Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]


Active Member
hmm, that is crazy about the twins. I wonder since they are part of the same seed they should have only 1 true root systems.. if that is true you could leave both and have a double grow! Please keep updated on the progess of that one!! One of my little seedlings just broke through the dirt, it was one of the Pakistan Ryder, only 7 more to go.. lol.
Yes, it's crazy! But this is not like normal twins, this is like someone having their twin attached to their neck. The other twin is really small and I don't think it will survive, but who knows right? Sometimes the runt gets better as it grows.

Good luck with your seedlings!

Mine are on their second day since sprouting. And they all look so tiny and cute. This is the third time I planted cannabis but these seedlings are much cuter! :lol: I hope they don't stay that "cute" for long though. I hope they grow big and healthy soon.

I have a total of 9 out of 10 seedlings. The 10th just couldn't make it. I was hoping for 100% germ rate, but to have a healthy 9 out of 10, I'm not complaining.

I'm really careful this time not to over water them. Coco just retains too much moisture if you don't watch your watering. Seedlings are very prone to fungal infection and root rot. I had a bad case of "damping off" in my last grow. Must've been a bad batch of coco peat and overwatering.

So far, the 9 seedlings look healthy. Here are pictures.



Active Member
Yes, it's crazy! But this is not like normal twins, this is like someone having their twin attached to their neck. The other twin is really small and I don't think it will survive, but who knows right? Sometimes the runt gets better as it grows.

Good luck with your seedlings!

Mine are on their second day since sprouting. And they all look so tiny and cute. This is the third time I planted cannabis but these seedlings are much cuter! :lol: I hope they don't stay that "cute" for long though. I hope they grow big and healthy soon.

I have a total of 9 out of 10 seedlings. The 10th just couldn't make it. I was hoping for 100% germ rate, but to have a healthy 9 out of 10, I'm not complaining.

I'm really careful this time not to over water them. Coco just retains too much moisture if you don't watch your watering. Seedlings are very prone to fungal infection and root rot. I had a bad case of "damping off" in my last grow. Must've been a bad batch of coco peat and overwatering.

So far, the 9 seedlings look healthy. Here are pictures.
Hehe the twins...makes me remeber a movie of siamese twins, what was the was so bad i fergot?! =(

Looking nice though and that strain seems nice!!! xD

//Keep it real! Pce, CaL!


Active Member
Looking spot on Weedy! :mrgreen:
Can't wait for them to get big...and good luck with the twins...interested to see how it turns out.. :mrgreen:
I'm a big fan of indicas myself, love that couchlock feeling....sativas just mess my head up! :lol: (bipolar :lol:)



I'll pull up a chair for this grow! looking good nice and clean grow so far girl!
good luck and hope for good yield (:

rep ++


Active Member
Looking spot on Weedy! :mrgreen:
Can't wait for them to get big...and good luck with the twins...interested to see how it turns out.. :mrgreen:
I'm a big fan of indicas myself, love that couchlock feeling....sativas just mess my head up! :lol: (bipolar :lol:)

Thanks Joe! Can't wait myself! :-)

Yeah I did hear something about bipolar people and that the high the sativa gives is not good for them. Good thing we have indicas, right? :weed:


Active Member
I'll pull up a chair for this grow! looking good nice and clean grow so far girl!
good luck and hope for good yield (:

rep ++
Thanks dugi! +rep for calling me girl haha I'm just fed up being called "dude" or "man". Fine at first but it gets tired. Anyway, welcome to my grow log! :hug:

P.S. It's also interesting to note that there aren't so many female growers here in RIU. I wonder where they are.


Well-Known Member
Thanks dugi! +rep for calling me girl haha I'm just fed up being called "dude" or "man". Fine at first but it gets tired. Anyway, welcome to my grow log! :hug:

P.S. It's also interesting to note that there aren't so many female growers here in RIU. I wonder where they are.
we dont mean offence by "dude" or "man" and the popular "bro", were just stoners..thats how we talk,lol, but my bad madam:leaf:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Keep the twin, my partner has a lemon skunk going with two stems and it's looking great after two weeks of flowering.

I have one each of arjan's haze #1, arjan's strawberry haze, and sour cream, all feminized. I also have a jock horror and a malawi 99 of regular seeds going. They were under 18/6 but switched last week to 17/7. Today ends week five of vegging, they will veg another week. The strawberry haze, arjan's haze and malawi 99 are already showing flowers. They are in three gallon containers in soil. The jock horror has been topped and the others lst. None of them are over a foot tall after the They got very little in the way of nutes for the first four weeks, last week 1/2 strength veg nutes. Today they got full strength flower nutes and half strength grow nutes. The malawi seems rather sensitive to nutes but the others have reacted well. I'll keep my eye on them after this feeding and adjust accordingly. I've read all different stuff as to what they like, so now I'm in the experimental stage to find out what my girls like. Here's hoping I don't burn them up with the full strength feeding this morning.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I had a mutant my last grow, it spurted four stems, never had a real top. The whole stem was like two inches tall. Ended up getting over an ounce of excellent bud from her. Out of ten plants, she was by far the best tasting and also best stone. I've just broken out a bud from my stash for me and my partner to vape as soon as he gets here.


Active Member
Keep the twin, my partner has a lemon skunk going with two stems and it's looking great after two weeks of flowering.

