
ORGANIC NOOB......well my ladies look real healthy im going into the 5th week of flower feeding 500 ml of water every two days using earth juice nutes and bat guano and straight water rotating every two days all my tops have afros,but i noticed when i was watering a layer of almost purple/white mold on a couple tops of the soil so i discarded it scraped it off the top.then i noticed a white fuzz(mold) on the roots poking out the bottom of my 5 gallon bag so i peeled back the side and yup theres this fuzz on the roots.WTF is this good,bad ,is there a solution??????
ORGANIC NOOB......well my ladies look real healthy im going into the 5th week of flower feeding 500 ml of water every two days using earth juice nutes and bat guano and straight water rotating every two days all my tops have afros,but i noticed when i was watering a layer of almost purple/white mold on a couple tops of the soil so i discarded it scraped it off the top.then i noticed a white fuzz(mold) on the roots poking out the bottom of my 5 gallon bag so i peeled back the side and yup theres this fuzz on the roots.WTF is this good,bad ,is there a solution??????


Well-Known Member
i've grown tomatoes, house herbs and other veggies before and had fungus in the soil and gnats everywhere (indoors and outdoors). I used neem oil concentrate (from Lowes, green light brand), which is organic. and safe to use on fruits/vegies/herbs up to a day before harvest. Its a natural alternative to synthetic and more toxic pesticides/insectisides. Although, since it comes concentrated its still pretty noxious in its concentrated form, and should be diluted and treated with care (dont breath it, get in eyes, or on skin especially the concentrate). It killed the mold very quickly and killed the gnats a little more slowly.


Well-Known Member
You said your plants look "real healthy". Is it beneficial or harmful. You may be destroying good stuff. Watch the plant if it continues to look good leave it alone. Then post a picture for help. It will be easier to correct the problem in a few days than trying to fix the problem created by over reacting.
Take you time.
i've grown tomatoes, house herbs and other veggies before and had fungus in the soil and gnats everywhere (indoors and outdoors). I used neem oil concentrate (from Lowes, green light brand), which is organic. and safe to use on fruits/vegies/herbs up to a day before harvest. Its a natural alternative to synthetic and more toxic pesticides/insectisides. Although, since it comes concentrated its still pretty noxious in its concentrated form, and should be diluted and treated with care (dont breath it, get in eyes, or on skin especially the concentrate). It killed the mold very quickly and killed the gnats a little more slowly.
i do have neem and i spray every two weeks if i was to dilude neem in my next feeding could that damage my plants.or should i dilude neem in water and flush the whole bags?good or bad idea
You said your plants look "real healthy". Is it beneficial or harmful. You may be destroying good stuff. Watch the plant if it continues to look good leave it alone. Then post a picture for help. It will be easier to correct the problem in a few days than trying to fix the problem created by over reacting.
Take you time.
yes they do look healthy they said the g13 is prone to mold in the buds so seeing mold right now freaks me out i got to be on top of it dont want to lose the crop
i found some bugs in my soil they look like spider mites(through 420 scope) but they are burrowed in the soil and there is none on my thing after another.