BlackJack Grow 1st time grower


Active Member
the top 3" on 2 plants is covered in hairs now and you cant see the stem at all.Some of the others that had more spacing between the top nodes aren't close to hiding the main stem yet.Lots of crystals have formed in the last 36 hours.Went from hardly being able to see any to see them pretty easily now.


Well-Known Member
the top 3" on 2 plants is covered in hairs now and you cant see the stem at all.Some of the others that had more spacing between the top nodes aren't close to hiding the main stem yet.Lots of crystals have formed in the last 36 hours.Went from hardly being able to see any to see them pretty easily now.
What, no pics? You talk of trichs and don't share? Tease! Where's the bud porn? :-( ;-)


Well-Known Member
The girls are stunting. I believe they look better than mine. Try zooming in with software. I believe you can do this with Picassa. It will look like a mushroom forest. Thanks again for pot porn.
wow that plant looks nice im growing black jack myself but im having problmes 2 of my plants are getting yellowinsh brown leaves and i dont know why or what to do ill try to post some pics later. :wall:


Active Member
on the original pics i have on my computer i can enlarge them and really see the definition of the trics,but i dont have any editing software where i can then save the enlarged pic to show you guys.I just looked at the girls right before lights out,and the trics are really starting to show by eye.I also noticed on one of the girls,that the top 8" or so is all bud now,and I can't see any stem,I'll take pics of that particular girl the next time.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful! Bud porn, yay! It's amazing yes, how fast they go from being a collection of wispy hairs, to sexy buds, eh? Don't feel too bad about not having closeups - the only ones I can get are all yellow from the HPS, lol. Not nearly as pretty.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
for you DE i will do a journal on the papaya i plan on starting in march after my orange bud finish ,we have company coming and will be shutting down for a week , the OB has been flowering for two weeks now, just freed up room under the HPS so its been blooming under CMH until today

all your black jacks are looking great, keep it up mine had a rough start and i was still able to have a respectable harvest it is one forgiving strain ...rob

PS this is my OB



Active Member
Well I caught a nasty computer virus that is really messing with my comp,so I have to take it in to the shop to be worked on and I will be without a computer for about 7 days or so,I will continue when i get the computer back don't worry,today is the start of week 5 day 1.


Active Member
the girls look great,putting on weight on the top colas for sure.I have one cola that is all bud for about 12" from the top of the cola and fatter then my dick(just imagine me with a nice size one ,lol)Havent seen the first hairs turn color yet,leaves are showing trics.The tallest is about 24" the rest are at least 22"I have to bring the computer back in caus it wont let me upload photos from my camera anymore,and the computer place said they removed the wizard on me,so they are gonna get it fixed back up today,and I will post pics. Tomorrow starts day 1 of week 6


Well-Known Member
the girls look great,putting on weight on the top colas for sure.I have one cola that is all bud for about 12" from the top of the cola and fatter then my dick(just imagine me with a nice size one ,lol)Havent seen the first hairs turn color yet,leaves are showing trics.The tallest is about 24" the rest are at least 22"I have to bring the computer back in caus it wont let me upload photos from my camera anymore,and the computer place said they removed the wizard on me,so they are gonna get it fixed back up today,and I will post pics. Tomorrow starts day 1 of week 6
Sounds great! And would your dick be the same purple/blue as the rest of you? lol:hump: Looking forward to the pics!


Active Member
They are looking sexy,I can't wait for the first hairs to turn color.thats what im waiting for now.They are still getting taller,the biggest is about 25" now.


They are looking sexy,I can't wait for the first hairs to turn color.thats what im waiting for now.They are still getting taller,the biggest is about 25" now.
Nice plants growsmoke, I have a question for you. How tall were your plants when you went to flower? I ask because I also have blackjack seeds and using a 400w light. This is my first grow, so not sure what to expect in stretching. Thanx in advance.