Colorado MMJ Patients Need To Do This!


Well-Known Member
Coloradans May Get To Vote On Marijuana Dispensaries

​Sensible Colorado, a medical marijuana advocacy organization, has announced it plans to place an initiative intended to "secure patient access to medical marijuana" on the Colorado ballot this November.

The idea, reports Michael Roberts at Westword, is to let voters establish regulations more friendly to the medical marijuana industry than those likely to be passed by the Legislature.

The group will file a statewide ballot initiative Thursday at the Office of Legislative Council in the State Capitol.

Photo: WestwordBrian Vicente: "Medical marijuana patients will not go without medicine in Colorado"​"State-licensed medical marijuana patients need storefront dispensaries in the same way that other sick Coloradans need pharmacies," said Sensible Colorado's Brian Vicente, the initiative's chief backer.

"It is a mystery to us why members of law enforcement would want to eliminate dispensaries and force patients who are unable to find a personal caregiver back into an underground market," Vicente said. "But we are certainly not going to allow it to happen."

"Medical marijuana patients will not go without medicine in Colorado," Vicente said.

"With certain members of the Legislature and law enforcement contemplating actions that would cause serious harm to patients, we want to make sure that we have a means of reversing such actions, should they actually occur," Vicente said.

A press conference to discuss details of the initiative will be held by Vicente on Thursday, February 4, at 11 a.m., on the west steps of the Capitol, Denver, Colorado.

The campaign will need to file more than 75,000 signatures by July in order to qualify for the November 2010 ballot.

from TokeofTheTown:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for showing me this Mac, I saw it earlier but I could not find where to sign the petition. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Maybe the RIU Admin could make this thread a 'sticky' or just give us Colorado folks a sub forum under MMJ? Just a thought... ;)


Active Member
I don't know if everyone in Colorado knows how important it is to vote yes on this ballot initiative. The politicians and law enforcement don't give a fuck about Amendment 20 or the people who need medical marijuana. Remember last year when there was talk of limiting the number of patients a caregiver can have to only 5 and hundreds of patients showed up to testify that it would cause them to not have their medication readily available when they need it? And remember how they decided against it after listening to the testimonies? That was the last time any thought or compassion was given to the medical marijuana community. Since then, whenever the government has had any hearings on the subject, the public is either not invited or not allowed to speak. In the rare occasion they do give the public a chance to speak, the politicians completely tune out everything said.

Someone posted all of our state's politician's e-mail addresses here on RIU so I conducted a little test. I sent one e-mail to the entire list. I played the part of a citizen who is against medical marijuana and the number of responses I received was close to 40! I then sent another e-mail under a different e-mail address and name to the same people but this time I RESPECTFULLY expressed my views as a medical marijuana patient asking that they vote no on senate bill 109. From that e-mail I received ONE response.

I've heard that many people believe if you have a felony conviction in your past that you can't vote. This is far from the truth. Unless you are currently incarcerated or on parole, you can vote. Yes, you can register to vote even if you're on probation for a felony. And voting is the ONLY way we are going to be able to keep the medical marijuana movement alive. The days of effectively testifying how medical marijuana has changed your life for the better are over. They just don't care!

Are you aware of the fact that if you are a legal medical marijuana patient in Colorado and you "are caught" with your medicine during non-business hours (9-5 Monday - Friday), you are going to jail? That's 100% fact! The state database that keeps track of legal patients is only open from 9am-5pm Monday - Friday. If you're on I-25 and get pulled over by a cop and you have medicine in your car, you are going to jail. Your vehicle is impounded and YOU have to pay to get it back. If it's Friday evening and you stopped at a dispensary to pick up some meds for the weekend and you're "caught", you're looking at a very long weekend in the county jail if you don't have the money to post bail. That's right! They can keep you detained until the database registry opens on Monday morning!

Please people, your vote is VERY much needed on this issue because the politicians are fighting against us!! And most importantly...DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY INCUMBENTS!


