human waste


Well-Known Member
I have already posted the answer to his question. All the rest of the posts are people's uninformed opinions laced with stigmas. I have been composting for many years and researched how to compost almost every carbon based organism. I was even part of an agregcultural extention program that showed that you can compost a whole deer in a month using nothing more than untreated wood chips and shavings. Only one person in this string made a reference to "night soil" which is uncomposted human waste used in vegetable fields in asian countries.

Also, do you know what they do with the contents of a septic tank when they empty them? They are poured out into a parking lot, dried, scraped, and let to sit until they are ready to be sold as FERTILIZER.

To reiterate on more time:
You can compost human waste, its call humanure. It takes about 2 years and a lot of sawdust.

Just because most of you dont know about it other than what you think you know, dont badmouth the practice. Its a proven solution to waste issues that is practiced more than you realize.
on a sensible note this dude is right! what do you think it is that you smell in the country side;-)


Well-Known Member
Do you know what gives goat cheese its distinctive flavor? Lipase (bile salts dirived from urine)
"All beef" burgers doesnt mean its all ground steak, it just means everything in it is from a cow. (Youll be eating lung, stomache lining, and yes, lips and assholes)
Do you like sausage, guess what the casings are. (Intestines)
Worm castings are worm poop.

Think about the weed you smoked before you grew your own. I can gaurentee you have smoked straight human shit and urine as well as petrolium waste and pesticides and didnt realize it.

Whenever you smell someone elses fart, you are actually partially digesting it.
Actually the only one I did not know was about the goat cheese. Interesting, cause I bitch when I go to an "authentic" Mexican restaurant and they put cheddar cheese in my carnitas burrito.

It's supposed to be "authentic." Sorry, not authentic unless it has goat cheese damn it. :cuss:

The sausage and beef thing I have known since I was wee lad. Never really bothered me. I just don't like the mix meat hotdogs. National Hebrews all the way! Hell, I'll eat Chorizo.

I know worm castings are worm poop, I mentioned the fact we use all these other kinds of manures in another post further back in this thread.

I learned all about the craziness that some people put into their soils etc years ago...thats why I am so glad I became good friends with a dealer..who was my neighbor...and just so happened to grow his own.

All I was smoking for 2 years was crops grown with Advanced Nutrients. However, now that I grow my own...I lean more towards the organic side of things.

It's just that the idea of using humane waste in my grow does not appeal to me. It takes far too long to be processed completely. I'll let the pros handle that mess. :dunce:

I am fine with others using it, as long as it is done right...and that right before I spark my joint you dont go...

" the way, I grew that in my own shit." :neutral:

Oh yeah...the farting digestion thing....

This is the same reason I keep my toothbrush sealed in a bag in the bathroom.

Brushing your teeth with someone else crap anyone? ;-)
I think the real dilemma is would anyone knowingly smoke it? I suppose on a molecular level, a nitrogen atom from normal nutes is no different from one in a turd. But still.....EEEW!


Well-Known Member
I think the real dilemma is would anyone knowingly smoke it? I suppose on a molecular level, a nitrogen atom from normal nutes is no different from one in a turd. But still.....EEEW!

Then you should not eat any food ever again. Especially mass produced food like the kind you get at supermarkets and restaurants.

Feedlots are worse than taking a crap on your weed plant.

Again, the stigma of ignorance.

Cow Tea

Active Member
Then you should not eat any food ever again. Especially mass produced food like the kind you get at supermarkets and restaurants.

Feedlots are worse than taking a crap on your weed plant.

Again, the stigma of ignorance.
Sureley you atleast understand why some of us advise not to try it at home? I dont disagree that it's used, but don't you think it's a bad idea to just shit in your compost heap and hope it turns out alright? I would want to be certain enough in my humanute composting ability before using the doo. Especially with a questionable diet, right?


Well-Known Member
Do you know what gives goat cheese its distinctive flavor? Lipase (bile salts dirived from urine)
"All beef" burgers doesnt mean its all ground steak, it just means everything in it is from a cow. (Youll be eating lung, stomache lining, and yes, lips and assholes)
Do you like sausage, guess what the casings are. (Intestines)
Worm castings are worm poop.

Not to mention Kopi Coffe the finest coffe thats actually made when the coffe bean is eaten and pooped out and recovered from the poop of some animal i forget its name. Thanks for the real dirt on composting our waste. i know it doesnt make sence to waste it. i will try composting it long term it will be about 1 acre from the house and main garden i can let it break down a season 2 or 3 no real hurry maybe turn some into soil after harvest and let it sit untill spring. i can let it break down a couple years if i need to and i can add other vegitative compost. this is part of my own selfsufficent home not a way to get anyone to eat or smoke my feces although i am positive my end resulds will be healthier more natural and cost effecent and sustainable than those produced with chemicle fertilizers...THANKS GREENSTER
Then you should not eat any food ever again. Especially mass produced food like the kind you get at supermarkets and restaurants.

Feedlots are worse than taking a crap on your weed plant.

