55b's Bagseed Grow. 150w HPS.


Well-Known Member
The longer the nutes are in the dirt the more damage. When my 2 got nute burn I flushed and just waited for them to dry out to water again and that took about 2 days and then re nuted. Didnt burn again.


Active Member
Awesome, thank you for the quick response! +rep! :D
I'm going to flush them right now, just mixed a gallon of 6.5 ph water. Gonna use it all.


Active Member
I flushed maybe half a gallon. Gotta make sure! Then I ofcoarse added some new soil, I felt so bad during it because she had lost her foundation during the watering.


Active Member
No pictures today, everyone looks sick. Including myself.

Flower is so fucking small still, and still so yellow. I don't get it. Everyone else looks over watered to an extent, and nice and green except for Flower.
Carmella is all twisted and droopy. Ever her seed leaves are curled down at the tips.
Lady is recovering from the tsunami flush she recieved.
Fuddles, drooping as well.

Plants must know when people are sick around them and water them aggressively.


Well-Known Member
Yea I havent been getting any sleep lately and now my plants are getting lighter. I think they know...


Active Member
A quick bump, thought I'd share a oversight. It turns out Flower and Lady are both starting to get their next set of leaves. Which means Lady is growing REAL fast, and has REAL big fan leaves. I'm excited, Carmella and Fuddles need to catch up. But honestly Carmella can take her time, I think she's my favorite now. STEP IT UP FLOWER.

Alrighty all jokes aside, seems like Lady has a slight bit of nute burn (N). Oh should I say big bit of nute burn from this mornings watering. Would it be alright if I leave it be, or do I HAVE to flush it?

I ask and am hesitant to flush this early for 2 reasons.
1: They're so young!
2: My water is naturally 8.1-8.3ph.... So that means alot of vinegar mixing. But I will do it if more damage will come of my plant.
I hate to say it but I was right you really shouldn't give nutes until atleast the 4-5 or even sixth set ot true leaves It happens to all of us more often then we want to say don't worry it should recover fine now the one's I have flowering are nute burn tryin to get them straight b4 my yield gets hurt to bad


Well-Known Member
Well I can tell you from many failed crops nute burnt leaves dont ever come back. However I wouldnt say 4-6th node, It solely depends on soil. Example: Im using jiffy seed starting (as always) for my girls until I transplant them into there final pots. I had to give nutes when 3rd nodes were just starting because of def.


Active Member
Yes you are right I just started using the jiffy pellets have you cloned with them yet and if so how well did they work ?


Well-Known Member
No I havent done any cloning. I really dont have room for any cloning in my set up, 5 plants is going to do more than take up a 3' x 1' 6" space. Im thinking about taking clones when they get bigger just to sex them. Maybe take more clones off a certain plant I love before I chop if shes female.


Active Member
Well everyone, its day 11 for Flower, and day 7 for Carmella, Lady, and Fuddles. :joint: I'm thinking I want a bubbler, gonna start looking at those after this post.

Pics 01-02: Flower
Pics 03-04: Carmella
Pics 05-06: Lady
Pics 07-08: Fuddles

Flower took the nutes pretty well, still worried about how small she is. No burn but I say pretty well, because she is still more yellow then anything else. Her node spacing is getting a little more spread out. Flower looks like she could be a nice sativa/indicta mix. But she is so small its hard to tell.

Carmella is drooping, I'm giving her a little time to recover and pick her new HEAVY leaves up. :joint: She really is still a favorite and is doing quite amazing, for bag seed, might I say. Definitely has some strong indicta traits in her.

Lady has burn on two of her leaves, but after the flush she's fully recovered. (:hump:) RIGHT up to the lights, she is pointing to the sky and looking for that light! Trying to burn herself I think. Looks like a sativa in every sense of the word in my eyes. Very nute sensitive, skinny leaves. I don't have a good taste in my mouth from growing my last sativa, they're out of controll.

