Terrorizer's Organic Grow


Well-Known Member
Whats crak'n Terrorizer ? ive been here check'n you out and cant be more impressed, look here when you say you give your girls a shot of nitrogen what is it you are giving them?is it simply giving them a shot of grow nutes or something else?
What's up fuckin StinkB,
When I say a shot of Nitrogen it just means I added some veg nutes to my existing flower nute mix that's all. I'm thinking I added a bit too much though since the girls got a bit burned by it oh well I think I got these nutes all figuered out for the next grow.


Well-Known Member
Sup Terror? I would Ph as much as possible before adding the nutes. I always have stablized low ph'd water and a stablized higher ph'd water that I blend to try and get the 6.8 for the organic soil im useing. I guess if the plant ph's in the soil, it would make since to me to ph as much as possible before adding the liquid to the media so the root zone wouldnt have to ork as hard to get the "butter Range" of 6.8-7 for soil. IDK though, Im baked.
So you're saying you PH balance your water before adding nutrients or after you add nutrients?


Active Member
I ph the water to 7 before adding ANYTHING. Then after I add nutes or equivelant, if the ph is to low, I can lift the ph by adding a higher ph water like my filtered city water thats at 7.5ph(150PPM) and blend to get my 6.8ph. If the Ph is to high after adding nutes or equivent, then I use this purifired water( that I get from the lil blue treatment things outside of Safeway), its at 5.5 PH. Since Im running organics additives, when I mix them up I try and use a lower phd water to blend instead of adding in orange phosphoric acid to lower the ph. Plus the lower ph'd water is purified and the general start water that I use is just carbon filtered so I actually like adding the pure water to lower my ph safely. I told U Im baked. LOLOOLLOL


Well-Known Member
What's up fuckin StinkB,
When I say a shot of Nitrogen it just means I added some veg nutes to my existing flower nute mix that's all. I'm thinking I added a bit too much though since the girls got a bit burned by it oh well I think I got these nutes all figuered out for the next grow.
i know you are on top of your game!!


Well-Known Member
I am starting to think that the GO line doesn't need the nutes messed with really when it comes to pH. I think by pH'ing the plain water you are supposed to use on the every other watering (according to GH's GO reps) would be what helps keep things in check. I know that organics are kind of supposed to swing the pH back and forth. Bio activity and all.

I am going to try this with my next run (from the beginning) and see how it goes. I have noticed that by doing a pH'd flush every couple of weeks that my pH stays in check longer. I think that nutes get built up/left behind over time as the water gets used up or evaporates, and when you water again it re-releases those nutes..causing flux in pH.

Add this up over a few waterings, and bingo... unexplained whacked out pH.

Just a theory I got from something I read last night, but it sure makes sense to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to give GH a call tomarrow and ask them what's the deal with adjusting the PH in my mix.
@Statik, what you say makes sense, I think i'm might also try the same on my next grow and see if there is a difference at all.
I will flush every 3 weeks just in case though. Some updates in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Feb, 5
Day 46 12/12

Well it's about time I update for you guys.
I ran into a bit of trouble a couple of weeks ago with the 2 fire OG's not recieving enough nitrogen so
I hit em' with a shot of N and I guess it was a little too much for their liking which caused a bit of nutrient burn.
Oh well now I know how to use these Nutes for my next run i'll just take it as a lesson learned.
Anyway the buds are way bigger since the last update and they have alot of frost building up everywhere now,
My room also smells alot but a good smell of dank marijuana :)

Enjoy the bud porn let me know what you guys think :leaf:


Skunk #1

Fire OG

Skunk, G-13, Skunk

That's it for tonight, all comments welcome. HAPPY GROWING



Active Member
Mine in the avatar is at 2 weeks and mine go for 7-8 weeks. Weve been runnin this strain for a while now and we have seemed to have shortend the flower cycle a bit.


Well-Known Member
The leaves on mine look way different your are a bit fatter.
I think my G-13's still have a few weeks to go maybe 3 1/2 weeks


Well-Known Member
damn your taking hella good pics
also, i read from a magazine to check your ph after putting the water in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Indeed looking good Terror. How are those Fire OG's filling in? I remember they were a little scrawny on their lower growth before. Some of plants are still looking like that in my tent. Anyway, keep us updated man. How much longer till the chop you think?


Well-Known Member
Hey Statik, yeah they were scrony as shit before still are to my liking but i'm planning on chopping the skunk in 2-2/12 weeks the rest in 3/12


Well-Known Member
hey Terrorizer, how long did your Skunk flower? You want to here the strangest shit i have a skunk plant that just showed sex (fem) and its about 8 1/2 weeks or nine maybe but anyway this was one of the seedlings i started with my others on this grow and i had givin up hope on because it was only 1" Tall for more than 4 weeks then it went to 3" tall for the next 3 weeks now she's about 1' and im doing LST on her because she is taking off like a rocket.. My worry is do you think she'll be ok looks healthy as hell but she a lot older than what she looks..also she is one of those funny seeds i got from the dicount seed bank man they are all f'ed up bro this shit is wierd..


Well-Known Member
sup stinkb, i've had 2 of the same plants were one of them grows slower than the rest don't know why though.
I wouldn't worry too much about it though just continue your regular schedule with it. How long you got till chop for your girls?


Well-Known Member
sup stinkb, i've had 2 of the same plants were one of them grows slower than the rest don't know why though.
I wouldn't worry too much about it though just continue your regular schedule with it. How long you got till chop for your girls?
Man bro they are still young BY weekly standards they just turned 31 days yesterday so according to rule they are all 8-9 week strains so i have at least 4 1/2 -5 weeks left but they are looking so good bro its scary my last ladies looked nothing like these at this stage...