questions please help.

i just posted on here the other day. ive been growing my two babies together and for a while ive noticed that one of them has a purple tint to it. and i just was wondering what caused it. because as far as i know its not any special seed. we just saved them from some good weed we got.

and my other question is my boyfriend ripped one of the leaves and i wanted to kno what i should do about it.



Well-Known Member
ive noticed that one of them has a purple tint to it.

and my other question is my boyfriend ripped one of the leaves and i wanted to kno what i should do about it.
no problem usually with a purple tint - its probably just that plants genetics

sounds like you need a new boyfriend.

also, your plants are stretched out from too little light or having the light to far away from the plants. you want your light as close as you can get it without burning the plants.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a light I'm using sunlight
unless you have a spot that gets direct sunlight for most of the day then you are growing a houseplant, not pot. you may get a couple of joints off of it but not any more. pot is extremely sensitive to the amount and timing of light it gets. and you won't get any pot at all unless you can set it up to get 12 hours of light and 12 hours of COMPLETE darkness for the last two months before harvest.


Well-Known Member
i just posted on here the other day. ive been growing my two babies together and for a while ive noticed that one of them has a purple tint to it. and i just was wondering what caused it. because as far as i know its not any special seed. we just saved them from some good weed we got.

and my other question is my boyfriend ripped one of the leaves and i wanted to kno what i should do about it.

no problem usually with a purple tint - its probably just that plants genetics

sounds like you need a new boyfriend.

also, your plants are stretched out from too little light or having the light to far away from the plants. you want your light as close as you can get it without burning the plants.
lmao.... yea if ur boyfriend is already fuckin up by rippin leaves early in the game, u should tell him politely to step the fuck back off your weed game nigga.

will work, guaranteed.:cuss:
Boo that was wack okay I wanna move them into something
bigger but I'm scared because I don't wanna kill em because the
roots are All together nobodys telling me what to do with the ripped leaf
it's dirt from outside. They're getting direct sunlight how important is it to have
them 12 on 12 off in.the growing process


Active Member
dont worry about the ripped leaves you need 12/12 to flower. its important for them to be in a completly dark space during the dark cycle has to do with the photo period helps buds form light will stunt the growth and decrease the yeild


Active Member
oh and if you used dirt from outside your probly going to have problems later and it looks like u need some nitrogen already


Well-Known Member
What they need more than anything is repotting into soil that is fast draining and into pots that do not leak light into the root area. As for the ripped leaf, well weed will heal itself as it has done for about a million or so years when animals have torn leaves off.


Well-Known Member
take a larger pot, fill the bottom with soil, then take the pot ur using now, stick it in the bigger pot, stuff soil around the outside of the smaller pot so as to make mold of the outside of the smaller plant, then take the smaller pot, turn it upside down, pull the whole thing out, and it will fit absolutely perfectly into the bigger pot.

try to do it when the soil is like halfway between just watered and completely dry. water after transplant.

EDIT: oh yea and put soil on top to so it looks nice n pretty


Well-Known Member
also since you are using reg soil from outside, it will get really hard and stiff, which doesn't make for the best medium, but just dont over water, and next time you grow just use 60% soil and 40% perlite so water drains thru nice n easily, and the roots wont have to try so hard to grow through that packed dirt
Okay I transplanted them into a 3 gallon bucket and I bought miracle grow potting mix and I got some miracle grow plant food. But I still don't have a light yet, when I get one will it fuck up my plant because of the change to it? And jut outta curiousity I've been growing my plants for about 6 weeks how tall should they be?


Well-Known Member
If from seed then they wont be that tall. Seedlings take about 6 weeks to form their adult structures before they start to really get into growing mode.


Active Member
When growing outdoors there is no such thing as complete darkness. But having light on above them at night is not a good idea, its a weed you will be surprised how much they want to survive. To make sure I would suggest finding when the sun rises and sets in your area and make sure its above 13 or so hours cause if not it will most likely go into flower and stop the vegetative stage. The purple could be from strain, phosphorus deficiency(only if really dark like omg its purple not greenish purple) or even be from cold temp where the plant is. If you plan to put it inside under a light make sure not to put the top of the plant to close to the light or the tips of the leaves will turn yellow from heat stressing the plant out making it not a happy camper.
This is your first grow im guessing. the leaf rip is cool just keep your boyfriend away from it. you should also start measuring ph and keep it around 6.0 your plant will take in more nutrients and grow healthier there for producing more ganja. its kinda early to be putting plants outside it keeps raining and is cold at night so you should get a little fluorescent grow light from wal mart and just keep it near the top of the plants it doesnt produce heat and wont really burn your plant. Fluorescents suck from walmart but its cheap and will work for now and next month throw them in the back yard. good luck