Again, the stigma of ignorance.
You are dead right there. everything we eat or drink has been shit or pissed out by countless animals before us. i try not to think about it too much. i sure as hell dont eat processed crap. i have grapes in my garden, my dogs use that area as a toilet, maybe youd like to try them? i prefer the blissful ignorance of clean supermarket packaging myself. ;)

Just for reference, what is a feedlot?


Well-Known Member
Do you know what gives goat cheese its distinctive flavor? Lipase (bile salts dirived from urine)
"All beef" burgers doesnt mean its all ground steak, it just means everything in it is from a cow. (Youll be eating lung, stomache lining, and yes, lips and assholes)
Do you like sausage, guess what the casings are. (Intestines)
Worm castings are worm poop.

Not to mention Kopi Coffe the finest coffe thats actually made when the coffe bean is eaten and pooped out and recovered from the poop of some animal i forget its name. Thanks for the real dirt on composting our waste. i know it doesnt make sence to waste it. i will try composting it long term it will be about 1 acre from the house and main garden i can let it break down a season 2 or 3 no real hurry maybe turn some into soil after harvest and let it sit untill spring. i can let it break down a couple years if i need to and i can add other vegitative compost. this is part of my own selfsufficent home not a way to get anyone to eat or smoke my feces although i am positive my end resulds will be healthier more natural and cost effecent and sustainable than those produced with chemicle fertilizers...THANKS GREENSTER
I hope you looked at the link sent earlier that woman compost anything and everything, human cat an dog feces, whole newspaper, magazines carcases from dead animals. She lets it set 2 years and plants right in it. She has good results. She doesn't plant root vegetables in it, nothing like digging your potatoes and finding sparks skull. Her goal is to have zero garbage.
Anyways the site as a whole is worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
thanks snew and going to read through the links while sipping some KOPI COFFE.....but seriously these guys probably drink that stuff and eat chicken , and vegetables that are covered in feces from who knows where and make fun of me for trying to figuer out the best way not to waste good elements....i bet all the fresh water from their sink and shower goes down the drain let me guess i must be stupid to use all my grey water for irrigation


What we don't realize is that waste (urine and dung) is used as fertilizer for all the foods we eat and nitrates from animal feces even end up in our tapwater in small quantities. Urine is a perfectly natural additive that is potent and high in Nitrogen. Just make sure that you dilute it with water first (do not pour straight urine on your plants). I'd use about 4 oz per gal.

I was told by a doctor that male urine is sterile (especially if circumsized), however female urine, although sterile in the bladder, can become contaminated upon leaving the body. Also, you are what you eat- if you plan on using your own urine try to maintain a lower sodium diet and lay off the junkfood. I would not use solid waste, though. I like your style- gardening the way nature intended. Good luck, man.
Bats and sea birds are not vegetarians, in fact they live on a strict protien diet yet their guano is the best fertilizer around.
Nitrogen is a large component of animal waste usually in the form of urea, uric acid, and ammonium compounds and derivatives of these nitrogenous products, which are essential nutrients for all plants that are unable to. The amount of your harvest, the feminization stress on the plant's hormones, and the leaf health of your plant all depend on Nitrogen.
Use either Jamaican cave bat guana, Mexican Desert bat guana, seabird guana, worm castings, rabbit shit, or small amounts of urine added to your water will help your soil. Nutes usually have some in them too.


Well-Known Member
piss is very good to put in compost pile. i would let the microbes do their thing before using though. im not sayin you cant put into plants but i wouldnt because everybodies piss is different.........then, after it is composted its pretty much the same.
Always use mother nature .....indoor too!



Well-Known Member
Do you know what gives goat cheese its distinctive flavor? Lipase (bile salts dirived from urine)
"All beef" burgers doesnt mean its all ground steak, it just means everything in it is from a cow. (Youll be eating lung, stomache lining, and yes, lips and assholes)
Do you like sausage, guess what the casings are. (Intestines)
Worm castings are worm poop.

Think about the weed you smoked before you grew your own. I can gaurentee you have smoked straight human shit and urine as well as petrolium waste and pesticides and didnt realize it.

Whenever you smell someone elses fart, you are actually partially digesting it.

Oh fuck!!! LMAO!!!! :mrgreen:


Also, keep in mind what kind of prescription drugs or vitamins you might be taking, some of which will wind up in your urine.
Organic in, organic out. Simple.

Humanure has human pathogens. You just need to know good composting habits to make it safe to use. High temps and time are what yall need to aim for, if you want safe humanure.

I got 5 wheelbarrows full of 2year sifted and composted humanure ready to go. Since it is so old it is mostly juct organice material in my mind. Sm amount of nutes still there, but very mild. Also full of micro nutes from diverce diet.

First thing one needs to do if humanure is on there mind is get over the FECALPHOBIA !

Shit happens just like compost happens. Recycle and reuse! Do'nt let your black gold slip away from you. It is yours and you should be responsible for your own shit! LOL. Sounds flakey.

Read the humanure handbook and get educated on composting.

Once you read the Humanure handbook, you won't want to shit in water again. You'll want to get yer own sawdust toliet and start recycling.

