would you agree? PICS

So I tried to do some of my own research before posting this. So 3 plants are showing the same signs of lacking nutes. To me it looks like they need some Ca and Mg.

To fix water with lime(I dont know how much?) and epsom salt(1 tsp/gal)?

This dosent look like burn to me, just like its lacking nutes.

Would the expearanced growers agree?

thank you so much for replies.



Well-Known Member
Yep, I think you have the diagnosis correct. As far as fixing the problem...I use lime but I add it to the soil before i use it, so it's hard to say how much you would add right now. Also, I'm not sure if the calcium is in a form readily available to the plants, and it might take some time for it to break down and be used. The epsom salts are a good idea, but I can't remember the correct mixing ratio, so hopefully somebody will chime in with that bit of info.lol What i want to suggest, is buying some Cal-Mag and using that. It's a much better solution, and doesn't contain all those salts that the epsom does. Use the epsoms short-term if you must, but try to pick up some Cal-mag as soon as you can. As for the lime...if you throw a tablespoon into each gallon of water and shake the hell out of it, you can use that. Just remember that it will bump up your PH a couple points, and then it will help keep your soil stable afterwards. Typically, it tends to keep your soil close to 7.0, acting as a neutralizer.
Yep, I think you have the diagnosis correct. As far as fixing the problem...I use lime but I add it to the soil before i use it, so it's hard to say how much you would add right now. Also, I'm not sure if the calcium is in a form readily available to the plants, and it might take some time for it to break down and be used. The epsom salts are a good idea, but I can't remember the correct mixing ratio, so hopefully somebody will chime in with that bit of info.lol What i want to suggest, is buying some Cal-Mag and using that. It's a much better solution, and doesn't contain all those salts that the epsom does. Use the epsoms short-term if you must, but try to pick up some Cal-mag as soon as you can. As for the lime...if you throw a tablespoon into each gallon of water and shake the hell out of it, you can use that. Just remember that it will bump up your PH a couple points, and then it will help keep your soil stable afterwards. Typically, it tends to keep your soil close to 7.0, acting as a neutralizer.
thank you for your reply. Is cal-mag available at like a truevale or ace hardwear garden section? I will do some research, but is cal-mag a mix of both, calicum and magnesium?


Well-Known Member
Yep, it's exactly what you're looking for, with calcium, magnesium, and the new stuff has a little trace nutes too. I doubt you'll find it at most stores, so your best bet would be to visit a hydro shop, or order it online.(Ebay has excellent prices, and quick shipping) It's definitely a good thing to have on hand, and should be used throughout your grow, off and on. The bottle recommends using it with every feeding/watering, but I think that isn't necessary. I use it about once a week, without any problems.(plus, it saves a little money) :)
Yep, it's exactly what you're looking for, with calcium, magnesium, and the new stuff has a little trace nutes too. I doubt you'll find it at most stores, so your best bet would be to visit a hydro shop, or order it online.(Ebay has excellent prices, and quick shipping) It's definitely a good thing to have on hand, and should be used throughout your grow, off and on. The bottle recommends using it with every feeding/watering, but I think that isn't necessary. I use it about once a week, without any problems.(plus, it saves a little money) :)
Cool thats what I thought. thanks for your insight. I understand the idea of using as a bit of a booster. Which brings up another question. Wouls most name brand nute have thos incorporated into the concentrate already, or is it mostly NPK nutrition. thanks again and Ill do some lookin on that as well. Its time to start feeding.


Active Member
black strap/unsulpured molassass sir has cal and mag and plenty of other goodies 1 tsp a gallon every other other watering
black strap/unsulpured molassass sir has cal and mag and plenty of other goodies 1 tsp a gallon every other other watering

So is unsulpured molassass basicly just a generic Cal-Mag then?

Could it be considered and equizlant to cal-mag?

Are there side effects to unsulpured molassass?-Ph flucation-burning possible...ect?

thanks for your info. experanced opinions very welcome thank