I drank the kool-aid!


Well-Known Member
This thread is for all the kool-aid drinkers out there. Talk about the savior Obama, Polosi and Reid, all the good things they have done.


New Member
OK, I can finally give President Obama a kudo. He's on board, or at least he says he is, for building nuclear power plants.


Well-Known Member
Just like he changed his mind about raising taxes for no-one above

$250,000. How low did he go now? Its all bullshit, if people really
think that they're going to get "free" healthcare, they're dumb.

Its all through taxation.


Well-Known Member
Just like he changed his mind about raising taxes for no-one above

$250,000. How low did he go now? Its all bullshit, if people really
think that they're going to get "free" healthcare, they're dumb.

Its all through taxation.
He is taxing the rich:

he cut taxes for 95% of the taxpayers, only 12% of them realize it because of all the propaganda:

He is getting the support of wall street for banking and securities regulation:


Well-Known Member
He is taxing the rich:

he cut taxes for 95% of the taxpayers, only 12% of them realize it because of all the propaganda:

He is getting the support of wall street for banking and securities regulation:
Although he may have cut income taxes, it isn't helping
when he is pushing for socialized health "care" which is going
to FORCE every American to buy something they don't want/need,
or be "taxed", which is basically being fined for not buying what the
government wants you to buy. If we can't afford it now, what makes
them think that forcing us to buy it will help?

I don't think it will hold up. 19 states are already ready to take
it to the Supreme Court because its unconstitutional.

It violates the 10th amendment.

Thats almost half of the states
that are going to take it to the courts, which
makes me very happy. This isn't about your health, they could
give 2 shits about any of us that aren't in the top 4% of the wealthy.

Its about a power grab and having even more control over
our lives and finally we are standing up to it.

Its funny they admitted that they don't even want the
health care they're offering. :lol:

Shows how "great" its supposed to be right?

They don't even want to be covered by the bullshit
they're trying to shove down our throats.


Well-Known Member
Although he may have cut income taxes, it isn't helping
when he is pushing for socialized health "care" which is going
to FORCE every American to buy something they don't want/need,
or be "taxed", which is basically being fined for not buying what the
government wants you to buy. If we can't afford it now, what makes
them think that forcing us to buy it will help?

I don't think it will hold up. 19 states are already ready to take
it to the Supreme Court because its unconstitutional.

It violates the 10th amendment.

Thats almost half of the states
that are going to take it to the courts, which
makes me very happy. This isn't about your health, they could
give 2 shits about any of us that aren't in the top 4% of the wealthy.

Its about a power grab and having even more control over
our lives and finally we are standing up to it.

Its funny they admitted that they don't even want the
health care they're offering. :lol:

Shows how "great" its supposed to be right?

They don't even want to be covered by the bullshit
they're trying to shove down our throats.
the individual mandate was first proposed by charles grassley and warren hatch in a republican health care bill during the clinton administration. still want to call it socialism? it's not obama's original idea; it's a republican idea. damn socialists!


Well-Known Member
the individual mandate was first proposed by charles grassley and warren hatch in a republican health care bill during the clinton administration. still want to call it socialism? it's not obama's original idea; it's a republican idea. damn socialists!
Do you have the specifics on this? If it is true they should be strung up!


Well-Known Member
And the dems were pushing employer based healthcare... Looks like we made another full circle! We need politicians that stand on some principal.


Well-Known Member
the individual mandate was first proposed by charles grassley and warren hatch in a republican health care bill during the clinton administration. still want to call it socialism? it's not obama's original idea; it's a republican idea. damn socialists!
Yes. I do. Its all still bull. Hillary has been pushing "health care"
ever since I actually got into politics

I'm an independent....

So I don't really care for all this left/right wing conservative vs liberal

I know where I stand on the topics that are usually debated.
I don't take sides, I get the information that I can and draw

my own conclusion instead of watching biased news stations and
"agreeing with my party".
I still can't see how my gpa watches the news ALL FUCKING DAY. Omg,
it irritates me that he STILL sits there and drinks the kool-aid.

You should have seen how quick he changed his mind about the
health care bill after I told him it would be mandatory, or you'd
be "taxed". Soon enough, 2 weeks AFTER I told him that, it appeared
on the news that there was a mandate in the bill.

I just looked at him and said "I told you so..."

I'm pretty sure he has a different perception of me now....
I talk to my family about these things, they don't know
what they're not told by the media. And thats where I come in. ;-)

Fuck it. I'm just going to say I'm in the RON PAUL party. :mrgreen:
I guess I'm a constitutionalist like good ole Paul.

