d.c. beard's Hash Berry and Super Skunk F1 Grow 400w In Soil w/ PICS


Well-Known Member
great advice DC. spoken like a true conosir! i value your friend ship, and appreciate very much your support. my wife just remarked how she loves how clean your setup is, the ladies love a man who can keep a clean grow room!


Well-Known Member
great advice DC. spoken like a true conosir! i value your friend ship, and appreciate very much your support. my wife just remarked how she loves how clean your setup is, the ladies love a man who can keep a clean grow room!
Nothing bothers me more than to walk into a dirty grow room. :cuss:

Nice Harvest DC; smoke report coming?


Well-Known Member
The ladies looked really nice at harvest, and they taste even sweeter..

Good job again buddy, and I look forward to the next one...would be nice to see your yields with a 600 you know.. :peace: :bigjoint:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
great advice DC. spoken like a true conosir! i value your friend ship, and appreciate very much your support. my wife just remarked how she loves how clean your setup is, the ladies love a man who can keep a clean grow room!
Haha yeah I get big brownie points with my girl by being clean and tidy all the time. I don't even have to try, since I think I'm OCPD. But she loves it!

Nothing bothers me more than to walk into a dirty grow room. :cuss:

Nice Harvest DC; smoke report coming?
Thanks buddy. Yep, just gotta get my lazy ass going and throw one on here. I want to do one with good pics of the buds and all. I'll let ya know once I get it up on here. ; )

whats up D.C.....your girls came out nice man, good job...also what the info on your veg tent?
Thanks, the veg tent is supposed to be the same size as the fower tent, but it's quite a bit smaller. It's a GrowLab 2'x4'x6', but it's a little bigger than that. The Growlab sucks balls compared to my SunHut that I use for flower. The SunHut is advertised with the same dimensions as the GrowLab (2x4), but it's actually about 3.5'x5.25'x7'. It's way better made, and get this....costs about $50.00 less than the GrowLab.

lot of work that harvest must be....dont need us anymore eh? ok i see how it is. lol
Lol no no, it's not you, it's me! ha I know I've been a slackin' here lately. But don't worry, I'm about to get my shit back together on here this Monday when I have some free time.

The ladies looked really nice at harvest, and they taste even sweeter..

Good job again buddy, and I look forward to the next one...would be nice to see your yields with a 600 you know.. :peace: :bigjoint:
Yeah, I can only wish! Soon as I can get into a house instead of an apartment I'm upgrading. I know I could pull a lb in that tent with 20 plants if I had a 600w. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to settle for 9 or 10 ounces every 2-3 months for now... :twisted:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
So this is what's been keeping me busy...transplanting the clones I took weeks ago right before harvest. I learned a lot about cloning this time, as I tried some new stuff (some worked, some didn't) and really payed attention to what was going on and observed things carefully. My biggest problem was keeping the dome on for WAY too long. The roots don't grow if they can't get enough oxygen. Oh and I was also dipping my cut ends directly into the cloning gel which apparently ruins it. Plus the gel I was using was over a year old too. With this said, although it did take over 3 weeks for them all to root, I got 100% success on the last round of clones. Not a single one bit the dust. I must be getting better, that or I found the strain for people that suck at cloning!

Here's my new big 3 on cloning that I just learned the hard way:

1. Start with the dome on and leave vents closed.
2. Each day open the vents a little more so that by day 7 they are completely open.
3. Take the dome completely off at the end of day 7.

Also, I decided to use all bigger pots this time, to make sure that the plants do not get restricted due to pot size. The only problem is...I keep running out of soil! I can only get 9-10 pots filled out of each 2 cubic foot bag of FF Happy Frog soil. Between the bigger pots and the greater numbers that I'm doing this time, I went from needing 1 bag tops to at least 3! Oh well, as long as it's worth it. I still have 9 clones to pot up, and it's taking a while cause I have to sneak the bags of soil in at night up 3 flight of stairs past my neighbors. Let me tell ya, growing on the 3rd floor of an apartment building is not that easy!

So pic #1 shows my setup again (after being cleaned up a bit), pic #2 is a group shot of what's completed so far, and pic #3 is a close-up on the ISSxHB seedlings that are kicking ass and taking names. These are going to grow fast! They have crazy vigor. Once I finish potting up the rest of the clones, I have to move on to transplanting the seedlings. I'm really getting tired of transplanting!

For the next cycle I'm going to do 20 clones using these 1.5 gallon or whatever they are pots. I'm going to veg for about 2 weeks here under the MH bulb that I popped back into my cooltube for now, and then flip em. Only this time I think I'm going to do some SERIOUS pruning to lollipop the hell out of all of these girls. My plan is to grow them all to about 16" tall untopped, then flip em, and gradually leading up to the flip I'm going to be pruning off ALL of the branches except for the meristem and the roughly 4 top laterals directly below the cola. Let's just say I'm REAL tired of trimming up popcorn bud, and I just want to have great big nugs that trim up super easy. Plus light will penetrate a lot better and ventilation will be greatly improved. So stick around and see what happens, this is definitely going to be a vast departure from my traditional techniques!