Fuddles, is well fuddles. My least favorite. I gave her the least when I fed her nutes. She looks sativa.

A look into the amount of nutes given. I gave Flower and Carmella the most, followed by Lady then Fuddles. So its pretty odd to me that only Lady got burnt. I think I'll take note to Lady being very nute sensitive.

One thing I've also noticed, is that on my computer the pictures are SO much more detailed then the attachments. There's literally a white powder over Carmella that is visible to the human eye at this point. I just thought I'd throw that out there.

They're all also very grown, the growth spurt is coming along nicely now. Which is why I fed them nutes so early. I wanted to support their growth with enough nutrients to push through, I just jumped the gun 2 days early. But I am very feel oriented with how I grow, I need to get away from that.



Well-Known Member
Flower will pull a jizzy. Be a little slow and unpromising at first but watch, Next set of node shes going to shoot up like a heroine addict.


Active Member
Alright, its day 12 for Flower and day 8 for the rest! Today I see more burned leaves, nute burn really is fucking with me. But it turns out Fuddles got the best of it because I dislike her the most and fed her the least.

Definitely learned my lesson with nute burn, I'd rather under nute them then push the limit and risk this nute burn stuff. My girl's would be so much better off I think. :wall:

My mistakes aside, that will be the last mention I will put out about nute burn.

Pics 01-02: Flower
-Flowers node spacing and stem. I feel very happy with her node spacing and the color of her new growth.
-She is a very small plant, maybe its a plant equivalent for a little person.

Pics 03-04: Carmella
-Good hairy nodes, I don't know too much about the purple stems-but I'm not too concerned.
-I know! I know it looks bad! She burned her self, picking those heavy leaves up and growing a good enough amount to reach those lights. It makes me sad :(

Pics 05-06: Lady
-Purple stems once again, not sure what that is. Tighter node spacing after the initial stretching from seed. Perked RIGHT up, loving the light.
-She is recovering, I'm hopeful for her.

Pics 07-08: Fuddles
-REAL tight nodes, best looking girl I got right now.
-She looks thirsty to me in this picture, so assuming I get home tonight I'll check and feed if necessary. If not, I'm sure she can survive without water for a few hours.



Well-Known Member
They finally taking off huh? I do like to under nute my girls. Getting ready to go 2 3/4 nutes now so your not alone on rather under nuting.


Active Member
Alrighty, how are you all doing?
I was breaking up some regs and decided its pretty decent for regs (all of my seeds are from regs, thats all I smoke) so I decided to germ those seeds. So I have 9 seeds germing and expect maybe 3 to pop.

Soon I'll have a full veg cab, then its time to move them into their 12/12 space and grow the rest in the veg cab. Maybe as the new ones are growing in the veg cab it'll be alongside some clones.

I want to clone Carmella, but who knows if she is male or female yet. Anyone got any ideas on what I should do there? I want to smoke her before I grow a clone to full... So I was thinking I'd take come cuttings before she goes into 12/12 room and hope that she is female. Is that pretty much what I have to do? If thats the case then I'll just throw Flower/Lady/Fuddles into the flowering room when its time and hold Carmella back for some cloning.

Pics 01-02: Flower
Pics 03-04: Carmella
Pics 05-06: Lady
Pics 07-08: Fuddles
Pic 09: Reggie Bush



Active Member
Usually you take a clone 1st to see if its a female put the clone into 12/12 after it grows roots so you don't have to put months into a male plant unless you don't plan on letting them get big ??


Active Member
Hmm, I'd have to re-make my lights then. Or add another set of lights, under the thing'r but that'll be such a hassle. Any idea on how old my plants have to be before I can take a cutting?
Also, what should I be cutting off exactly? Lower branches? I don't understand what part I'm cutting off and using as the new plant. I got alot to learn :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Im a little lost on the same thing. I would imagine the lower/smaller parts.
clones root best when they are taken from the top, a great time to clone is when you top. trying to clone side branches can sometimes be a pain, they take longer to root for some reason.
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