human waste


Well-Known Member

I did piss all over my compost pile last summer during a few drinking binges and used it in the soil of my last plant it tasted very So I dont know maybe heinken piss is good for composting.


flush your stuff so the pros can treat it - buy some soil amendment from your local waste treatment plant, some of it will be yours! safer that way and much quicker.

drew k.420

Active Member
would you spinkle dried shit into your joint and piss on the sticky to rollit and then smoke it...thats what i thought.i cant believe i wasted time reading and responding to this completely rediculous thread.


Active Member
would you spinkle dried shit into your joint and piss on the sticky to rollit and then smoke it...thats what i thought.i cant believe i wasted time reading and responding to this completely rediculous thread.
Would you sprinkle chemical fertilizers, or even cow or sheep poop into your joint?

Or on your vegetables?

Guess what, that is what pretty much everything is grown in.

You're completely ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
k420 doesnt have a clue human and animal waste from healthy sources is the most natural and longest used method for fertilising crops....i know it works im just looking for ideas if you think its stupid your probably not very intellegent. i like the idea of buying it from a treatment plant. and for anyone who thinks im stupid no i wont be foliar feeding budding plants with my poo


Well-Known Member
The answer is yes. Its call humanure. It takes about 2 years sumbereged in sawdust to decompose enough to use in soil.

As a rule carnivore poop should not be used for composting as it takes too long to be safe.


Well-Known Member
Fucking gross and stupid. Go to the store and buy some nutes. Oh, but what do I know your probly a master have fun playing with your scat.


Well-Known Member
The answer is yes. Its call humanure. It takes about 2 years sumbereged in sawdust to decompose enough to use in soil.

As a rule carnivore poop should not be used for composting as it takes too long to be safe.
This is probably the best post in this thread. You handled that very well compared to some, and the info was dead on. +rep :joint:

I personally don't like the idea of using humane waste. So it is something I would never do personally. If you told me what I was about to be smoking/eating was grown with human feces (even properly processed) I wouldn't want anything to do with it.

I dont care how dank it is. Sorry. :-|


Well-Known Member
Fucking gross and stupid. Go to the store and buy some nutes. Oh, but what do I know your probly a master have fun playing with your scat.

I really wish there was a reverse rep feature. Every day im suprized with the level of ingorance a lot of members of this forum display.

For a bunch of gardeners, you sure dont know shit about agriculture. Chemical fertilizers are a 20th century invention. What do you think farmers used for 1000s of years before miracle grow? Subsequently, that was also when an apple was about half the size they are now with 3x the vitamin content.


Well-Known Member
This is probably the best post in this thread. You handled that very well compared to some, and the info was dead on. +rep :joint:

I personally don't like the idea of using humane waste. So it is something I would never do personally. If you told me what I was about to be smoking/eating was grown with human feces (even properly processed) I wouldn't want anything to do with it.

I dont care how dank it is. Sorry. :-|

Do you know what gives goat cheese its distinctive flavor? Lipase (bile salts dirived from urine)
"All beef" burgers doesnt mean its all ground steak, it just means everything in it is from a cow. (Youll be eating lung, stomache lining, and yes, lips and assholes)
Do you like sausage, guess what the casings are. (Intestines)
Worm castings are worm poop.

Think about the weed you smoked before you grew your own. I can gaurentee you have smoked straight human shit and urine as well as petrolium waste and pesticides and didnt realize it.

Whenever you smell someone elses fart, you are actually partially digesting it.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for natural fert but human dung carries some things you dont want in your grow room or food or smoke. that said if it is VERY well composted most of the nasties will die, not to sure on hepitits and such might need to do your homework.

I wouldn't risk it

Cow Tea

Active Member
Waste plants sell treated human feces. There are waste plants that spray fields, there are plants that dry the manure but it is usable and it is the food we eat all the time. It can be done but its a pain. Are you a diligent kind of person who's going to mix well and wait till its ready. Meat has nothing to do with it. Everybody loves bat shit, most bats eat bugs not fruit, you know meat, chickens eat anything but we love chicken shit. It just takes longer to break down. Personally I'm not lugging around a bucket of my own shit (not yet anyway) and turning it over and over. I have other natural supplies for my compost with out shitting in a bucket.
I dont at all argue that it can and is treated and used. We should be able to not let out waste go to waste. Would I do it at home? No. Maybe if it was aged properly in sawdust, mulch, etc... for at least a year or two, and then hot composted, or vice versa. Lets just say I wouldn't use it unless aged, and hot composted. But if you've got that kinda time anyway, just compost food. I piss in the pile all the time too.

Different bats eat different food. Tropical bats mostly eat fruit. But either way, insects are much easier to digest than meat. And although commercial chicken factories feed chickens all sorts of wild shit (including ground up male chicks), there is some much N in their diets that when their shit is composted (which all chicken shit from the store is), it gets hot really easy, killing salmonella and such. I've owned chickens and even with a great organic vegetable,fruit, worms(bugs), and grain diet, you'd be silly not to properly age and compost it before using it on something you plan on consuming.

Human poo (especially considering the majority of people's diet) is stuff for processing plants and humanure-fed forest trees, in my humble opinion. I really don't think it's good to compost human, dog, or cat shit, as most of their diet is processed food and meat, and use it on anything you plan on consuming.

Now if I were trapped on semi-arid land, I would shit in the ground, try to layer it with some type of brown carbon plant material, cover it up, and plant in it the next year or something, idk.

To the OP, please don't do it

Cow Tea

Active Member
Whenever you smell someone elses fart, you are actually partially digesting it.
Sad, but true. If only you could get high by smelling smoke... janitors have high risks of getting flu when it goes around, because flushing toilets send poo particles through the air and they breathe it in, but only think of it as a smell.

One time I farted and gagged. Other times I've lit my farts. Couldn't you get extra CO2 if you lit farts in the grow room? Sorry some purple fruityness got me crazy.


Well-Known Member
I have already posted the answer to his question. All the rest of the posts are people's uninformed opinions laced with stigmas. I have been composting for many years and researched how to compost almost every carbon based organism. I was even part of an agregcultural extention program that showed that you can compost a whole deer in a month using nothing more than untreated wood chips and shavings. Only one person in this string made a reference to "night soil" which is uncomposted human waste used in vegetable fields in asian countries.

Also, do you know what they do with the contents of a septic tank when they empty them? They are poured out into a parking lot, dried, scraped, and let to sit until they are ready to be sold as FERTILIZER.

To reiterate on more time:
You can compost human waste, its call humanure. It takes about 2 years and a lot of sawdust.

Just because most of you dont know about it other than what you think you know, dont badmouth the practice. Its a proven solution to waste issues that is practiced more than you realize.


Well-Known Member
Do you know what gives goat cheese its distinctive flavor? Lipase (bile salts dirived from urine)
"All beef" burgers doesnt mean its all ground steak, it just means everything in it is from a cow. (Youll be eating lung, stomache lining, and yes, lips and assholes)
Do you like sausage, guess what the casings are. (Intestines)
Worm castings are worm poop.

Think about the weed you smoked before you grew your own. I can gaurentee you have smoked straight human shit and urine as well as petrolium waste and pesticides and didnt realize it.

Whenever you smell someone elses fart, you are actually partially digesting it.
this made me larf a lot, my wife complains about breathing my poo:lol::lol: still human poo? if it gives good yields do it! but i wont do it untill you do a comparison:mrgreen: