10,000 Watt Grow.........

So, here we go again!

Let's see, as i said, little over 12 p's, so no dissappointment there, although we will of course be striving to continually get better. That was the first run though, so the method seems to be workin alright. I was figuring anything over a P a light was just icing on the cake.

Lots of work involved, more than i can really quantify on here, but aside from all of the straight harvest work, there's clean up, whole lot of garbage, sticks/stems/fan leaves/root balls and used medium, all that had to go.

Clean, sweep, mop, repaint the room. We rehung the lights with some pulleys and rope to make it easier to deal with movin 'em.

Note: yo-yo's suck henious ass wipe! Fuckin made in china pieces of shit. Don't use 'em if you don't have to. That's my advice.

Hmmmm..........i moved the Co2 burner to the center of the room, just opposite from and above the can fan/filter on the center beam; that should help with more even Co2 distribution.

Also, we will be building some light framework ( prob. 1x2's ) around each table, 8 feet high or so, to help with support. That was one of our biggest problems. With a 12' lid, and nothin much else up there, supporting the branches as they got heavier was a pain in the ass. Stakes were too short, so we had to come up with somethin else. If people are familiar with Hodge's grow this summer, that's pretty much what were doin with the 1x's, makin cages around each tray, and that should solve the problem of support nicely.

We've already got the next round in there, transplanted and ready to grow, although this time we're goin with 7 gallon smart pots instead of 10, and puttin 4 to a tray. We'll see how it goes.

So................here's some pics of the harvest, but alas, none of all of it together as it kindof went it's seperate ways after comin down off the lines and bein weighed out.

I hope it was worth the wait ( wait, weight? hahahaha), anyway, and i hope people stick around cause it's just going to get better and better, feel me?



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Here's a little video of the stuff hangin, gives a little better idea than the pics.


Anyway, i will take some more pics in a day or so of what it looks like in there now, and we'll just go from there!
Looks like a great pull. Kudos on the first run. You changing strains for the next run, or stickin with what you know?
Okay, in regard to TLD i'm just figurin out the skinny on that.

Very saddening to see probably the most sincere, real, legit, down to earth person on here get banned.

What a crock of shit.

If i had known about these stupid, petty, power trip people on here, i never would have started shit for threads.

I really have half a mind to drive down to Cali and start punk slappin some fools, just an open handed beat down. That's all they would get from me; not even the courtesy of gettin their ass kicked like a man, just a bitch.

FTD= punk ass, fake, suck-a-dick cry baby bitch. What a fuckin joke, though it's not funny but rather sad.

Oh wait.....FTD, that's some florist outfit, delivers flowers 'n shit, right? Ooops, my bad.:fire:

My day is ruined now. Thank's, fuck tooth.

Well, if i somehow get banned, we'll know the reason, won't we.

If so, I'll go see what TLD's doin.
Hell yeah Riz, congratulations to your whole team bro! You da man. I gotta go back and drool now over those pics. later, slab
LOL Damn you go Riz! I have been checkin in on TLD on the other site and will probably bounce over there too after this journal, I just don't want to start it over now. Mad props on your harvest man. It looks amazing and I agree with smaller smart pots and4 per tray. They will still be huge and you should get more fat buds. I look forward to wathing the next round.
This pic is my fav..nice and frosty!!
Whats up Riz?

I have read your thread through numerous times because I am currently setting up a similar 12k grow except mine will be on a 6k per room flip flop. Congrats to you for going big and winning! This is my plan as well. I'm am envious of your set up and love the yield, although I am going to change a couple things. I understand that you have animosities towards this site now for various reasons, but I have been waiting and waiting to hear some key things from you. I myself have been growing as a hobby for years but hardly consider myself a pro. It's so exciting to be able to do it legally! Anyways, I have a couple questions I wish you could answer for us that haven't been answered yet. I guess I'm just going to spit them out in random order. Please please!

What was the power bill a month?
How much was your water bill?
How did the Lumatek ballasts treat ya?
Would you stay with the 4 10 gal. pots if you had a larger tray? Or go 15 gal?
Do you wish you had larger trays?
Do you wish your tables/rows/lights were closer together? Further apart?
What are your final plans for A/C?
Would you do anything different with the lighting?

I guess the basis of my questions would be things you would do differently. Don't take this the wrong way because I think you rocked this grow man! I just want to know how you would improve it.

I know I have a lot of questions but I think that a majority of us would love to hear the answers. Sorry if I am pushing the subject. Trust me, I know you're busy.

Congrats and I hope to hear back from you.


BTW, my plants listen to Rage while they grow. They love em!
wow nice riz .im in the middle of harvest of 19plants from 2000w hps . should be 1.5 per light. :) id love to run 5000w or even 10 like you the boss .... how do u ppl do this ?Can we do this in a house ?like i mean when do we draw the line to how much hydro we can pay for ??? what do you all think , i love MJ growing i cant stop myself.
Great Job!! I could only wish to have a setup like that. Subscribed! Cant wait for the next round. Are you gonna keep on the same thread or start a new one?
Okay, in regard to TLD i'm just figurin out the skinny on that.

Very saddening to see probably the most sincere, real, legit, down to earth person on here get banned.

What a crock of shit.

If i had known about these stupid, petty, power trip people on here, i never would have started shit for threads.

I really have half a mind to drive down to Cali and start punk slappin some fools, just an open handed beat down. That's all they would get from me; not even the courtesy of gettin their ass kicked like a man, just a bitch.

FTD= punk ass, fake, suck-a-dick cry baby bitch. What a fuckin joke, though it's not funny but rather sad.

Oh wait.....FTD, that's some florist outfit, delivers flowers 'n shit, right? Ooops, my bad.:fire:

My day is ruined now. Thank's, fuck tooth.

Well, if i somehow get banned, we'll know the reason, won't we.

If so, I'll go see what TLD's doin.

First off, congrats on the respectable harvest.

Then there's the matter of all this negativity...

i can't say i know you very well, though this journal is quite long i'm pretty sure i can count the number of posts between both you and your partner in it on two hands and no feet... so i really don't understand where you are coming from.

Did FDD do something to you personally that you are willing to attack him like this ? Those are some pretty harsh words you used. And is TLD a friend to you in the real world that you are so ready to defend his paladin-like nature ?

Secondly, since getting banned, TLD has achieved seemingly angelic status. While personally, in posts, I have seen him be insensitive. I have seen his ego come through glaringly. I have seen him try to shit on one of FDD's threads... and then FDD returned the favor and started shitting on TLD's threads. Neither of them are perfect. Both have egos. Both were / are capable of being assholes. But, personally, i think they both happen to be decent and likeable people. Sometimes people just have a personality conflict and cannot get along. I've met people that have a personality conflict with myself and do not like me... while i don't personally have anything negative to say about them accept that they have chosen to dislike me for some reason. While i believe FDD went over the line in shutting down his personal journal (hell, don't go there if what he is saying bothers you) ... most bans are temporary, at most. Also, FDD is just one of several moderators on this site.

I still feel that RIU is the best Marijunana site on the internet, even though one of my threads (Bare Neked People and Marijunana) was completely deleted and later replaced by a smut thread of porn having nothing to do with weed. I'm just not feeling all the drama.

Nice harvest man, all around awsome job. Are you going to use this same thread for your next grow, I would I mean its still 10,000watts right lol. Are you running the same same strain next time or something new, if so is it cool if RIU suggest some strains for you to try.