Haze...some people claim it to be the best...


i guess we think complete oppisite, but thats ok theri are narcotics that do give you an up lifting high and some that are complete downers. mabye ill stick to the term couch lock high instead now so i dont confuse people. and i also hear nothin but good reports of the SLH. i just got a ounce of lemon skunk and i got about 15 seeds out of it so im stoked, when i grow again, it will be my first sativa dominate grow.
Hey mcpurple ... GRAB THE SHISHKABERRY ... I was just reading about it in the Good Bud Guide by Albie. It looks and sounds like a tasty strain.
ok. i came out with 7 ozs dry from my 2 plants. here is a few pics of a dyed bud. the smell is becoming less skittley as it cures and is turning more into of a strabery and black berry jam smell, still very smelly and nothin like weed. i love this shit, and my new grower also has the strain so i am excited. also my mother came by the other day with some fireworks, and not the little ones. she got them in nevada cuz these kind are illegal here so i got to wait till the fourth AND GO OUT OF THE CITY TO LITES THESE. they are black cat rockets #4, and a morter. check the pics out.

looks a little like my mango kush.
i like the indica highs cuz they are better for pain and to help me sleep, but i know what u mean of gettin tired of it, sounds like u need some more sative strains. i use the term narcotic high as meaning like a couch lock layzeness and cant feel your body type of high it was very nice. i am definalty gonna be gettin some shishkaberry next grow

To me there is nothing like smoking a good sativa all day then hitting a nice big bowl of some good indica right before bed :D

I want to check out that Shishkaberry, my friend tried it and said good things about it
To me there is nothing like smoking a good sativa all day then hitting a nice big bowl of some good indica right before bed :D

I want to check out that Shishkaberry, my friend tried it and said good things about it

ya sativas are great for the day, i could never really get my hands on sativa strains or buds though. and you really should try to get the shihskaberry it is hard to find but once you have it you will want to keep it. it has a wonderful smell, taste and look.