Well-Known Member
Good to know your clones came out good, cant beat 100% success rate, even if it took 3 weeks.

Thats crazy that you have all this going in a apt. When i was reading i could see you running up those stairs in my head haha.

What do you root the clones in? rockwool?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Yeah right? Even though it sucks with the stairs and all It's not that bad I guess. I'd rather have to run up 3 flights of stairs with soil than have to drive somewhere to cop herb. At least I don't have to do THAT anymore! lol

Nah, I use Rapid Rooter plugs. $16.00 for like 30 plugs or something. They work great, and they're all natural. Made out of pressed bark fiber or something. Those and Roottech cloning gel cause it has the highest amount of IBA available in any cloning medium. Soak the plugs in water Ph'd to 6.6, squeeze out the excess, plop em in the tray, and stick your cut in the hole. Easy as shit.


Well-Known Member
Yeah definitely better then having to drive some where to get meds.

Good lookin on the rapid rooters, i have heard of them, but i kno peeps use the rockwool as well, my friends is setting up some closets to grow in, and has some rooting powder and the rockwool, so i wanna finally get this cloning thing going, i just need to make a separate cab to do it.

You do the same as well with the cubes right? just soak them over night


Well-Known Member
i just bought plugs for the first time, thought id give them a try for the seedlings. lol i also saw you running up the stairs in my head. i lived in an apartment a couple years back and i grew my first plant there...heres the story

my friend called me one day said that his old lady was pissed and he was worried she was going to call the cops and rat him out for the last living plant he has....(outdoor) so i came over and he already had the plant pulled up, bent in half and stuffed in a trash bag. we drank beer for a couple hours, i took it home and had a 5 gallon bucket of soil out in the patio and i said oh what the hell....might as well give it a try (plant was only around 2-3 weeks budding).. sure as hell it came back alive, lots of growth died.. but she did it. i grew her in indirect light using mirrors lol. weed wasnt that good but it had thc in it. used most of it for cannabutter which came out awesome!

seedlings are looking good man. i just posted some new pictures up myself. ive been trying to find out if there is a difference on the strain on left and strain on right when expressing the genetics of a certain strain. such as strainA x strainB. is strain A female and strain B the male? or does the left and right side not tell you anything?


Well-Known Member
my busy friend. bigger pots and new technique, you always know how to keep the readers interested, im so tuned in!

i use the soiless plugs for cloning too, but i toos have been just dipping them in the container, next time ill pour some out in a shot glass, your right bro! good luck this round, we'll really find out which method is better! sounds like a lot of work! one day ill get you to switch over to sunshine mix, you got the nute skills, and it's cheaper.

you need to have the apartment manager have me install an elevator in your pad, its what i do for a living, just great!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3783914]Yeah definitely better then having to drive some where to get meds.

Good lookin on the rapid rooters, i have heard of them, but i kno peeps use the rockwool as well, my friends is setting up some closets to grow in, and has some rooting powder and the rockwool, so i wanna finally get this cloning thing going, i just need to make a separate cab to do it.

You do the same as well with the cubes right? just soak them over night[/QUOTE]

Rockwool's alright, but a friend of mine was using it for years and switched over to the Rapid Rooters after I said I like em and now he's hooked. He loves em way better than the rockwool. So, food for thought....

FYI - rockwool gets soaked overnight in distilled Ph'd to 5.8. Rockwool is different because of what it's made out of...stones. The plugs I Ph to 6.6 like everything else I work with.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok, thanks for the heads up, i might just use them since he has a bunch, i was think of just sticking the clone's strait into soil with the powder

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3785450]Oh ok, thanks for the heads up, i might just use them since he has a bunch, i was think of just sticking the clone's strait into soil with the powder[/QUOTE]

Be careful, I wouldn't recommend doing it this way. There's not really anything holding the powder on the stem, and there's also not really anything holding the clone up. Soil is not really that stable. I would at least use the rockwool.

Rock the rockwool this time, and next time try the plugs. Shit, they're only $16!


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats true, might as well use the rockwool, we'll see how it gos, thanks for the insight once again :)

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3785535]Yeah thats true, might as well use the rockwool, we'll see how it gos, thanks for the insight once again :)[/QUOTE]

Anytime bro.


Well-Known Member
i like rockwool for clones but wasnt too fond of them for seedlings. imma give these plugs a shot...i like the consistency already. seems to me they will hold moisture longer also.