Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Active Member
LOL sound like the miracle grow bandits have hit your site ! I have heard of marijuana activists walking thru the forest and "Helping" growers such as yourself. Your plants will grow HUGE now !!! LMAO


Well-Known Member
Ello'Ello, What up peep's.
I was on a forced vacatoin.
Temper loss sure feel's good at the time.

Mucho congrat's Kat.
I will keep positive vibes headed you're way.

KKday & Doc what up bro's.
From the sound of it you left there pig. So hopefully they will return the good will.
Man I am really wanting to go pig hunting. Never been hunting before. And I wont shoot anything I wont eat. But I do love me some pork.
Also I have not forgotten you're package. I am broke as hell right now.
The forced vaca + holiday's + surprise bill's = broke ass bossman.

Anyway's lot's of love for you peep's.
You guy's in this thead are the only reason I will never leave RIU.


Well-Known Member
You guys should set up fake Pig Traps so if hunters come by again, they will leave the spot alone or scare off anyone else walking around :mrgreen:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
what up gang!

yup cracker, kkday and I are gonna do that. we were gonna leave some kind of calling card in thier trap that is 10ft. away from us. we had a local hydroshop business card and was gonna put that in the trap to let them know wassup, but thought against that just in case they didn't see the grow. so we figured the next time we go up, kkday and I will bring a note and post it by our grow. thx for stopping by man:mrgreen:

hey SICC! yup, shit is crazy,... but I kinda like it like that:bigjoint: .. and we were thinking of scaring them off too:D thx for the continued support playa:leaf:

hey bossman! I was wondering where you been dude! good to see you back in action, hope things are all G now. thx for the kind wordz buddy. and that's why I'm an RIU soldier too. the peeps in this thread have been amazing! the support and love y'all give me are unbelievable.this journal would be shit without you guys!! all y'all viewers kick-ass! thx gang!! :hug: One Love

...I get by with a little help from my friends:hug:
mahalo and thx for viewing and the continued support RIU


Well-Known Member
Sweet tune Dr G, take it easy , peace from DST, the Octopus

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
aloha saturday gang! well, I don't got any pics yet but kkday and I harvested a few plants. the last of the keahi's, a sour deisel, strawberry cough, and a few mangoes.

the strawberry cough is bomb, nice taste and good high. the sour deisel is also bomb and a good high and taste. haven't tried the mango yet. looks kinda skimpy to tell you the truth, it never packed on weight like the others. keahi is good, but it's out of the line-up allready due to hermi traits that show up mid to late flower.so we are not runnig keahi's any more.... sometime soon the haleys comet will be up for harvest and I can't wait to get a taste of that. it's the stickiest and fattest of the bunch. grew real easy too. I'll get some pics up later.



Well-Known Member
Sounds good Doc, Im lookin forward to some pics, good to know you liked the SC, one of my all time favs :weed:

Too bad about the keahi's, but a hermie trait is no good, keep us updated :)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey NG, good to see ya. all is well, but it's hazy as fuck right now. don't look like paradise at the moment. thx for the visit!


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, good to hear about the recent harvesting activities. Interesting your point about the Mangos. I got 2 regulars on the go, they been in 12/12 for 2 weeks but are very shy at coming forward about their sex. Everyone else in the room has been flashing, just the mangos haven't. I have heard a few negatives about the mango's. dilemna about whether to keep mine. When you frree pop on over for a swatch of the journal. Will try and put updates today. We got a party today though, Rabbie Burns (famous Scottish poet's birthday tomorrow) So we all get together and eat haggis, and drink whiskey - weyhey. Albeit a day early (we have a saying in Scotland, If yer nae fast, Yer Last!!!

Peace island brothers,


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
howdy greenhorn, decided that with a stella and a bifta in hand, 5000 possts are not going to be productively read so checked out some pics and skipped 100 pages :P from the first pics of your garden, looks like i should be expecting to see some monster plants from you :)