

Active Member
I hear alot about this, but I have not been able to find a place that sells it?
Suggestions? thanx !

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Nursery/garden centers..possibly Wal Mart or Home Depot...hydro stores.


just a few places. Do a search........

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Home depot has it, you might have to ask for it because they keep it in weird places sometimes. THat stuff is amazing, you use it with your fertilizer not by itself. I mix a concoction of superthive, distilled water, piss, (yes piss 1 to 10 ratio ) crushed up best tabs, and grow power disolved. I use this mixture on my outdoor and it works better than anything you will EVER USE


Well-Known Member
I only use my mixture during veg then tiger bloom once its time to flower. fourth week of flowering, I will give it a shot of superthrive juust this once to prevent all the leaves from getting yellow, they seem to get yellow about this time.


Active Member
Has any one used it when you are doing seedlings? I add 1/2 ml to a gallon of ph'd water 5-8. Any thoughts on that one? Mopsy


Well-Known Member
I thought I read somewhere to use superthrive whenever you water.. So everytime you water, you should use it.. IS that wrong?
Im also interested in, when, and how often it should be used..
I will have to get mine from ebay :(
I have seen places talk about a b1 suppliment for sproutings, and seedlings..If I have Superthrive, would I still need a B1 of some type?


Well-Known Member
I have superthrive, but i havent had good luck with it. i was feeding all of my plants the exact same strength of nutes and superthrive.. 2 of my plants reacted terribly... burning and such.. So, im just not sure how to use it.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is my experience with it. I use 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of balanced clean water. EVERY watering through veg. And when I sense any stress during flowering. It is also great to prevent shock when transplanting. This ratio of super thrive to water works well for me. I suggest you try and take notes so you can determine what you will need. Good luck to you all and keep growing~


Well-Known Member
i got superthrive a few weeks ago for the first time and use it when i water. 1/4 teaspoon/ gallon or a little less and the plants look healthy enough aside from recovering from mg deficiency.

ive just started 12/12, should i back off the superthrive?

actually havnt added any nutes except epson salt because im afraid to mix it with the miracle grow soil and burn up my plants.


Well-Known Member
Wavels please explain? I live in asia, and do plan on ordering some from ebay.. I know many growers personally, whoi swear by it.. Would you mind going into a bit more detail if possible why its usless?


Well-Known Member
It is not useless. It has vitamins and hormones for the plants growth . I have tried it on two plants. One I gave superthrive one I did not. The one with ST grew bigger and looked more lush. Read my first post and here and it tells you how much I use on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
I never noticed any benefit provided by Superthrive. I purchased it once and will never use it again.
I have enjoyed dozens of fine harvests without the use of Superthrive.
Marijuana is a strong resilient plant.
Save your money.


Active Member
this guys a fuckin idiot you used to much its 1 drop per gallon so if you have a 3 gallon resevoir hydro thats 3 drops if yur using soil just put one drop in a gallon jug this idoit was toturing his plants they shuld all died right before your eyes within 10 mins lucky your dumbass caught it before
I have superthrive, but i havent had good luck with it. i was feeding all of my plants the exact same strength of nutes and superthrive.. 2 of my plants reacted terribly... burning and such.. So, im just not sure how to use it.