Save my baby!!! Yellow tips and oldest spikey leaf is shriveled


Well-Known Member
Which makes me think less likely to be mites as they would be causing more damage, and maybe it is nutes and my outside watering has stopped the damage?
Not true.. they eat in a spot, then move on to another. They don't keep building on the same spot.

"Outside watering..."? That's where your bugs came from.

Check this out to see if it rings any bells; scroll down to see the bug stuff.


Active Member
Thanks. By outside watering I meant outside rim of the pot not watering outside. Used the same water left out and warmed up.

Thanks I looked at a few of those lists of pics before and the problem is mine is just yellow spots which seems to be a symptom for just about everything. Also mine is earlier in development than all those pictures so I am having trouble figuring out exactly what the problem is.


Well-Known Member
Well, no insects + spots on early growth = early nute burn, typically by N. There's no way you're deficient in anything early in a grow with FFOF.

As long as you're sure about the insect thing, just hang back and stick to water for awhile.


Active Member
Ok, ill try leaving it a lone for a little bit. Insects would cause rapid exponential destruction right? I mean no change in 6 hours isn't the longest time but ill check again tomorrow morning and see. I guess for now i'll just keep watering it a little less and spread it out more thanks.


Well-Known Member
I'm using FFOF right now in my 4 plants and anytime I add big bloom mixed with 1 gallon of water. It seems to add more harm than good. The plant will do fine all the way through veg with no nutes in FFOF


Well-Known Member
When watering it is best to thoroughly water then allow to go tinder dry, which is not scratch the surface dry, that means very light pots. That way the plants spend little time in soggy soil which they hate, and moisture is evenly distributed throughout your pots allowing roots to spread evenly through the root area. From the looks of the leaves of most of the lower part of the plant are yet to reach and extend over the sides of the pot, which is a good indicator that the roots have not formed enough yet and/or filled out the pot.

Using the limited method of watering that you are using often results in roots heading straight to the bottom of the pot to find moisture, then clawing their way up the sides, this can slow plant growth while it waits for the roots to amass enough in order to support fast vegetative growth. In thoroughly watering your plants you allow the roots to fill out the entire medium, as well as washing any excess salts that may build up, out of the pot with the run off that comes out the bottom. The next time you water, try watering from the outside rather than around the center.

Secondly the humidity is way too low for vegetative growth and will be the cause of the curled leaves. You may need to mist your plants from time to time to raise humidity, or fix the source of the low humidity. 50-70% is about the range you want your vegging plants to be in right up till when you switch them to budding.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, i just read the rest of pther comments and it seems others already mentioned the watering bit. Apologees for the repeat.


Active Member
No problem i appreciate anyone trying to help. I cant get my humidity to go anywhere and its always very low. Any recommendations on how often to mist the leaves? I was misting it, should i do it liek 2 times a day? seems to dry up pretty fast.


Active Member
Humidity is very low if you ask me, would have it around 50%. i wouldnt use nutes from lowes no. I would also get that PH down. PH down is very cheap. Also Magic Cal or CAl mag would do you good, helps with alot of def. Good luck


Active Member
other than buying a humidifier, which i dont want to do, is there any cheap way to get it up? I have water in there and it does nothing. I think problm is that it is very cold where i live now (30-40 degrees) so i need a space heater in there to keep temp up. Probably dryes the air. I guess ill just mist leaves a lot for now but any other good suggestions for the humidity please let me know.


Active Member
other than buying a humidifier, which i dont want to do, is there any cheap way to get it up? I have water in there and it does nothing. I think problm is that it is very cold where i live now (30-40 degrees) so i need a space heater in there to keep temp up. Probably dryes the air. I guess ill just mist leaves a lot for now but any other good suggestions for the humidity please let me know.
If you dont wanna do it right, DONT DO IT, things are all here for you to learn. If you skip steps, and try not to do it RIGHT, you are gonna have probs.

