1st attempt: Master Kush/Snow White/Aurora Indica


Well-Known Member
My fellow herbaholics-

Attempting my 1st soil grow, germinated all 3 using paper towel method. Master Kush poped first overnight while the Snow White and Aurora Indica took well over 48 hours to crack. Took some interesting pics of the seeds still attached, enjoy!

First 2 pic is the snow white, 2 after that is the master kush, and last 2 is the aurora indica



Well-Known Member
here's a quick description about my setup-

Lighting- currently using (2)23 watt CFL 6500K for about a week. Will be adding 4 more 23 watt (2 6500K and 2 2700K) and (4) 14 watt 6500K for veg. For flower, ill be using a sun systems 150 watt HPS and plan to maybe leave the (4) 14 watt daylight.

Soil-using fox farm ocean forest with 30% perlite

Nutes-Jack's Classic 20-20-20 and bloom for flower

I think thats about it, im gonna hold off on adding any nutes till about 2 weeks or so. Im paranoid of burning them! Let me know what you guys think


Well-Known Member
7 days exactly today on the MK, the AI and SW are 2 days behind. Can't believe how long its taking for the SW to shed its seed. Also just to note, all 3 of these are regular seeds, I was too cheap to buy the feminized so instead got 2 each of all three haha. Also added 4 more 23K watt, got 6 on there now total. I think im gonna leave this setup for another week or two until I finish my cabinet for flowering. Oh, also got a shitload of "Mango" seeds from a friend of a friend so I have no idea of the strain or anything but started germinating a few!

First 2 is the MK, next 2 AI, then SW



Well-Known Member
Sup everyone and thanks for following along! Here's a quick update-Day 10 on the MK and the AI and SW are 2 days behind. Everything is coming along well, the MK is growing super fast, just hoping its not a male! The SW still is struggling to shed its seed but its growing.

Also, both of the so-called mango broke soil today.

First pic is the MK, then AI, SW, and mango.



Well-Known Member
nice...lol im starting to see more and more of these party cup grows!
oh yah, def props to SICC for this trend!

So this morning I looked below my cups and I see roots already coming out of the drainage hole! I was hoping to go 2 weeks before transplanting them to their permanent homes but seems to not be the case so I transplanted all 3 of them today. Also added (2) 14 watt 6500K and (1) 23 watt 2700K as well. Im gonna wait 1 more week to start adding the nutes, since I just transplanted them. Ill be adding more pics this weekend


Well-Known Member
How big are your drainage holes? i have yet to get any roots to come out the bottom, i just hope it stay's that way haha


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3713973]How big are your drainage holes? i have yet to get any roots to come out the bottom, i just hope it stay's that way haha[/QUOTE]

not big at all, i used a finishing nail and made 5 holes. the roots were about a half inch or so maybe, not a lot, but def. out of the cup.


Well-Known Member
lol right after i commented here i checc'd my babies one of then had a lil root poking out, i let them dry out longer then normal, so i think thats why, when the soil is dry they will dig for more water, my theory is if you keep them constantly watered, then the roots dont need to search for more, im unemployed so i have the time to water every 4-5 hours so i think thats why i had yet to see it, well until earlier :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3715293]lol right after i commented here i checc'd my babies one of then had a lil root poking out, i let them dry out longer then normal, so i think thats why, when the soil is dry they will dig for more water, my theory is if you keep them constantly watered, then the roots dont need to search for more, im unemployed so i have the time to water every 4-5 hours so i think thats why i had yet to see it, well until earlier :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

oh shit man, sorry to hear they're poking out! are you planning to transplant them?


Well-Known Member
alright everyone here's week 2 update-

So I transplanted all 3 of my plants 3 days ago and they all bounced back great! The MK is doing great, already on the 5th node and lots of internodes already visible. The AI is catching up to the MK. As for the SW, it FINALLY shed its seed! Still looks all fucked up with the twisted leaves...As for the mango seeds, both are doing great, didn't get any stretch at all so im just hoping they make it out of those cups! One of them looks like a mutant, has 3 leaves (check out the pic). Since I have a shitload of these seeds (counted over 40) Im gonna use these two as "experiments" and try doing some LST on them. Also plan to start the nutes at 1 week.

As a side note, also added (2) 27 watt 6500K for both the mango and also added a cool mist humidifier. This humidifier I got creates a ton of mist, i wonder if this is safe for the plants? Anyways, enjoy the pics!

First 3 is the MK, next 2 is the AI, then the SW, and mango.