Well-Known Member
I've sent mail to Rommer and Massey both responded respectfully. You're correct the politicians are not on our side here. Our only defense is this petition, so spread the word and stand up for your rights or lose them!!!

Thanks for your post!


Well-Known Member
Are you aware of the fact that if you are a legal medical marijuana patient in Colorado and you "are caught" with your medicine during non-business hours (9-5 Monday - Friday), you are going to jail? That's 100% fact! The state database that keeps track of legal patients is only open from 9am-5pm Monday - Friday. If you're on I-25 and get pulled over by a cop and you have medicine in your car, you are going to jail. Your vehicle is impounded and YOU have to pay to get it back. If it's Friday evening and you stopped at a dispensary to pick up some meds for the weekend and you're "caught", you're looking at a very long weekend in the county jail if you don't have the money to post bail. That's right! They can keep you detained until the database registry opens on Monday morning!
WHAT is the purpose of paying $90.00 to the state for that crappy piece of paper that barely fits in your wallet in the first place!!??? It is an official state issued license, yet if you present it, you STILL goto jail??!! IF ANY of these politicians had just a small portion of their brains working correctly, they would create some legislation to FIX THAT! What a BUNCH OF USELESS MORONS! !@!%^!#?!!

So...they haul you off to jail, (hopefully you don't get banged up in the process), you go to court, judge finds out you had a LEGAL right to possess your meds or plants or whatever it is....and THEN...YOU SUE the living SHIT outta the state and county for illegal arrest! :cuss:

What a HORRIBLE waste of manpower and taxpayer dollars!! F!@&*!#!&* IDIOTS! ALL POLITICIANS IN COLORADO NEED TO BE FIRED! We will work on the rest of the country AFTER we get our mess straightened out here!



Well-Known Member
WHAT is the purpose of paying $90.00 to the state for that crappy piece of paper that barely fits in your wallet in the first place!!??? It is an official state issued license, yet if you present it, you STILL goto jail??!! IF ANY of these politicians had just a small portion of their brains working correctly, they would create some legislation to FIX THAT! What a BUNCH OF USELESS MORONS! !@!%^!#?!!

So...they haul you off to jail, (hopefully you don't get banged up in the process), you go to court, judge finds out you had a LEGAL right to possess your meds or plants or whatever it is....and THEN...YOU SUE the living SHIT outta the state and county for illegal arrest! :cuss:

What a HORRIBLE waste of manpower and taxpayer dollars!! F!@&*!#!&* IDIOTS! ALL POLITICIANS IN COLORADO NEED TO BE FIRED! We will work on the rest of the country AFTER we get our mess straightened out here!

I had that discussion with a lawyer the other day, he said that it is possible to sue them and win IF you have at LEAST $40,000 and are willing to wade through 2years of litigation in a Federal Court.
The individial is no longer protected by our legal system, that is why it is so very important that we remain United and continue to fight the real criminals . . . our government. Kick them all out and replace them with REAL champions of the people . . .


Well-Known Member
I've made my mind up that if Colorado ever reverses MMJ legislation, I won't stop growing. Maryland is proposing MMJ legislation but get Maryland the MMJ registrant won't be allowed to grow their own, someone else will, ain't that something?

I think Oregon has the best limit on allowance out of all, even better than California, in Oregon (24 oz. usable 24 plants (6 mature 18 immature ), in Colorado ( 2 measly oz. usable 6 plants 3 mature 3 immature), I don't feel like posting all the different states allowances.

In Colorado the legislators are trying to crack down and even shutdown dispensaries. Also trying to make it to where you have an "already established relationship with a doctor" before getting a MMJ recommendation, meaning you couldn't just see a doctor for the first time even with valid medical records proving of an illness and get a recommendation on that day, at least thats the way I'm understanding this latest bill.

SB-109 is intended to intimidate physicians away from recommending medical marijuana in Colorado.