You say you dont wanna do it, well you dont want good plants then, simply put, if you put time and effort into it at the start, the end resaults will be worth it.

If you slack which sounds like you are and dont wanna listen, then you are gonna have shity harvest and hard grow.

I will help and alot of people here will do the same but only to a certain point, gotta be willing todo what is needed. just my point of view on it. Good luck

Also i have a spce heater and my humidity is at 50% so thats not the prob, 20 deg where i am at


Well-Known Member
What is the cause for such low humidity, is it the climate you live in, or an air conditioner or something else? If it is environment, what is the humidity at night time?


Active Member
If you dont wanna do it right, DONT DO IT, things are all here for you to learn. If you skip steps, and try not to do it RIGHT, you are gonna have probs.

You say you dont wanna do it, well you dont want good plants then, simply put, if you put time and effort into it at the start, the end resaults will be worth it.

If you slack which sounds like you are and dont wanna listen, then you are gonna have shity harvest and hard grow.

I will help and alot of people here will do the same but only to a certain point, gotta be willing todo what is needed. just my point of view on it. Good luck

Also i have a spce heater and my humidity is at 50% so thats not the prob, 20 deg where i am at

Well I want to get the humidity up i just dont want to spend more money and have another electrical appliance plugged in in my closet for space/fire/cost reasons. I just want a good way to get it up without using a humidifier. Doesnt have to be perfect but id like to get above 20%. My closet seems to stay 20% or lower ( I dont think my digital huidity reader goes below 20% because its 20% 99% of the time) i tried tons of buckets of warm water and misting air and it never moves above the 20%.


Active Member
What is the cause for such low humidity, is it the climate you live in, or an air conditioner or something else? If it is environment, what is the humidity at night time?

I have no idea, it has been that in my closet since day 1 and I have never been able to get it up. I am in NJ and its cold so there is no AC or anything on. Just the space heater and the highest i have ever seen it was 27% and it was after i misted the leaves and air and likely got some on the sensor. It has one that hands down and reads a spot and mine is resting in the pot.


Active Member
What is the humidity at night time?
The same my device records min and max and its pretty much always 20%. I may just bite the bullet and buy a humidifier, i didnt realize how cheap they were since i remember paying 200 for de humidifier.

Do you think this would work for my small space?

Also I feel my room is probably much dryer than most rooms maybe because there are a lot of electronics giving off heat? I have 2 large tvs, cable box, xbox, sound system, two computers and it can get pretty warm even when the rest of the house is cold because of all the heat from the devices when they are all on.


Active Member
I just hung the device out the window and it didnt go above 20% outside despite saying its 55% humidity. The temp dropped though near the number. It isn't broken though since i just stuck the sensor in my mouth and breatehd on it a few tmes and it shot up past 40%. Maybe my area is just really really dry.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like it may be mal functioning. In your mouth will be a lot more humid than 40%. You might want to check out another meter for a second opinion.

Aside from that the other issues concerning watering are something you can deal with immediately.
I am having a problem with my big bang plant. Here is the info.

* Hydro or Soil (Fox Farm Ocean Forest)
* Type of light? (1x 50 WATT HPS + 2x 42 WATT CFL@ 6500K + 1x 42 WATT CFL@ 2700K)
* Atmosphere Conditions (75-80 Degrees, Humidity 20% or less)
* Waterings (Tap water left out a few days)
* PH Range (6.9 for water)
* Nutrients/Supplements (Was told soil had plenty for veging)
* Design and Dates (Germinated 2 days and sprouted on 1/29/10. Been on 24/0 since spouting, planning on going to 12/12 after 4-5 weeks. Also am rotating plant 1/4 every day. Watering every few days when soil drys out)

Pic of the cripple is the oldest two SPIKEY leaves, not the first two leaves, the second pair. The ones with the yellow spots are the biggest old leaves after the first 4 (2 starters, 2 spikey criples in other pic)

How do i save my baby??? Thanks.
the ph is way off, it should be around 5.7-6.0