Can someone help me understand why.

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
I would like to know why i always have so much problems during flowering period. I can grow a beautiful females with no problems 2 months or better than shortly after flowering i have problems.

Currently 3 wks flowering and problem started on one a few days ago.

Temp- 75-79
foxfarm trio
run off 6.7
nutes 6.6

leaves are getting spots up the veins and turning yellow tips first. started on bigger older leaves middle plant. I flushed at first sign and seemed to get worse. I dont over fertalize unless the foxfarm feed sched is crap. no pics but its flowering hard that part is right on schedule but just like the last few i loose my leaves fast. I think its in my water few questions city water should i have a softner going or not. and i use alot of R/O and also flushed with R/O. what am i doing wrong. I have been using tiger bloom lightly is P really that strong can it lock up N or Mg. My runoff is 6.7 so i thought if i had to much nutes my ph would be lower.


Active Member
Some leaf drop is normal. Try not transitioning to the bloom ferts too early. keep a bit more N in the plants longer.


Well-Known Member
give it a good dose of growbig next feeding nitro deff is normal during flowering . if its still packen on the weight it shood b fine

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
give it a good dose of growbig next feeding nitro deff is normal during flowering . if its still packen on the weight it shood b fine
Thanks for the quick response guys, i was thinking that too. When i first noticed it instead of jumping to conclusions like my other mistakes i let it go a bit to see. When the leaves started to turn yellow i gave it big grow. That was a two days ago.

How long does it take for it to turn around, should i have notice a change by now.

trichlone fiend

New Member
I'd stop using chemicals in soil. You can simply reenrich your FFOF by using a good organic tea. Here's how I do it with no problems, very beautiful plants from start to finish.

What you'll need:
Seabird guano, bat guano, earth worm castings, kelp meal (or liquid seaweed), molessas, a bubble stone and bubble pump, a paint strainer. 5 gallon bucket.
What to do:
Get a couple of gallons of water from tap....let set on bubbles over night to dechlorinize it, then pH balance the water to 6.5....take a couple tablespoons of each (worm castings, seabird, bat, kelp, molessas) and put inside paint strainer and tie shut...hang the mix over the bubble stone to make movement/activity in the water....let set for 24-48 hours....put 2 cups of this per gallon to new dechlorinized pH balanced water, then water in once weekly.'ll want to back up off of the earthworm castings and the seabird guano in mid flower to eliminate nitrogen avalibility.
...the molessas and liquid seaweed are liquid , however, still use table spoon measurements.
...stop giving tea @ weeks 5 for an 8 week strain, or allow a couple weeks to flush (not so important organically but, I prefer to save the $)
...if your using RO water, add 1-2 ml of cal./mag. per gallon of h20

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
doing more research in the mean time, is it possible the P locked up potassium and im experiencing early stages of potassium def. if so how can i fix this problem.


Active Member
Hi, I use all FoxFarm nutes and I used to experience the same problems you are describing. Your problems are due to overfertilization and yes, the feeding schedule is way to much! Try this and see if you get results. Mix the fertilizer as instructed, but on fert days dilute by half. Do not give your plants it 'full strength'. I suppose you could add twice as much water when making the fert mix though too to obtain the same result... Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
doing more research in the mean time, is it possible the P locked up potassium and im experiencing early stages of potassium def. if so how can i fix this problem.
if uve grown this plat with relative eaze up till now and you have flushed at least once , i think ull b fine. dont go looking for ways to fix it and cause more problems . give it some blackstrap molassis 4 some micro nutes once a week at one tbs per gallon and the ff trio is pretty flawless when used as needed .


New Member
I'd stop using chemicals in soil. You can simply reenrich your FFOF by using a good organic tea. Here's how I do it with no problems, very beautiful plants from start to finish.

What you'll need:
Seabird guano, bat guano, earth worm castings, kelp meal (or liquid seaweed), molessas, a bubble stone and bubble pump, a paint strainer. 5 gallon bucket.
What to do:
Get a couple of gallons of water from tap....let set on bubbles over night to dechlorinize it, then pH balance the water to 6.5....take a couple tablespoons of each (worm castings, seabird, bat, kelp, molessas) and put inside paint strainer and tie shut...hang the mix over the bubble stone to make movement/activity in the water....let set for 24-48 hours....put 2 cups of this per gallon to new dechlorinized pH balanced water, then water in once weekly.'ll want to back up off of the earthworm castings and the seabird guano in mid flower to eliminate nitrogen avalibility.
...the molessas and liquid seaweed are liquid , however, still use table spoon measurements.
...stop giving tea @ weeks 5 for an 8 week strain, or allow a couple weeks to flush (not so important organically but, I prefer to save the $)
...if your using RO water, add 1-2 ml of cal./mag. per gallon of h20
Goldmine. Thanks for the info friend.

trichlone fiend

New Member
Goldmine. Thanks for the info friend. problem. Organics are easy to work with. Chemicals in soil are a bad idea, it builds up salts due to being such a great buffer...which result in alot of ph issues, and over fertilizing. If your in soil such as FFOF, this tea is awesome. It's pretty much bulletproof ladies and gentlemen...LOL ! Peace!

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
I will try cutting my foxfarm in half, sounds logical a little goes a long ways. I see alot of FoxFarm ploblems and alot are simular issues im having, but i never see an actual solution or anwser.

Any one else have some insite.