When to start the flower stage


Active Member
I am in my first grow, only 17 days in,

but, was just curious how to tell when

to start the flowering stage. I went

to the FAQ section, read about when a

plant is ready for flowering, but that just

confused me, the answers i get from you

all is alot better, makes more sense. So

please let me know.


It's really a personal preference depending on either how fast you want your harvest or how you want your yeild to turn out. You can probably start anytime from here on out.


Active Member
start at day 17 lol i think i need some more posts never hear of starting flowering at day 17 lol


Well-Known Member
A plant will show you pre flowers when it is ready to flower (grown from seed). If you are growing from clone though, you can flower as soon as it has an established root system.

Most plants wont show pre flowers (from seed) until about 8 weeks or so under 18/6 lighting (sometime sooner, sometimes longer). When a plant shows pre-flowers it is showing sexual maturity. Ready to flower.

17 days, you should be getting close. Keep an eye out for pre flowers over the next couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
Wow, those are small for 17 days man. Looks like they are stretching for the light as well. What kind of lighting are you using and how close is it to the top of your plants?


Active Member
Wow, those are small for 17 days man. Looks like they are stretching for the light as well. What kind of lighting are you using and how close is it to the top of your plants?
This is my first grow there is alot you dont know that i dont wanna try to explain lol. its all in my grow journal, the bigest prob is that i started them in dirt, wich is explained why i did that in my journal. The light is a 400watt MH hortilux, have pic in journal. its about 20" away


Well-Known Member
By the way, my stoner ass forgot to mention that thats 8 weeks from VEG (I thought you meant 17 days in veg growth). You have seedlings right now my man. LMAO...my bad.


Well-Known Member
This is a pic of one my plants (at about 17 days from seed) in a CoCo mix:

This thing is even small really. It was going through all kinds of issues from pH problems to Fungus Gnats.


Active Member
What if my seeds are just some homegrown bs outside plant seeds. would that make any diff at all. If you dont mind reading my journal giving me advise on what is up with them +rep and big kuddos. I think you might figure out what is wrong with them.


Active Member
Truth is you can flower your plants as small as six inches or as large as you want to. The buds will be the same potency but small plants make small buds and large plants make large buds. Keep in mind that most plants will grow to almost double their size once you put them into flowering so if you have restricted height then you must consider this. Happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
Genes do have a BIG ro!l in it. why you think so many people "order" or "buy" seeds!! lets say 2 hillbillys fuck right!? and they have a kid! get my point !!


Active Member
thanks guys all of you. If anyone would like to take a look at my journal new pics and posts i do daily. Thanks again anymore advise will be used.


Well-Known Member
Engineer is correct, you need to keep size ratios in mind. Plants can not just double...but even triple in size when put into flower (depending on genes). Some people flower right from seed actually. I just assumed you wanted to know when the "general" time to flower is. As far as my knowledge goes, plants perform best when allowed to reach sexual maturity (showing pre flowers).

However if space is an issue in your case, you may want to flower earlier.


thanks guys all of you. If anyone would like to take a look at my journal new pics and posts i do daily. Thanks again anymore advise will be used.
I'll sub to your thread if you promise to use paragraphs on those long winded posts (no offense).

I tried reading your thread and my eyes started to hurt around the 3rd page. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Engineer is correct, you need to keep size ratios in mind. Plants can not just double...but even triple in size when put into flower (depending on genes). Some people flower right from seed actually. I just assumed you wanted to know when the "general" time to flower is. As far as my knowledge goes, plants perform best when allowed to reach sexual maturity (showing pre flowers).

However if space is an issue in your case, you may want to flower earlier.


I'll sub to your thread if you promise to use paragraphs on those long winded posts (no offense).

I tried reading your thread and my eyes started to hurt around the 3rd page. :eyesmoke:

Couldnt agree more on the maturity. I usually wait untill i see signs of preflowers before i cut the lights. I have had my latest grow in 12/12 for 4 days and sadly i was able to identify 2 males already.

Best advice i can give you is listen to your plant(s). They will tell you what they need and when they are ready.

g/l with the grow


Active Member
Yes i promise to use spacing more you r not the first to tell me that one. Thank you for coming along sure will be needing

everyones help along the way. i just went down killed the heat and lowered the light till my heat stayed at 80.5. and trust

me space is no prob at all got my hole basement just using a small corner right now.


Well-Known Member
Yes i promise to use spacing more you r not the first to tell me that one. Thank you for coming along sure will be needing

everyones help along the way. i just went down killed the heat and lowered the light till my heat stayed at 80.5. and trust

me space is no prob at all got my hole basement just using a small corner right now.

We were talking about height of the plants though really. How tall is the ceiling in your room?

How tall is the reflector you are using?

How tall is the tub your plants are in?

How far is it you can put the back of your hand under the light and it not get hot?

Now add all that up.

How much height do you have left now?


Active Member

We were talking about height of the plants though really. How tall is the ceiling in your room?

How tall is the reflector you are using?

How tall is the tub your plants are in?

How far is it you can put the back of your hand under the light and it not get hot?

Now add all that up.

How much height do you have left now?
All of that info you are asking is in my grow journal.


Well-Known Member
All of that info you are asking is in my grow journal.
No offense bro, but when someone is trying to help you out with something and you keep answering their questions with:

"It's in my grow journal."

Thats nice...

is it gonna kill you to copy and paste that info here? I am trying to help you out...but you want me to work for it :confused::roll::confused::roll:

Think about that for a moment. bongsmilie

Now that I have that out of the way, I'll go read your grow journal (again).


Active Member
dude i let my plants veg for 50-60 days,but i have heared of guys flowering at 30 days,I wait till my indica pre flowers if no preflowers by day 60 switch to 12/12 and i only use a 18/6 veg and my plants are short heavy yielders,I get at least 3+ on one plant and normally i get right at 4 o's dry,GOOD LUCK BRO!!