Spider mitess! Helpppp!


Well-Known Member
mate take all plants out vacume up then cloth wipe the hole room down top to bottom use lots of raggs let dry then sweep soft broom every were and as you best be safe than sorry spray the whole room leave to dry


Well-Known Member
go and take any living insect drop it into rubbin solution even 40 just watch spider find a spider have a go post results and most Alcohol above 70 percent should do the trick we use to get a guy to bong the remains stoners like a fire work lol


Well-Known Member
just trying to help you could use anythink like that amonia drain unblocker insects eggs can not servive the penertration of the solutions god dam harmfull to us thick skinned mfers never mind an insect or eggs


Well-Known Member

I grow in a LARGE space. I had twenty plants that were all 6 to 7 feet tall. CFLs. Sheesh.

Turn my ventilation off and use CFLs in the middle of summer. oh that would be wise. Idiot.

"You just have to think a little, that's all."

Fuck you junior.:hug:
I'm pretty sure this thread is for another guy with spider mites... Not for you. My suggestions we're for him, and I was just telling you why the no pest strips didn't work for you.

How was I supposed to know you "grow in a large space" And it's not summer either, it's winter, here anyways.

Here... Let's try that "thinking" thing again..... Ok, so, think, think, think, AH! Got it! bigger room=more than 1 no pest strip! Oh wow! See how amazing things turn out when you try "thinking"! You should give it a shot sometime!

I don't understand why little boys (or immature men) go and get all sad and defensive when I tell people what works for me. What works REALLY REALLY well for me! First try. Never EVER have EVER had another spidermite in my grow room. And Won't! But that's fine, enjoy them in yours. :bigjoint:

I don't want to fight or argue with you on this dudes thread. I've said what needs to be said... I'm done.

Good luck to the OP tho! Those no pest strips work! Really well! I'd bet shnkrmn's large grow room on it! :o PEACE :blsmoke:


thanks very much man, im waiting for my strips to be delivered, im gna go with the steam in the mean time though.


Well-Known Member
Oh nice! Good call bro! Them little fuckin bastards will be gone before to long here! Good luck in the battle! lol

I had a small infestation which I caught early on... Everyone had an Idea, with no resolution.

I tried "Doktor Doom Spider Mite Knock Out Insecticide Plant Spray" not the Fogger.

It seemed to work. After reading all of the Naysayers, I went out and bought a .....

"Hot Shot No Pest Strip" - turned off my ventilation for a few days....

I no longer have ANY SPIDER MITES !

Peace - :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
This late in flowering I would only use water but you really got to watch out for mold in your buds. Spider mites hate moisture and cold temps.


Well-Known Member
I tried "Doktor Doom Spider Mite Knock Out Insecticide Plant Spray" not the Fogger. It seemed to work.

After reading all of the Naysayers, I went out and bought a ..... "Hot Shot No Pest Strip" - turned off my ventilation for a few days.... I no longer have ANY SPIDER MITES!

Peace - :joint::peace:
Exactly what I'm talkin bout! Thankyou for proving my point! That's what happened with me! Just sharin the knowledge! :weed: