2nd try White Rhino AG CFL Grow ***Help welcome***

Okay so I have a plant that has been veggin for about a month and half I put under 12/12 a week and I can't figure out if it a male or a female I figure its a male but I dont know maybe one of you guys can help me out here here are two pics of the plant where I circled in red is where there is new growth pretty sure its a male.



Active Member
Ok folks sorry I been off for a couple days...my internet was acting funky

I dont have much to tell with the plants. they are drinking up the plain water and the buds look like they are nice and fat. I will prolly chop them down either this weekend or next.

I think imma get Da Buddha Vape when I get my tax return. bongsmilie

now for the pics...enjoy




Active Member
Okay so I have a plant that has been veggin for about a month and half I put under 12/12 a week and I can't figure out if it a male or a female I figure its a male but I dont know maybe one of you guys can help me out here here are two pics of the plant where I circled in red is where there is new growth pretty sure its a male.

yo your pix arent showing up


Well-Known Member
Ok folks sorry I been off for a couple days...my internet was acting funky

I dont have much to tell with the plants. they are drinking up the plain water and the buds look like they are nice and fat. I will prolly chop them down either this weekend or next.

I think imma get Da Buddha Vape when I get my tax return. bongsmilie

now for the pics...enjoy

She is looking sexy. Harvest time is coming. I just got a Vapir One 5.0 and I love it. This my first time vaping so I can not judge it against others but it tastes delicious and you have the bag option or the mouth piece. I got mine on ebay but www.vapir.com has em on sale now with lots of extras and 2 day shipping for $149.99.


Active Member
She is looking sexy. Harvest time is coming. I just got a Vapir One 5.0 and I love it. This my first time vaping so I can not judge it against others but it tastes delicious and you have the bag option or the mouth piece. I got mine on ebay but www.vapir.com has em on sale now with lots of extras and 2 day shipping for $149.99.
yea your experience sold me on vaporizers :lol: I figured im not going anywhere so I dont need a portable vape. so I will prolly get Da Buddha Vape.

Yea cant wait till harvest. im still seeing white hairs though. I am hoping they still mature over the next week or 2 without nutes cause I have to chop them no later then the 1st of march cause Im going out of town for 4 days with work on the 16th and wont have anyone to look over the drying/curing process. I had originally planed on harvesting thursday (day 60), but they are not quite ready so I'll try to wait till the weekend at least.


Well-Known Member
The buds look great man, how many total weeks have they been flowering?

I would let them go to to the 1st, they should start packing on the weight soon, they still alot of filling in to do


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3792655]The buds look great man, how many total weeks have they been flowering?

I would let them go to to the 1st, they should start packing on the weight soon, they still alot of filling in to do[/QUOTE]

today is Day 57 so that is 8.14 weeks


Well-Known Member
Aight cool, defiantly let them go for at least another week and see how they look, all the complications probably stunted the growth a lil, but it wont hurt letting them go longer, you'll be pleased with the smoke and harvest in that time frame


Active Member
yea the seed site said 8-9 weeks so its pretty much on point. I just dont want them to develop mold while im outta town for those 4 days. I'll prolly chop em next sunday the 28th then let them hang for a week b4 throwing them into jars. Hopefully they are dry enough for me to leave them for a few days by the 15th/16th.


Well-Known Member
That should work just fine, only thing is that there will be about 4 days with no burping, so like you said, they could get moldy, but a full week hanging they should be pretty dry, keep us posted


Well-Known Member
Hey sicc quick question: Do you switch from veg to flower nutes slowly or as soon as you start 12/12? Sorry to jack your thread ninja. Shes lookin sexy hopefully shes going to end up being just one huge ass bush of pure bud.


Active Member
Ok so I looked @ my trichs again and it "looks" like all cloudy/milky to me. No amber yet so that with the existence of white hairs showing means they still need another week at least.

Hopefully they explode on their own in the next week & a half.


Should I give them another dose of nutes????? like maybe for 3-4 days or something.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt nute them. Just let them go. I mean, If worse comes to worse 4 days of you not staring at them shouldnt hurt. Hell you may even get some insanely un thought of smoke.


Active Member
dude that looks good do I need to get more lights for my AG delux I'm kinda broke right now lol I mean will the lights that came with the unit be enough to grow buds?
the AG lights are good for Veg but you will need something better for flowering. CFLs are very cheap and you can hang them around the plant