Well-Known Member
I went in to see my Dr today (being proactive about the whole doctor/patient relationship thing) and he told me that I should plan on seeing someone about my back problems at least a couple times a year and getting everything well documented in my medical records to make it clear that I have an ongoing problem if I want to be sure of qualifying for the registry by the time I need to renew my card. He's pretty sure they are going to pass legislation that requires you to have a well documented medical history before a Dr will be able to prescribe MMJ, so he's advising those of us who don't have much (military has most of my medical records and they are a pain about giving them out) to start getting as much documentated as we can.


I can walk into the local ER and say I twisted my back playing in the park with my kid. If I scream loud enough regardless of whether or not it is real I can walk out high as a kite on demorall with a prescription for percoset or Oxycontin. All of those drugs are extremely addictive and deadly. I've lost a friend to an oxy overdose and I've lost a friend to a vicodin overdose.

I live my life with ongoing back pain. Every time I go the doc they tell me my back is shot not mcuh they can do and write up a script for the above mentioned drugs plus flexorall or soma. All things that can kill me.

I go to a referral clinic and explain my symptoms, history, provide medical records, the doctor performs a physical and the next thing I know I can buy marijuana. An herb that seems to help with the pain. I can actually function when I consume certain strains of marijuana while experiencing pain relief. Not to mention when the pain is really bad I might just over medicate. If I over medicate on Marijuana my head will spin, I will experience slight discomfort for a while and in a short time I will be okay. If I over medicate on Oxy, Percoset, or any other pharmaceutical...... I probably won't wake up.

The politicians in Colorado need to get their heads out of their bums. Less government and more freedom! It's time to vote out every politician in office and start over fresh!
First, I have to agree that our only hope of keeping medicine REASONABLY available to patients is with the vote. I enjoyed your post.

Next, please be very careful with the above quote. This is the typical noise from the Republicans when they are not in power. What is necessary is to let your elected representitives know where you stand and how they MUST vote to get your vote. So very few of us bother to write, email, phone and show up to political events that you would be amazed at the effect a few can have.

I currently know of several politicians (from both parties) that still do not REALLY understand what is going on and therefore are just being good little sheep. Remenber - ther primary goal of any politician is to GET RE-ELECTED!!!
Are you aware of the fact that if you are a legal medical marijuana patient in Colorado and you "are caught" with your medicine during non-business hours (9-5 Monday - Friday), you are going to jail? That's 100% fact! The state database that keeps track of legal patients is only open from 9am-5pm Monday - Friday. If you're on I-25 and get pulled over by a cop and you have medicine in your car, you are going to jail. Your vehicle is impounded and YOU have to pay to get it back. If it's Friday evening and you stopped at a dispensary to pick up some meds for the weekend and you're "caught", you're looking at a very long weekend in the county jail if you don't have the money to post bail. That's right! They can keep you detained until the database registry opens on Monday morning!

Wow and I thought Imma cynic! lol

I don't think its as bad as you're saying it is. They have 24/7 access to the registry. Any cop though out the state can have your registration verified within moments of initial law enforcement intrest/concern.
Fact is, I (being the moron I am) walked in to a Federal Building with meds ON me, was caught, and ICE responded. First thing out of my mouth was "I HAVE A LICENCE FOR THAT!" While ICE questioned me, security and the other ICE cop reviewed my ticket, my meds, and handed them BOTH back to me and told me not to do it again. Absolutely true story. Now only a moron like myself would do this but in my defense...I didn't know I had them on me. In fact, my first thought when they found em was "Oh! I have meds!! YaY" then I'm like "Oh SHIT! I have meds on me and I'm in a Federal Building! Fuuuuuuuuck!!!!" Needless to say I beat feat outta there just as soon as I was "released." LOL
That said, yes, we do have serious tyranstic issues in America today! There are no better examples of that than 109 and 1284.
There are a couple in the Senate that are friendly to us and our cause such as Senator Carroll. Who was one of Romer's many sarcasm victims.

We're not out yet. So it's not ALL doom and gloom. We have lawyers (and lots of them) who will go to fight for us and our rights! I know Brian over at Sensible Colorado is already working on a November ballot messure. Which means signiture collecting!!! YAYAYAYAY
I went in to see my Dr today (being proactive about the whole doctor/patient relationship thing) and he told me that I should plan on seeing someone about my back problems at least a couple times a year and getting everything well documented in my medical records to make it clear that I have an ongoing problem if I want to be sure of qualifying for the registry by the time I need to renew my card. He's pretty sure they are going to pass legislation that requires you to have a well documented medical history before a Dr will be able to prescribe MMJ, so he's advising those of us who don't have much (military has most of my medical records and they are a pain about giving them out) to start getting as much documentated as we can.

Hi Fox,

That's not exactly true. You need to have a bonafide doctor/patient relationship. That relationship can be established as soon as the first or second visit to him/her if they are your family doctor. If you have clear evidence of a qualifying condition such as Xrays, CAT/PET Scans, MRIs, other studies, or even a letter from that doctor that show, as mine do, serious back issues known to cause great pain, you should not only qualify but most likely benefit from MMJ as I do.
If your doctor isn't one of the ones writing 400 and 500 recommendations a day then you should be ok.



Well-Known Member
Colorado Medical Marijuana Bill Passes; Governor Will Sign

Colorado lawmakers are finally sending a measure regulating the state's medical marijuana industry to the desk of Gov. Bill Ritter, and Ritter has indicated he's inclined to sign it into law.

The State House voted 46-19 on Tuesday afternoon to approve House Bill 1284, report Jeffrey Wolf and Adam Schrager at 9 News. The bill mandates that dispensaries are licensed and monitored throughout the state, but in a very controversial provision, also gives local communities the ability to completely ban them.

Individual caregivers would still be allowed to provide marijuana to up to five people in localities where a ban is in place.

Medical marijuana advocates argue that it would restrict chronically ill Coloradans from safely accessing cannabis, which is a Constitutionally protected drug under Colorado law since voters legalized it in 2000.

Predictably, law enforcement officers also criticized the bill as "legitimizing dispensaries" which they claim wasn't the intent of Colorado voters last decade. It's another case of the old "Yeah, it's fine to have marijuana as long as you don't actually get it anywhere" school of thought.

The measure regulates where dispensaries can be located. The shops are required to be at least 1,000 feet or more from schools, much like liquor stores.

Supporters of the legislation say it will help bring order to an industry that has grown exponentially in Colorado over the past two years.

Lawyers and medical marijuana advocates opposed to the bill say they will sue the state if the bill becomes law, partly because of the provision allowing local bans. They also object to excluding non-Colorado residents from opening dispensaries, and large dispensary application fees, which they say are excessive.

As a former prosecutor, Gov. Ritter was one of the main proponents of using a "law enforcement model" for Colorado's medical marijuana regulations, according to medical marijuana advocacy group Cannabis Therapy Institute.

"He helped Senator Romer craft a bill most favorable to police and prosecutors with no regard for patients, CTI said in a press release.

CTI urges Coloradans to email Gov. Ritter at and urge him to veto HB 1284 and SB 109, "because the bills will harm patients by driving up both the price of medicine and participation in the program."


Well-Known Member
I dont live in CO... but this is a gross offense
I have been reading your post & the more I read The more it seemd as though
Federal regulators are trying to snag the lion share of medication from the grass root venders...while allowing the cardholder more liberty
It seems that by doing this, regulators are making way for GOV. VENDERS....
All these little tactics that I see in your post...seem like a way to corner the market.
STEALing from vendors, then slapping them with limitations on the number of card holders in their care.
Vendors feed the store fronts that feed the care holders....they are attacking the source....
& what about all these MADE UP 'task units"....these men have a commercial political agenda
When are they going to start offering the vendors a "pretty penny", as a means to gain control of the commodity????

It all seems to good to be true....I wish for decriminalization, but do I really want to subject myself to the will of corruption for it???
Hit the streets,,,,CO is going to have to keep taking it to your local government in mass numbers... until they break.