

Well-Known Member
hey guys ive been searching for facts on whether those cocksucking feds can use infared ,hard facts i checked wikpedia and shit but nothing,do they need a warrant first???:spew:


Well-Known Member
They need a warrant to scan your house. But they dont need one for your garage or shed, anything that is not attached to your house.

Check out NORML's website.


Well-Known Member
I know the shed rule,thats also for entering the biulding also,they can just say smelt smoke etc,but those choppers?? I read an article where it says also tthe infared cant see threw house just different heat signatures around house ie comin out of vents


Well-Known Member
I know the shed rule,thats also for entering the biulding also,they can just say smelt smoke etc,but those choppers?? I read an article where it says also tthe infared cant see threw house just different heat signatures around house ie comin out of vents
Thermal imagers cannot see through walls! Period! ;-)


Well-Known Member
i know that but your vents pump out heat a large op will have a different signature then a random house,im talking more then a little closet,and im also asking outdoor can they use without a warrant period ! do they use infared for outdoor jungles or is it all myth???


Well-Known Member
i was talking about mrs weed paranoid shit they can see through walls B/S IMO:clap: unless you are running 4000w i wouldnt worry about the pork chopper ( police copter)

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
i was talking about mrs weed paranoid shit they can see through walls B/S IMO:clap: unless you are running 4000w i wouldnt worry about the pork chopper ( police copter)
You could always follow the link I provided and verify for yourself. In fact I recommend it highly, so you can see the bullshit close up.:clap:


Well-Known Member
everyone listen to miss weed DONT go higher than a 40w bulb or you will get busted also if the fuzz has something that can see thru walls why arent the army using it B/S iwant mythbusters to sort this out :clap: its a good job people dont listen to shit


Well-Known Member
Yes they can.

Advanced FLIR cameras can see the studs in your walls through the lining, and warmer objects behind can be seen enough to work out what they are. They can see a person outlined through a wall, and a piping hot HPS bulb/s stand out very clearly, even the shape of the reflector.
The so called see through walls proof you provided is a man standing against a sheet metal shed wall. He was leaning up against the wall of the shed and his body heat was conducted through the wall thereby you can see his thermal image on the outside of the shed with the thermal imager. They cannot see through walls. Believe what you want. I was a professional firefighter for 15 years. I used thermal imagers on a daily basis. I was also a trained field technician through FLIR industries. But I don't know what I'm talking about so believe what you want. :weed:


Well-Known Member
well said doc111 at least sum1 knows what they are talking about listen to me and doc111 or listen to mrs green B/S and if you listen to her dont go above a 100w bulb or they WILL be coming ROFL +rep 4 the doc111 coz he knows his stuff:hump:


Well-Known Member
i know that but your vents pump out heat a large op will have a different signature then a random house,im talking more then a little closet,and im also asking outdoor can they use without a warrant period ! do they use infared for outdoor jungles or is it all myth???
If you have a large op, or a grow house, you should be worried. If you are venting to the outside you should be worried (unless you vent through a hot water heater flue or a chimney or dryer vent). The police don't need a warrant to scan anything that is outdoors or unattached from the main residence. FLIR is not used to find outdoor grows (at least not that I'm aware of). They simply look for things that are out of the ordinary like symmetrical lines. The color of marijuana plants growing outdoors is slightly different from indigenous foliage. If you want to grow outdoors make sure to scatter your plants and don't plant them in rows. Don't plant them in big clusters. This makes it harder to spot from the air. :weed:


Well-Known Member
You could always follow the link I provided and verify for yourself. In fact I recommend it highly, so you can see the bullshit close up.:clap:
I know that this isn't a mythbusters proof of flir limitations, but in season 9 they did a thermite vs ice myth. In that myth they used a thermal imaging device to read the temps. Heres a link to that particular myth.

The part that is revealing to me about thermal imaging is at 2:11 through 2:15, the imaging is on and you get to watch three people walk back too and behing the plexi blast sheild. When they walk behind the sheild (which is thick clear plastic) they all disappear to the thermal imager.

Before anyone says that it was because it was a special blast sheild understand that their "blast sheild" is simple a thick piece of clear acrylic. The mythbusters have explained on many episodes what the "blast sheilds" are and how they work. They have no special thermal properties and no insulating properties.

Also at 2:50 there is a side by side with thermal imaging on one side and a regular camera on the other. You can see the thermite is in a metal container on the regular camera but the container isn't visable to the thermal imager. The thermite is ignited and the thermal imager picks up the heat and flame above and below the container but never sees the heat inside the container. I think that says alot.

Also check out 6:36 through 6:45 where the extreme heat transfer throughout the whole area and the thermal imaging sees everything as red. You can see the process of heat being rapidly transfered to its surroundings,

Also worth noting is that thermal imaging CAN also SEE cold things.

I understand the concerns about thermal imaging, and believe that the public has been led to believe that thermal imaging can see through anything. The fact is that at this point thermal imaging can ONLY see heat signatures that are UNOBSTRUCTED.

The reason that the guy in the shed was visable was because of the transfer of heat from his body to the wall. The FLIR saw the heat transfering from his body through the wall because he was leaning on the wall. You can hide a flame behind a piece of glass as long as the flame doesn't transfer its heat to the glass.

Now all that being said. If you are transfering ANY heat through your exterior walls AND it it more than the ambient temp of the wall the heat WILL register on thermal imaging. This was demonstrated to an extent in the FLIR video posted earlier when you see residual heat PRINTS. Once when a person purposely put their hand on the wall and then used a finger to draw a circle, and once when the guy ran to the tree and put his hand on the font side before going behind the tree.

Hope I was clear enough; the mythbusters video should be convinving enough to dispell most misinformation about thermal imaging.


Well-Known Member
what if u vent ur lights into your attic? i just ;let it spill into my attic and seep out the eves...
You should be worried. Don't vent your heat into the attic. You are better off venting through a chimney or dryer vent. :joint:

EDIT: During the day you are probably ok. And if you only have 1 or 2 lights you might be ok.