Outdoor spots what to look for and what not to


Hey guys kinda a noob on this site and im planning on growing some ganja this summer i have 30 seeds of an unknown indica strain and I have been having troubling finding spots I have a couple in mine but im worried there is not enough direct sunlight I plan on growing in kinda of a wetland place that is out in the middle of know where suggestions good spot examples reall apprecaite it thanks and describe spots youve used in the past


Well-Known Member
out in the middle of nowhere is good.If theres native plants there, growing good,then the ganja should be fine.Those beans better be mildew proof,since its by wetlands,and also they should flower b4 the rains come.5 hours of direct sunlight is enough.


out in the middle of nowhere is good.If theres native plants there, growing good,then the ganja should be fine.Those beans better be mildew proof,since its by wetlands,and also they should flower b4 the rains come.5 hours of direct sunlight is enough.
Alright it defintaly get 5 hours i think i am chopping down trees with a friend so the light should be fine thanks and theres a stream right by it so water shouldnt be an issue Im worried about drainage i defintaly dont want root rot is there any way to prevent this I will be growing in 5 gallon pots


Active Member
Yeah if ur growing in 5 gallon pots, poke holes, a lot of holes threw the bottom with a hammer and nail,
Then take a cement brick bust it into rocks or take half of a golf ball size rocks and fill the bottom about 2-3 inches, then fill with soil plant and stay safe ; )...
Good lu ck to ya...o u don't have to dig holes. ..cut a lot of grass 2ft high grass and tie it all the way around then blend it in a little. ....cut grass away from the grow field. ....
Spread them out real good like 30ft away from each other...

Happy smoking or selling to ya


thanks also im debating wether to let the males go with the females cuz I want seeds next year how much bud do you think I would get with an already fertilzered female and how many seeds would I get per female?


Active Member
I sometimes find my plants by looking in the canopy to find the light patch, so this year Ima plant in same spot and then look for some more light patches around it, probably closer to the river thats quite a walk from my original spot.
Pretty much walk until the trail gets smaller (less people have walked through), walk away from the trail a bit and look for light patches a little farther. If you already have a spot, then maybe research it a little to see if they're are any trails near it or any other hazard. Also I wouldn't recommend wetlands, walking through it and planting in it suck, but in 5 gal buckets you should be fine


thanks also im debating wether to let the males go with the females cuz I want seeds next year how much bud do you think I would get with an already fertilzered female and how many seeds would I get per female?


Well-Known Member
i think planting in the wetland shit-marsh is a good idea because nobody in their right mind would go back there looking for mj. you could get 0 or 10 or 100 seeds per female. what i might to do is kill all males except the best one and collect some pollen from it. then very carefully only pollinate the bottom branch of my best female. and bam, a couple dozen genitically superior seeds for next year. in other words, you can only pollinate a few branches if youre really careful


Ya Thanks haha lol but I think the spot is great only concern is tall swamp trees me and my friend are going to cut down a couple that should give the girls enough light also for soil will mircale grow with some other organic nutes be ok?also Water isnt a concern because there are really clean stream near by


Active Member
Ya Thanks haha lol but I think the spot is great only concern is tall swamp trees me and my friend are going to cut down a couple that should give the girls enough light also for soil will mircale grow with some other organic nutes be ok?also Water isnt a concern because there are really clean stream near by

Ok first off trails are easy to c frkm the air so take the long way or a deer path to water....don't leave any trash out,

Don't cut the hole tree down just branches hrre in there or plant on tbe south side of the tree, (the shaded area is north) so this way max light.
also good camouflage from air with a big ass tree next to it,

Now u ask will mg work?...
Weed will grow in any tbhing that has nutrition, what kind of mg,
poting soil, tommato soil, organic soil...ect ect....

But yes it'll grow just make sure not to overfeed...

Make sense?...
Good growing, later


Active Member
O yo...don't grow more then 2-3 plants per opening cause its easy to c....
Sometimes on cnn they air a weed document on Mexican grows out in the woods of cali...its easy to c weed from the sky...but if there's one here one there its all good they are a real green color very distinc from the sky looks like christmas tree green...and in the wild u rarely come upon more then 2-3 in one place usually just one or two...so just keep that in mind...I like to smoke b4 I go out cause work isn't a problem. When I'm high and I'm stupid parinod....the fkn squirrels scare the shit outa me every year...lol..but nobody's about to sneak up onmy ass...

O a good thing leave like a 5/10/20 $ dollar bill just one on the ground with a wallet on top and something to secure it. ..hell if I foind $20 ima pick that bad boy up...lol...so if I will so will jhon doe which tells u somebody's been near...also try and make it so u can c any new shoe prints so u can tell how much traffic there is in te area...don't say o..nobody goes there...hell have u ever seen anybody? ..if no then how do u no somebody isn't thinking the same thing...k man

When u grow u gota be on ur toes 24/7 iiet..
later...hope u do good this year. .I won't be growing myself cause of $$$ problems


Alright thanks man also all my friends say its really hard to grow weed is that true? and also im growing some where in the NW is this a good place to grow ? cuz ive heard alot of conflicting opinions Thanks:hump:


Active Member
Well when I was a kid I was always told that weed was the devil and it evil it'll do this & that, blaw blaw blaw...
well me and u both no that's bullshit they never tried it and are telling u "facts" that they hear that down the line was just made up...

So when somebody says it hard to grow weed
They don't no what the fk they talkin bout shit to grow weed u just put the seed in a wet towel and germ it and pop it in the ground... now growin some dank ass kush outa bagseed yeah that might be difficult, shit just treat it right kill the sperm donors (males ;) ) and don't stress it....But if its ur first grow I advice. U to grow like 10 and don't even worry about male female just go 2 science class, try this try that learn from exsprince unless u about to die
U got plenty time trust me, don't be so anxious, just all I got to say is


But a if u just want some grabge weed then pop it in the ground...

Sry all when I get high (all day every day) I get real "smart" which I'm probably a dumb ass but that's iiet as long as u don't tell me.


Alright it defintaly get 5 hours i think i am chopping down trees with a friend so the light should be fine thanks and theres a stream right by it so water shouldnt be an issue Im worried about drainage i defintaly dont want root rot is there any way to prevent this I will be growing in 5 gallon pots
That friend better be trustworthy as fuck. I also have an account on grasscity, some kid on that forum had his plants stolen because he showed his 'friend' the spot.


me and my friend are going to cut down a couple that should give the girls enough light
Be conservative. The flying pigs look for trees cut down in the middle of nowhere when they are trying to spot grows.


Ya I do have alot of time to learn lol but ya im just going to let the Males go so ill have more for next year so i can get better at growing haha hope all goes well this year also Im worried about pigs what will they do if they find the grow?


Active Member
kill the males bro its not worth leting them ruin what bud your gonna get. and dont worry about the cops if they do find it there just gonna rip it up .but just be smart about getting in and out and you will have no prolems . the cops are looking for large grows that suply most of the area there not gonna waist there time on 10 little plants .

sonic kiwi

Look for natural growing grass ie blackberry, gorse etc. Gorse has natural nitrogen and phosperus without watering nutes. Depending on your plant ie sat or indy, hide and seek indy's are your best bet with a small pot but more feeding. Sorry- forgot the question (Stoned on KIWI) jAH