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
Obama mentioned the fact that the current health care bill is the republican bill from the clinton days when he was at that RNC summit. Like him or not, he really put a lot of people in their place. The neocon spin doesn't stand up to scrutiny


Well-Known Member
Neolibs and neocons are just neojackasses. They are all the same, they put on a show of being enemies then go have drinks and dinner together and hang out. Listening to either one of them will only get us into a deeper hole. People need to start realizing the truth, turn off your TV and go read about something that fascinates you. The more you learn, the more you learn you don't know very much. Stand up to your oppressors, pull back the veil of deceit. Question authority, ultimately only you have authority over yourself. Those at the top of the pyramid are the manipulators of human consciousness . They have no souls.


Well-Known Member
Here are some additional tax saving measures passed by Obama

Making Work Pay Credit

The Making Work Pay Credit, a refundable income credit for 2009 and 2010, is the lesser of (1) 6.2% of the individual’s earned income, or (2) $400 ($800 for married filing jointly, or MFJ). This credit is available, in full, to workers with a modified Adjusted Gross Income up to $75,000 ($150,000 for MFJ). Above that amount, the credit is phased out at a 2% rate.

First-Time Homebuyer Credit

The First-Time Homebuyer Credit, a 2008 credit that has been widely publicized by real estate firms, was extended and changed for 2009. For home purchases made after December 31, 2008, the credit has been raised to $8,000 (from $7,500) and extended to November 30, 2009. Any required repayments to the IRS are eliminated after 36 months in the home.

Temporary Tax Deduction on Car Purchases

This benefit is actually an above-the-line deduction for the state sales taxes, local sales taxes, and excise taxes paid by a purchaser of a new vehicle. To qualify, a taxpayer must have purchased the vehicle for first use between February 17 and December 31, 2009. The vehicle must be either (1) a passenger vehicle, light truck, or motorcycle with a gross weight of no more than 8,500 pounds, or (2) a motor home. Deductible taxes can’t exceed the portion attributable to the first $49,500 of the price paid for any single vehicle. Phase-outs start for individuals with AGI greater than $125,000 ($250,000 for MFJ).

American Opportunity Tax Credit

The American Opportunity Credit is a reworking of the Hope Credit and has been enhanced in the following ways under ARRA:

· Amount increased to a maximum of $2,500 (from $1,800) per eligible student per year
· Modified rate of 100% of the first $2,000; 25% of the next $2,000, with a maximum $2,500 per year allowed on $4,000 in qualifying payments
· 40% of the credit is refundable for 2009 and 2010
· Applies for all four years of college
· Qualifying expenses include course materials

Qualified Tuition Programs (‘529 Plans”)

Changes in qualifying expenses have been made to tax-free college savings plans for 2009 and 2010. A beneficiary of a qualified tuition program can now use distributions to pay for computers and computer technology (including Internet). Distributions are tax-free.

Earned Income Credit (EIC)

For 2009 and 2010, EIC percentage is increased to 45% of the first $12,750 of earned income for taxpayers who have three or more qualifying children. (Prior to the new law, the credit was 40% of this amount for taxpayer with two or more qualifying children.) In addition, the EIC phase-out range has been adjusted upward by $1,880 to eliminate any marriage penalty for joint filers

Child Tax Credit

In another child-related credit, the refundable part of the Child Tax Credit is increased for 2009 and 2010. The income threshold is now set at $3,000 (down from $8,500). The full credit amount is still $1,000.

Unemployment Compensation

Generally, a taxpayer’s gross income must include all unemployment compensation benefits received. In 2009 only, up to $2,400 of unemployment compensation is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes.

Transit Benefits

Transit passes, van pooling, qualified parking, and other qualified transportation fringe benefits are not typically included in employee income up to a certain dollar amount. In March 2009, this dollar amount was increased to $230 per month (up from $120) for transit passes and van pooling. This increased exclusion will continue through 2010 with adjustments made for inflation.

Property Tax Deduction

Allows homeowners up to $500 deduction ($1,000 for MFJ) of property taxes, with no itemizing required.

Residential Energy Property Credit

This credit is allowed for eligible property placed in service in 2009 or 2010, with the following modifications to the pre-2008 credit:

· Increase of residential energy property tax credit to 30% (from 10%)
· Increase of maximum cap to $1,500 aggregate amount for 2009 and 2010 installations
· Elimination of the $500 lifetime cap

Residential Energy-Efficient Property Credit

Modifications include removal of individual dollar caps under credit regulations for solar hot water property, geothermal heat pumps, and wind energy property. In addition, a $500 credit cap is placed on all qualified fuel cell property expenditures

Plug-in Electric Vehicles

An existing credit for plug-in vehicles has been modified, with separate treatment for low-speed vehicles. The credit’s base amount is $2,500; the full amount will be reduced once the manufacturer records its 200,000th sale of these vehicles, which are not yet on the market.

