would be thank full


New Member
Topping, Fimming, LSTing, Supercropping...these are all viable ways to keep it short. But only an OZ? Most outdoor plants will put out way more than that, even if kept short. Especially in So Cal
ok so i checked them today and one is already sprouted the other one still pushing through the soil but its visible...how often should i water them


New Member
ok so i checked them today and one is already sprouted the other one still pushing through the soil but its visible...how often should i water them
Once the soil is dry. If you keep it too watered, the roots will suffocate. Cannabis likes to cycle dry to wet, unlike some other plants like lettuce that love wet or cacti that love dry.

A lot of people like the 'weight' test. Just simply pick up the cup and note how heavy it is. You can keep a cup full of moist soil around just to have a reference. Once the cup feels nice and light, water.

Now that you have some results to show us, how about a pic of the little ones?
i was just wondering what kinda soil should i be using???....what can i add or how can i make it from scratch....help please...thanx guys


New Member
i was just wondering what kinda soil should i be using???....what can i add or how can i make it from scratch....help please...thanx guys
A nice, easy soil that doesn't need anything for 30 days is Fox Farms Ocean Forest, about $10-15 a bag.

I have no idea how to make soil from scratch, but am interested in knowing if anyone else has a response for that.


New Member
Looks great for a young lady!
Just water once the soil has gone dry, and keep suffcient light to it. Light, water, air.
What kind of container do you have it in? You may have to transplant it before it is ready for outside, depending on what type of container you currently have it in.
Keep us updated, she looks pretty so far!


New Member
What kind of light do you have on it currently? It looks a little yellow to me, but that could just be a result of the photo...

It sounds like you wanted to veg for a month before going outside. If you are going to grow outside at that time though, you need to move it into darkness for 12 hours a day every night when you want it to start flowering, ie producing bud. Because summer has long days, which will prevent it from flowering if not placed in darkness 12 hours a night. Otherwise you could veg indoors for longer before going outside and grow a monster, or veg for a while, take some clones, and grow a few smaller ones outside.
thanx man yeah i think its the photo...=]
does the plant look healthy???
i dont want it to get big whats the smallest i can keep it and it still produce???


New Member
It looks very healthy, color is nice and even and it is not too stretchy. Here come some questions though...

What kind of light do you have it on now? You can keep it very small and it will still produce. You said you wanted an ounce, right? What are your limitations? How small do you need to keep this thing? Where are you keeping it? Backyard? Mom and Dad's house?

The main answer to most any vague, general question will depend on your goals and limitations. So give us as many details as possible, and you will likely get good answers. Good luck! Keep up the good work
right now i have a 75w bulb on it a guy earlier said it was ok for the first month or so...i dont want it bigger than from my elbow to my finger tips..
in the garage and when its sunny i take it out someone else said that i need to introduce it to real sunlight so im trying to do that aswell.
my friends wife got in a car accident and shes a busy woman so she got her rec card and im growing this one for her.


New Member
What kind of 75 watter is it? Flourescent or Incandescent? Just make sure it is not an incandescent, those are useless.

To keep it that small, you will need to top, LST, or both. There are plenty of good threads around here about LST to read.

You are doing it right by getting it into the sunlight gradually, just keep increasing the amount of time you have it in the sun.

To keep it as short as possible, you will want to change it's light cycle to 12/12 as soon as it looks the plant will be ready, maybe another 2-3 weeks. You will want to make sure the 12 hour periods of darkness are completely dark and without interruptions.

I think you said you were in So Cal, which means you should have enough sunlight and warmth this time of year for the plant to get 12 good hours under the light.

SO keep up what yo are doing so far, it seems to be working. Read up on LST techniques around here, as the one time I tried to do it, it turned into a supercropping, so I am no good as a resource for that....
hey guys help me out here the last 2 days my baby took a 180 on me idk whats wrong any advice???
the first leaves are full yellow and the other 2 have yellow on the tips....=[
