My Dilemma: 2 Boxes, 1 Veg + 1 Flower or ...


Active Member
I have a bit of a dilemma trying to decide how to finish setting up my closet. And I just smoked a few bowls so this could be a winded post... :mrgreen:

I built a grow box on one side of my closet (which you can see in my sig) that is 40" wide, 48" high, and 20" deep(which gives me enough room to do 3 5-gallon buckets side by side). Now I see that the box isn't very tall when you factor in about 17" for the dwc bucket setup. Im' using LED and CFLs on this box right now, so not much space should be wasted in between lights and plants.

That only gives me room for about a 2ft. tall plant in box #1...

I am getting ready to build a bigger box on the opposite side of my closet that will be deeper and taller. Approx, 6 ft. tall. I was going to get another grow going on the 2nd box(that has enough room to do 6 5-gallon buckets), but now I'm thinking maybe I should have seperate Veg and Flower boxes so that I can grow bigger plants.

The problem with this is I can fit twice as many 5 gallon buckets in the 2nd box and would have a lot of wasted space, since I can only veg 3 plants at a time in the 5 gallon buckets.


Option 1: Veg and Flower in each box. Box #1 produces (3) 2ft. tall plants and Box #2 produces (6) 4.5-5 ft. tall plants.


Option 2: Veg in Box #1 and Flower in Box #2. Box #1 produces (3) plants ready to flower, Box #2 produces (3) 4.5-5 ft. plants and however many small plants I can have cloned and ready to throw under flowering lights.


Option 3: Veg and flower in each box. Box #1 produces (3) 2ft. tall plants and Box #2 could use different totes to maximize any wasted space. Maybe use the 18 gallon or bigger totes and less plants but bigger plants?

Any suggestions?? How would you set yours up if you had this problem?


Active Member
Option 4: Sea of green in Box #1, and 6 5-gallon dwc buckets in Box#2??

I have a 24 site aero cloner, maybe the sea of green in box #1 is the way to go??
since box 1 is smaller, cant you veg all 6 plants in smaller containers. then you have perpetual growth ready to enter the flower room. no time or light is wasted. unless transplanting into larger pots for the flower room isn't posible (don't know why it wouldn't).


Active Member
since box 1 is smaller, cant you veg all 6 plants in smaller containers. then you have perpetual growth ready to enter the flower room. no time or light is wasted. unless transplanting into larger pots for the flower room isn't posible (don't know why it wouldn't).
Another option I hadn't considered. Thank you. As of this moment I am leaning toward doing a SoG DWC style(i think). :bigjoint: