Best Nutrients?


Active Member
Hello Everyone,

Could someone tell me the best nutrients for growing marijuana which are not really expensive?



Well-Known Member
Lots of folks are now using Jack's Classic $10 for both veg & bloom

also like DynaGro it is $12.99 for a 16oz bottle


Well-Known Member
hollands secret 3 part or badda bing badda bang badda bloom with ton o bud and heavies there all around 20buck each and i have tested head to hed with advanced nutrients they compared right close even better if u look at the money savings i use this all the time with an bud factor x and now my results are beter than with the entire line up of an try it out


Well-Known Member
Ive been told by quite a few members either Jacks classics or the dynagro products are working very good for the cost and amount used.


fox farm all the way. if youre arent going to use the solubles (which are kinda pricey) at least go with the 3 part grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom.


Well-Known Member
Depends what you're doing -- soil or hydro. For soil, I've become a Dyna Gro fan, too. I like the zero urea N, and complete nutrition they provide. And I just picked up an 8 oz bottle of Foliage Pro and Liquid Grow for $5 each.. will last a long time.


Well-Known Member
I'll put another vote in for DynaGro nutes, I use them, and am quite happy. I also use Cal-Mag every week or two, with Hygrozyme and ProTekt, periodically.


Well-Known Member
I heard about bat guano. Dont know much about it though
I do know this about it -- it's taken out of bat caves and its removal fucks up their ecosystem. The beneficial bacteria in it protect bats from white-nose fungus, which is fatal to a whole bunch of bat species, and is wiping them out all over North America. Take it away, you reduce the bacteria levels, and WNF takes hold. Dead -- all of em.

There's other ways to go organic. Not my area, but it'd be a lot cooler to find an alternative, like some cage-free organic chicken poop or such.
Blue Mountain Organics from Ebay

good stuff

Advanced Nutrients for hydro - at least, that's what I use and know a lot of other folks who like it.

I'm taking notes on these other brands though. Haven't heard of some of them.

Thanks to the person who talked about bat guano - I always thought that sounded like a bad idea for the environment.



Well-Known Member
Call me a nute snob, but since I grow in hydro I'm happy to spend a bit more on nutrients if it means they're not going to clog my filters or sprayers every other day. Advanced Nutrients is the only one I've found that can promise that (Iguana Juice is what I use).


Active Member
I gotta put my vote in for Jacks Classic. I know you said you wanted to go organic but from Riddles advice I got them and man they work great!!!!! and they are cheap cheap cheap!! Great micronutrients in them too


I don't know if anyone here can tell you what the "best" nutrients are because that's a pretty subjective question.....but.....I use the Fox Farm Nutrient Trio-Pack that costs around $40-50 and comes with everything you need for a few grows of 4-6 plants. I've had great results with it.


Well-Known Member
General Hydroponics I am told are the best, hands down. I use them, they are pricey. Buttt if youread uncle Bens thread about tip and tricks he states that non-cannabis specific nutes are the best, due to not taking away so much micro-nutes and not jacking the phosphorus during flower like pot nutes do. It yellows fan leaves during flowering and fan leaf health and all around leaf health has a severe impact on flower production aka YIELD. Just ask Benny :)


Well-Known Member
General Hydroponics I am told are the best, hands down. I use them, they are pricey. Buttt if youread uncle Bens thread about tip and tricks he states that non-cannabis specific nutes are the best, due to not taking away so much micro-nutes and not jacking the phosphorus during flower like pot nutes do. It yellows fan leaves during flowering and fan leaf health and all around leaf health has a severe impact on flower production aka YIELD. Just ask Benny :)
Yep, UB is right about the phosphorus. Advanced Nutrients did a study and they showed the same thing. The other companies are pumping in way too much phosphorus into their nutrients.

Green Growbot

Active Member
Im just getting ready to finish my first canni plant even-though ive been growing great veggies and flowers forever. I picked up CNS17 for this and I am semi-happy with the results but it dosent seem like it has high enough NPK #s . Ive suffered from all types of deficiencies with this plant. Seems like it would be really good for regular veggies and flowers that arent so picky.

Heres mine, you tell me if you would use it. (I have heard of people having good results with it but I think most are using separate additives with it.) ???
Dont completely judge the product by my results, i started the grow w/ absolutely no idea how much care they needed and I only spent a total of $50 on everything, clone included.

