Seed? WHAT?!


Active Member
Yay first post.

So I got a little impatient today, and pulled a bud off my indica to smoke.

I found a bunch of what looked like tiny seeds, not quite actual seeds yet.

Now my question, is this normal? Or do I have some hermaphrodite-ism going on, I only have 3 plants, all definitely female in the last stages of flower, never had any males near them.

This picture is about 1 week 3 days old.

Thanks for any help guys.


Active Member
No, I was going to take one but they were incredibly tiny and I only have a shitty webcam. They literally looked like what a seed probably should look like before it's fully a seed, and there was probably about 10 in a bud that will roll a small joint.

Basically, is there any chance that this is part of the normal process and that these things will form into buds and not seeds?

Failing that, assuming I get seeds, hermaphrodite seeds bad? If anything the gender confusion likely came from stress not genetics. I mean, if shit fucked up and my plant(s) are no longer sensi, can I at least be happy that my beautiful indica will survive another generation? (I didn't bother cloning it)

I've re-examined the plants a few times, and I can't find any signs of male anywhere, but this is my first grow, so I'm admittedly newb.


Smoky McPot
Hmm, ive noticed pods like look like seeds start to form in the first few weeks of flowering but end up just being early development of flowers so it is possible. I guess just wait and see what happens. If it is hermie, at least it wasnt a male and im guessing the seeds would do just fine


Well-Known Member
yeah forbidden i believe that these seeds will bud soon,(i have smoked premature bud and there almost like soft seeds), u just picked the bud a little premature, how many weeks into flowering?


Active Member
I can't remember, I'm going to guess 6-8 weeks..

My first pictures are 30/07 (not the ones I posted).. 25/08 still veg.. 1/09 still veg (the indica one is only 6" tall here, not even, so hard to believe it's so huge now), 30/09 flower..

So I started flowering somewhere in Sept, it's Nov now, let's pick Sept 15th as a guess date..

10.5 weeks? wow.. I don't know exactly, it seems like it's taking a while..

Indica & Sativa @ Aug 25th: (its the one in the hydro pot)

Sativa @ Aug 25th:

Indica @ September 30th:

Sativa @ September 30th:

^ that one looks so nice here, it almost died however, I left it in the care of someone else (had no choice, wish I didn't have to, man they suffered). When I came back, it's bucket was empty, and then I soon found out after it's airstone got clogged or something (could've actually been the pump too, which I later found out was damaged as well and suffocating them)

Sativa @ Nov 21:

Sad Sativa @ Nov 21
(this is the same tall beautiful plant from above:( )

Indica @ Nov 21:
The first picture I posted in this thread was from the same date and same plant as this one.

I'm open to new ideas and suggestions, I want to (obviously) get the thickest densest nicest sexiest buds I can!

Kit details:
3x7gallon with net pots and air stones (DWC), air pump ratings 1x1500->indica, 3500/2 -> sativas (how much does this matter anyway?)
1x430 watt hps son argo
1x250 watt mh
Using nuts from local hydro shawp


How am I doing for my first grow?


Active Member
Er, moderation? What posts need be moderated and why? I posted a huge reply and it told me it had to be moderated, while this post does not?

peter parker

Well-Known Member
same thing happened to me, one of my bitches turned herm. and got some pollen on herself and the other girls. nothing major only a few seeds on 1 or 2 branches. these girls have had a stress full life though. but i believe this is how seed companies make "feminized" seeds. they get a female to bud then stress it so it goes herm and pollinates itself making feminized seeds. i found out mine was a herm when i accidentally hit her and dust flew off i was like WTF?! sure enough i saw the pollen sack then, very hidden. so give her a smack see if pollen dust flies off lol. also you could take one of those "seeds" take it and open it up it should have a little green seed in it might be very tiny but if its there you know its seed. but false seed pods are normal i believe, they fill up with resin or something i guess. hope this helps :joint: :peace:


Active Member
They did indeed look like little seeds, perhaps this is what has happened too, they have had a _very_ stressful life.

Started in soil outdoors, moved inside after about 6 inches, had no light for a bit, moved to hydro, moved to bigger hydro, moved houses twice.

Feminized seeds eh?

Some how it doesn't seem right, could genetic mutations occur because of hermaphroditism?


Active Member
3 plants in the room. My fan died.

Definitely seeds. I have more.

I might plant them as an experiment but I think I will keep away from them for anything serious. :(

This sucks!


Active Member
If I move my plants is it going to increase the chances of more stuff getting polinated at this point?

er, It'd be a lot my clear if my post with my whole grow log was moderated.. ?


Active Member
the seeds, and the buds the seeds came from:

holy fkn seeds!

I can only pray that this only affects a few branches.. Moving my plants around might be a bad idea, right, releasing more pollen from the damn balls I can't find?