These are just the individual incentives. There are a whole host of business incentives that I have not listed. You cannot say he hasn't done anything.


Well-Known Member
Here are some additional tax saving measures passed by Obama

Making Work Pay Credit

The Making Work Pay Credit, a refundable income credit for 2009 and 2010, is the lesser of (1) 6.2% of the individual’s earned income, or (2) $400 ($800 for married filing jointly, or MFJ). This credit is available, in full, to workers with a modified Adjusted Gross Income up to $75,000 ($150,000 for MFJ). Above that amount, the credit is phased out at a 2% rate.

First-Time Homebuyer Credit

The First-Time Homebuyer Credit, a 2008 credit that has been widely publicized by real estate firms, was extended and changed for 2009. For home purchases made after December 31, 2008, the credit has been raised to $8,000 (from $7,500) and extended to November 30, 2009. Any required repayments to the IRS are eliminated after 36 months in the home.

Temporary Tax Deduction on Car Purchases

This benefit is actually an above-the-line deduction for the state sales taxes, local sales taxes, and excise taxes paid by a purchaser of a new vehicle. To qualify, a taxpayer must have purchased the vehicle for first use between February 17 and December 31, 2009. The vehicle must be either (1) a passenger vehicle, light truck, or motorcycle with a gross weight of no more than 8,500 pounds, or (2) a motor home. Deductible taxes can’t exceed the portion attributable to the first $49,500 of the price paid for any single vehicle. Phase-outs start for individuals with AGI greater than $125,000 ($250,000 for MFJ).

American Opportunity Tax Credit

The American Opportunity Credit is a reworking of the Hope Credit and has been enhanced in the following ways under ARRA:

· Amount increased to a maximum of $2,500 (from $1,800) per eligible student per year
· Modified rate of 100% of the first $2,000; 25% of the next $2,000, with a maximum $2,500 per year allowed on $4,000 in qualifying payments
· 40% of the credit is refundable for 2009 and 2010
· Applies for all four years of college
· Qualifying expenses include course materials

Qualified Tuition Programs (‘529 Plans”)

Changes in qualifying expenses have been made to tax-free college savings plans for 2009 and 2010. A beneficiary of a qualified tuition program can now use distributions to pay for computers and computer technology (including Internet). Distributions are tax-free.

Earned Income Credit (EIC)

For 2009 and 2010, EIC percentage is increased to 45% of the first $12,750 of earned income for taxpayers who have three or more qualifying children. (Prior to the new law, the credit was 40% of this amount for taxpayer with two or more qualifying children.) In addition, the EIC phase-out range has been adjusted upward by $1,880 to eliminate any marriage penalty for joint filers

Child Tax Credit

In another child-related credit, the refundable part of the Child Tax Credit is increased for 2009 and 2010. The income threshold is now set at $3,000 (down from $8,500). The full credit amount is still $1,000.

Unemployment Compensation

Generally, a taxpayer’s gross income must include all unemployment compensation benefits received. In 2009 only, up to $2,400 of unemployment compensation is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes.

Transit Benefits

Transit passes, van pooling, qualified parking, and other qualified transportation fringe benefits are not typically included in employee income up to a certain dollar amount. In March 2009, this dollar amount was increased to $230 per month (up from $120) for transit passes and van pooling. This increased exclusion will continue through 2010 with adjustments made for inflation.

Property Tax Deduction

Allows homeowners up to $500 deduction ($1,000 for MFJ) of property taxes, with no itemizing required.

Residential Energy Property Credit

This credit is allowed for eligible property placed in service in 2009 or 2010, with the following modifications to the pre-2008 credit:

· Increase of residential energy property tax credit to 30% (from 10%)
· Increase of maximum cap to $1,500 aggregate amount for 2009 and 2010 installations
· Elimination of the $500 lifetime cap

Residential Energy-Efficient Property Credit

Modifications include removal of individual dollar caps under credit regulations for solar hot water property, geothermal heat pumps, and wind energy property. In addition, a $500 credit cap is placed on all qualified fuel cell property expenditures

Plug-in Electric Vehicles

An existing credit for plug-in vehicles has been modified, with separate treatment for low-speed vehicles. The credit’s base amount is $2,500; the full amount will be reduced once the manufacturer records its 200,000th sale of these vehicles, which are not yet on the market.

These are just the individual incentives. There are a whole host of business incentives that I have not listed. You cannot say he hasn't done anything.
I wish we could have a flat tax, there is way too much crap in the tax code. What you mention here is social enginering, keep it simple and fair. Tax everyone the same.