I have one each of arjan's haze #1, arjan's strawberry haze, and sour cream, all feminized. I also have a jock horror and a malawi 99 of regular seeds going. They were under 18/6 but switched last week to 17/7. Today ends week five of vegging, they will veg another week. The strawberry haze, arjan's haze and malawi 99 are already showing flowers. They are in three gallon containers in soil. The jock horror has been topped and the others lst. None of them are over a foot tall after the They got very little in the way of nutes for the first four weeks, last week 1/2 strength veg nutes. Today they got full strength flower nutes and half strength grow nutes. The malawi seems rather sensitive to nutes but the others have reacted well. I'll keep my eye on them after this feeding and adjust accordingly. I've read all different stuff as to what they like, so now I'm in the experimental stage to find out what my girls like. Here's hoping I don't burn them up with the full strength feeding this morning.
As long as they won't kill each other, I'll keep them both :hug:

That's a nice lineup you have in there! I always wanted to know what Arjan's hazes are like. I'll keep tabs for your smoke report.

Take it easy on the feeding though. Cannabis plants are actually very sensitive to fertilizers. They can do with just a minimal amount of feeding as long as you just keep maintaining your lights and temperature, and keeping your ph and ec levels at bay.

True about your username, however, the bears in your peace sign...a tad girlie.

Nice to see a fellow sativa grower, is not a fella'.
That is good to know! :peace: :p

I had a mutant my last grow, it spurted four stems, never had a real top. The whole stem was like two inches tall. Ended up getting over an ounce of excellent bud from her. Out of ten plants, she was by far the best tasting and also best stone. I've just broken out a bud from my stash for me and my partner to vape as soon as he gets here.
You know that is just so nice! No wonder people get addicted to growing. The end result is so sweet and rewarding.

These plants never fail to surprise me. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
You will love Satori, this was the first "successful" strain I grew back in the fall of 2007. You won't be disappointed, I also grew under a 400 HPS, with SunGro Metro-Mix 300 , 3 gallon containers, and FoxFarm Grow Big and Tiger Bloom and Botanicare Sweet.

This strain in my opinion is Mandala's best, I grew their Kalichakra and it was mediocre at best. Satori is the strongest Sativa dominant I've ever had. It also had a lemony after taste, it did not leave me with no cotton mouth, just the opposite, like I had ate a chunk of lemon pound cake.

If more people knew about Satori it would be more well known, I've been wanting to try Mandala's new strain "8 Miles High", I doubt it will top Satori. For the money, you can't complain about Mandala's strains.

$30 for a pack of their seeds , is a bargain. I remember an old article by Mike and Jasmin the breeders/owners of Mandala over at IC MAG on the forum that said they had Satori tested for THC levels and the result was 28%, I believe it because I've tried many different strains since I grew it in late 2007 and nothing has ever been better.

Satori would be an awesome strain to make Hash with. I think a lot of people overlook it because Mandala's strains are cheap.

The way I feel about Satori is if I were on a deserted island and could only have one strain, Satori would be it, I loved it that much. I need to order some more, if Mandala ever shut down his seed business, I couldn't get over not ever getting to have that strain again, it is that good, Hightimes Dec. 2007 listed it in the top 10 strains of 2007, I have that issue.


Active Member
wow that strain looks intresting!

Thanks cacked! :hug: rep

You will love Satori, this was the first "successful" strain I grew back in the fall of 2007. You won't be disappointed, I also grew under a 400 HPS, with SunGro Metro-Mix 300 , 3 gallon containers, and FoxFarm Grow Big and Tiger Bloom and Botanicare Sweet.

This strain in my opinion is Mandala's best, I grew their Kalichakra and it was mediocre at best. Satori is the strongest Sativa dominant I've ever had. It also had a lemony after taste, it did not leave me with no cotton mouth, just the opposite, like I had ate a chunk of lemon pound cake.

If more people knew about Satori it would be more well known, I've been wanting to try Mandala's new strain "8 Miles High", I doubt it will top Satori. For the money, you can't complain about Mandala's strains.

$30 for a pack of their seeds , is a bargain. I remember an old article by Mike and Jasmin the breeders/owners of Mandala over at IC MAG on the forum that said they had Satori tested for THC levels and the result was 28%, I believe it because I've tried many different strains since I grew it in late 2007 and nothing has ever been better.

Satori would be an awesome strain to make Hash with. I think a lot of people overlook it because Mandala's strains are cheap.

The way I feel about Satori is if I were on a deserted island and could only have one strain, Satori would be it, I loved it that much. I need to order some more, if Mandala ever shut down his seed business, I couldn't get over not ever getting to have that strain again, it is that good, Hightimes Dec. 2007 listed it in the top 10 strains of 2007, I have that issue.
You couldn't have said it any better TreeofLiberty! +rep
I hear so many growers wax poetic about Satori and yet it isn't that popular. But I don't mind, as long as I have it ;-)

I'm aiming for a huge yield and I want to keep seeds so it will still be with me for a long time.

I'm really in love with this strain and I can't wait to experience the good things everyone is saying about it. :weed:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I'll post some pics if you don't mind weedy? I also have one each feminized seeds of supers silver haze, neville's haze and a hawaiian snow. It was hard to decide what to grow and I've never grown sativa before so I figured I would save those three until I got a bit more experience with the sativa growing. I also still have four feminized sour cream beans and nine each of regular seeds of the jock horror and malawi 99.