turkish420's first ever grow, featuring Subcool's Jack The Ripper!


Active Member
Dont wait take to long :). I couldn't really tell by the pics Turk. Post a couple more if you can get some good shots and I'll take another look.

Before you know it, your going to be taking 20 shots of some nice looking buds and colas and showing off the best couple of pics to everyone on riu :)

Good luck
Thanks HLC! I really appreciate the encouragement!

I looked at em when I woke up this morning and they are deffinatly males! :cuss:I will post up some pics as soon as I can get some good shots, but I'm pretty damn sure they're males. FUCK!


Active Member
Well. . . here's the pics. . .
i cant be sure thats a male, the flowers usually are a little rounder than that. did u flip to 12/12 or are those just random preflowers showing up? the bright side of a male is that you wont have to pay for seeds next time. good luck man ill be watching.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Ya your right. How many females does that leave you with? And what about cloning the remaining females? You could have them vegging while the mommas are flowering. Dont sweat it bro we'll just have to help you max out your yield on those babies that are left. Train the shit out of them, a little more pinching and tie some down some more. Hows the vegging coming along?

Going to cut down some Vortex in a little while. Will prolly post some pics on The TGA Growers club thread. Later


Well-Known Member
it does look male, and good close up shots man, i to have been tossin males out for a few days now, i actually threw out my mutant plant cant remeber the name but turkish u have one of these plants to, mine ended up male as expected, hope yours goes girl


Active Member
Ya your right. How many females does that leave you with? And what about cloning the remaining females? You could have them vegging while the mommas are flowering. Dont sweat it bro we'll just have to help you max out your yield on those babies that are left. Train the shit out of them, a little more pinching and tie some down some more. Hows the vegging coming along?

Going to cut down some Vortex in a little while. Will prolly post some pics on The TGA Growers club thread. Later
I'm left with only three JTR plants and the one fem'd superskunk. I'm def gonna take some clones so if yall know about clonin' I'm all ears! I havn't flipped em to 12/12 yet so hopefully the 3 I have left are ladies. The Quadfoliate isn't showin male preflowers so hopefully it stays that way! I'll check out your post in the TGA thread!


Active Member
it does look male, and good close up shots man, i to have been tossin males out for a few days now, i actually threw out my mutant plant cant remeber the name but turkish u have one of these plants to, mine ended up male as expected, hope yours goes girl
I put a magnifying glass in front of my wifes camera lense to get those shots! :bigjoint:The Trifoliate has balls and the Quad doesn't so hopefully it wont turn on me!


Active Member
i cant be sure thats a male, the flowers usually are a little rounder than that. did u flip to 12/12 or are those just random preflowers showing up? the bright side of a male is that you wont have to pay for seeds next time. good luck man ill be watching.
havn't flipped to 12/12 yet. The Trifoliate is a male and the Quadfoliate doesn't have em so they will be the ones I breed if I can. :bigjoint:


Active Member
It looks like two of my last 3 JTR plants are showin like males. Not quite sure yet but they are leanin hard that way. FUCK! :cuss:I still have two JTR plants that are 3 weeks behind all these so maybe THEY won't turn on me. So, it looks like I'll be makin seeds. Ya'll think I should let the Jack The Ripper males pollenate the femminized SuperSkunk as well? That'd be a crazy combo! Damn. . . I know I'm in denial but I keep hopin I'm just lookin at em wrong or something. . . D-E-N-I-A-L-!


Well-Known Member
wait so almost all your plants are male, and u can pollinate just a few braches so the whole crop isnt seeded


Active Member
wait so almost all your plants are male, and u can pollinate just a few braches so the whole crop isnt seeded
whats up mcpurple!

yeah man, its lookin like 2 of the last 3 JTR plants that weren't showin, are now showin. . . I don't know if Ill be able to pollinate just part of the plant cause i dont have anywhere else to put the male(s). Any advice?


Well-Known Member
well i get what ur sayin about not havin a place to grow the males, im not sure what u should do with them now though,


Active Member
well i get what ur sayin about not havin a place to grow the males, im not sure what u should do with them now though,
Fuck. . . I guess I should go ahead and plan on throwin em into 12/12 just to make sure. . . I mean, these are pre-flowers so maybe there's a chance for 1 or 2 of them to actually be females? (there's that denial again!)


Well-Known Member
i would put in flower if not positive, just be sure to check every day on them, to make sure if one is male the pollin sack didnt open, unless thats what u want


Active Member
if I'm correct and I've only got one female, I'm probably gonna have to make some seeds huh? I guess I could make some clones but how far into flowering can you make clones?


Well-Known Member
i think i would clone it would be faster, and u can clone any time in flower but the further into flower u are the harder it is to get the cuts to root, and if u take them when thier really far into flower they have to root then reveg,


Active Member
i think i would clone it would be faster, and u can clone any time in flower but the further into flower u are the harder it is to get the cuts to root, and if u take them when thier really far into flower they have to root then reveg,
got any advice on clonning then? I just want to go far enough into flowering to tell which one(s) is female to know which to clone from.


Well-Known Member
they will show sex while in veg if u leave them in veg longer, and im not really the best cloner so i dont want to give advice on somthin im not good at, in my grow 23 days after they popped out of the dirt more than half showed sex, while on a 20/4 shedule.


Active Member
I guess thats what my plants are doin, they are on 24/0. hopefully the last one wont turn on me. If it does I'll have to put em in 12/12 to get a better look at em I guess.