Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
wassup gang! :mrgreen:

first of all, no wild deer or rabbit running around here, chitown. we do got alot of mongoose though.. and rats. also ant's have been killin' us too.

hey cph, we harvested that plant and a few others last night. kkday and I needed some help cause there was so much to trim, *thx aunty lehua, you awesome!!* :D

other than that, things are going pretty good right now. still have yet to check the one grow where the hunters are roaming. hopefully things are still good at that site. the plants are probably dying of thirst right now. kkday and I have been meaning to check on that grow, but our schedules been conflicting lately so we just haven't had an opportunity to check it out. hopefully sometime this week....

once again, thx for interest and all the kind words gang, you guys are awesome!! you guys support is very much appreciated:leaf:thank you


Well-Known Member
It's always nice to have so much you need help!! Keep fighting the fight!!

When was the last time you saw how my PJ was doing? ;)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
It's been awhile:oops: sorry man! this past 2 months been so hectic, I have been putting alot of my subscribed threads on the back shelf. but I do remember the PJ, can't forget that:D everytime I think of the PJ, I always think of Adrian Peterson! :lol: and I was soo bummed when the saints beat them:( but I'm gonna drop into your thread right now. curious to see how it's going, it's been awhile! and if you want CPH, drop a few peek-a-boo shots. we love pics!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
No worries! I'm guilty of not always posting myself. Just feel like lurking sometimes. Plus your garden gets pretty busy some times, it's hard to keep up!

That game had me on the edge of my seat!! With all the turn overs that game would have been 56 to 28, and Brett would finally get another ring and retire. LOL

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
damn bro, your PJ is the shit!! some killer frost on those puppies!! awesome!! I'm gonna steal one of your pics and post it in here, it's that awesome:D

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i,ve got to get some outdoor grows going i've got a bunch of seeds that need to find there way into some tree lines this spring


Well-Known Member
kkday, the man of few words...but always pertinent ones^^^

fek me cph, thems some lovely looking plants dude....thanks to Dr for sharing them. Will drop by to see more me thinks.


Well-Known Member
This thread sucks! Unsubscribed!!!! lol.
Now those are not pertinent word kkday, lol
Okay, here some of the latest pics from my side of the world.

These are at 19 days 12/12. This is one of my Headband heads (say that 20 times in a row..wtf)

And this is some Casey Jones

Hope you enjoy the pics guys. Happy weekend Dr G and you Hawaiian peeps of the sunny place (woke up this morning to a fresh batch of snow:shock:)

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Damn I love this grow thread, plants are looking awesome dr.gh. I might be bringing back some herijuana seeds from AZ for the summer time, gonna see how they fair outdoors in HI. killer smoke.

haha as far as an update on my plants, I convinced my little brother to walk up there an pull the males, im just hoping he doesnt think he see's balls on a perfectly good female!
cant wait to get back for spring.


Well-Known Member
very nice dr.what strains were them plants there. looks sweat, went throw some of this 444 pg dam dude. any way very nice

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
What up cutman, thx for dropping by! The latest pics are mango, strawberry cough, and haleys comet. Stick around dude, gonna do some updates later this week sometime. Thx again for the kind wordz:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Now those are not pertinent word kkday, lol
Okay, here some of the latest pics from my side of the world.

These are at 19 days 12/12. This is one of my Headband heads (say that 20 times in a row..wtf)

And this is some Casey Jones

Hope you enjoy the pics guys. Happy weekend Dr G and you Hawaiian peeps of the sunny place (woke up this morning to a fresh batch of snow:shock:)

Peace, DST
THat is a sick ass vert! :clap:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
what up gang, just a little update....:leaf:

the moon was out so kkday and I took advantage of it and hiked in a bunch of good sized afghan x kush clones that aint clones no more!lol:lol: they're kinda huge!they were long overdue to go up in the mountains and were overcrowding kkdays tent. I'm glad we got some room opened up in kkdays tent, cause it means we now have room to grow out some seeds!:D I got some beans we been wanting to try out. I'll give y'all an update as far as what beans we are gonna run but "hijack" will certainly be one of them. I only got 3 of em left so hopefully we get a female. *crosses fingers*. well anyways, the grow is looking awesome!! we gotta go back and tend to the plants tomorrow so I'll be sure to take some pics:weed: that's about all I have for now, peace out friends:hug:

feel no way,,,can you feel it?
"no but I feel no way, cause reggae, lead the way...."
"make you feel so irie, make you feel so nice...."


Well-Known Member
So I finally decided to post on your wonderful thread. Great song bro. Made my morning much brighter.

I have been thinking about you becuase I am going to start training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu... and I know you are a big fight fan. I don't think I'll ever fight though... i'm too much of a wuss.

The moonlight adventure sounds all kinds of fun. Or at least exciting.

Love it all my friend. Thanks for the all the good times. :bigjoint:


What up cutman, thx for dropping by! The latest pics are mango, strawberry cough, and haleys comet. Stick around dude, gonna do some updates later this week sometime. Thx again for the kind wordz:leaf:

wtf is haleys comet my good doctor?