Fox Farm

How many bags of Fox Farm Ocean Forest is needed for a 5 gallon bucket?

The soil where I live has too much clay and I am a little tight on money, so am considering my options. Any recommendations on other (cheaper :p) organic soils?

This will be my 1st time growing MJ and I want a good crop for someone with very limited resources. Thanks


Active Member
Do you think a 70/30 mix of Ocean Forest and Light Warrior would be able to sustain a plant through its entire life cycle? or would other nutes need to be added?
im sure it would be fine threw out its life cycle but i would add some nutes in the flowering stage .. i dont know to much on nutes so keep on doing your research im sure some one will be able to help u out .. but if your tight on money u might wanna do your soil mix and also purchase some nutes.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...What you'll need:
Seabird guano, bat guano, earth worm castings, kelp meal (or liquid seaweed), molessas, a bubble stone and bubble pump, a paint strainer. 5 gallon bucket.
What to do:
Get a couple of gallons of water from tap....let set on bubbles over night to dechlorinize it, then pH balance the water to 6.5....take a couple tablespoons of each (worm castings, seabird, bat, kelp, molessas) and put inside paint strainer and tie shut...hang the mix over the bubble stone to make movement/activity in the water....let set for 24-48 hours....put 2 cups of this per gallon to new dechlorinized pH balanced water, then water in once weekly.'ll want to back up off of the earthworm castings and the seabird guano in mid flower to eliminate nitrogen avalibility.
...the molessas and liquid seaweed are liquid , however, still use table spoon measurements.
...stop giving tea @ weeks 5 for an 8 week strain, or allow a couple weeks to flush (not so important organically but, I prefer to save the $)

trichlone fiend

New Member
...for another soil idea, you can go with "Pro-mix" , or I've done this: 1/3 spagnum petemoss, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 vermurclite ( you'll also need 1 tbls. per gallon of dolomite lime)


Well-Known Member
...for another soil idea, you can go with "Pro-mix" , or I've done this: 1/3 spagnum petemoss, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 vermurclite ( you'll also need 1 tbls. per gallon of dolomite lime)
Do you know were i can get the dolomite lime?(Im talkin department stores) Or anything that would take the ph of my soil down a little bit?