Does 1.7 g shrooms make u visualize stuff


Active Member
i ate some blue caps 1.7 on new years and that shit had me mushed a little i wasnt like full out trippin but i felt coo i would have to say yeah a little but only if you dont do mushrooms very often, and also it probably depends on your body size and type of cap.


Active Member
Ya I did 3,5 last weekend
My cousin and I split a half zip and went fuggin looney toons. Had a gawd dayum epiphany. Started a gardening business on an idea I had whilst fryin, mushie style.

Don't doubt the power of the mushies!
They are potent and bring many flavors of the nether realms to your mind. The dust of the ancients is the fungus you enjoy. The spores from space tell many tales.....


Well-Known Member
god damn!? why is it that everyone else trips balls of like an eigth or a gram when i eat 8 grams of good caps and just get the giggles for an hour?
salvia is the only thing thats made me trip
god damn!? why is it that everyone else trips balls of like an eigth or a gram when i eat 8 grams of good caps and just get the giggles for an hour?
salvia is the only thing thats made me trip
:ocause your eatin them sihitake shrooms... jk thats shitty dude, did you fast for a day and have some oj with the ingestion??


Well-Known Member
1.7 could cause some visual disturbances but not on a grand scale like a standard 8th would provide!

1.7 would definitely bring on an enjoyable body high with a slight psychedelic state of mind...

The strain of the mushroom as well as your body type plays a big roll on the magnitude of the trip..


Active Member
A couple of things to remember with mushies:

If you eat, the high goes away. Any radical change in your blood sugar with kill the silly in your blood. I usually eat myself retarded a couple hours before so i won't get hungry. I trip for HOURS. Also, if you take em with chocolate, to cover the shit taste, it helps. There's something in chocolate that acts as an uptake catalyst. I trip a little better when I eat em with chocolate.

The same works w/ LSD. If you start having a bad trip drink some milk, eat cheese, have a bowl of cereal, dairy seems to be Acid's kryptonite.

Your state of mind and environment are all factors as well. If I'm not somewhere comfortable the trip usually isn't as good. At home or at my neighbors I do fuckin awesome. \
And mushrooms are best taken in the day time in nature, a park, beach, forrest, whatever. Something about the mushrooms makes plants, animals, trees, birds, sooooo much more trippy.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the genetics. The hardest I've ever tripped off of mushrooms was off of 1.6 grams or so. I should also add I've done mushrooms a shit ton prior to that trip so it wasn't my first time doing it. In general though 1.5 to 1.7 will let you break on through to the other side, but it won't be a super crazy trip like taking 6 grams or more. 90% of the time with me though the trip isn't more intense it's duration of intensity increases with dosage. What I mean is you're peaking for a longer time the more you take.


Well-Known Member
i made a tea, and ate the nasty leftover mushie teabag and i just got the giggles for an hour, and laughed my ass of at jackass 2 cuz i hadnt seen it before. fml


Well-Known Member
1.7 for the average shroom is enough to cause, as someone said before, visual disturbances, and IMO maybe some chromatic aberrations. ~1.5 is usually a good amount to do preliminary testing with.


Well-Known Member
A couple of things to remember with mushies:

If you eat, the high goes away. Any radical change in your blood sugar with kill the silly in your blood. I usually eat myself retarded a couple hours before so i won't get hungry. I trip for HOURS. Also, if you take em with chocolate, to cover the shit taste, it helps. There's something in chocolate that acts as an uptake catalyst. I trip a little better when I eat em with chocolate.

The same works w/ LSD. If you start having a bad trip drink some milk, eat cheese, have a bowl of cereal, dairy seems to be Acid's kryptonite.

Your state of mind and environment are all factors as well. If I'm not somewhere comfortable the trip usually isn't as good. At home or at my neighbors I do fuckin awesome. \
And mushrooms are best taken in the day time in nature, a park, beach, forrest, whatever. Something about the mushrooms makes plants, animals, trees, birds, sooooo much more trippy.
Some good pointers...

But uhhh radical change to your blood sugar will kill the silly in your blood?

I just chuckled a few times when I saw that and was like yeah your right ;)

But its like anything you eat before consuming some kind of regimen, vitamin, or narcotic especially if it is nuerontransmitter dependent will effect the rate/ absorption barrier... causing less of the chemical to be absorbed into the blood stream!