Please help a Newbie!!!


OK, here is my plant. She (I hope) is about 9 days old since sprouting. She is only about 2 inches tall. The bottom fan leaf is has a yellow spec. Does it seem small? Maybe needs some N? I appreciate any feedback.



Well-Known Member
I don want to give you a bum steer but i think it highly unlikely thats its deficiency in N. The seedlings are so small that soil should have everything they need for quite a while. I cant see the spot you talk of though. Are you just giving water? Also what type of soil is it as i hear some can be quite full of fertilizer already and a little overwhelming for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Looks like MG to me if it is it's not the best for seedlings they will get burnt i use MG it's a pain if you can get something else do it if you can't your fine someone told me a while back just grab some dirt from your yard to start them if your gonna use mg soil then transplant or just let them go in mg i did went just fine some burn but she done fine let us know what your useing for more help


WAYYY too small to give it nutes man. It looks fine and like its growing great for only 9 days. I cant see any spot either except the little baby leaf that's yellowing but that's totally normal


Well-Known Member
That plant is still too small for nutes. It looks good to me. I would wait another week or two then give then 1/4-1/2 strength nutes. I wait till beginning of week 3 then 1/4 strength nutes, then slowly work my way up. I always mix nutes weaker than recommendation on label. good luck!


Active Member
OK, here is my plant. She (I hope) is about 9 days old since sprouting. She is only about 2 inches tall. The bottom fan leaf is has a yellow spec. Does it seem small? Maybe needs some N? I appreciate any feedback.
Relax newbie just dont over water and u are just fine i sprout my plants in mg and it works fine i just give soil a good water before i plant and i have no prob,then after 2 weeks or so i trans plant into fox farm ocean forest and i feed with big bloom for veg after 30 days and tiger bloom i start to add when i flower and i do this ever other water or so till 1 week before harv and i stop nutes and if u follow u will to have a great harvest,good luck bro!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
i put one in dirt out of my front yard without germinateing and put it ontop of my entertainment center and it grew about 6 inches then i bought lights and it ended up being a female in the end so i wouldn't worry about anything right now to early


Thanx for all the help, and yes I am using MG soil. Wish I would have known before hand. This is my first grow and I'm trying to get it right the first time.