growing in just peat moss no dirt?


Well-Known Member
Never use dirt from outside to grow indoors. Well, you can do it, but you have to heat it in the oven to kill all the seeds and bugs that would be in it. This may be way out there, but have you considered buying a bag of potting soil. You can usually find a cheap ass bag for a couple of bucks. You could even add a little of that peat moss to it.


Well-Known Member
i have a big azz bag of peat moss 2, but i mix it with potting soil first. im not sure if you could grow str8 from moss. try some bagseed as a tester n find out..


Well-Known Member
Alright, the pH of peat moss is around 4. So to answer your question no it won't work. I use an even mix of peat moss, mushroom compost and perlite. Add 1 large tablespoon of dolomite lime per gallon of mix to regulate the pH.
yeah i was pretty sure it could be done. Will have to conduct a little science experiment i guess.

as to the rude guy there, you know its like red green says "we're all in this together" ignorance like that is really just not acceptable in society anymore. i think people need to hit the report button more often and this kind of stuff would stop happening on here. i'm pretty new here, but have already ran into wayyy too many rude people. reminds me of when i used to play world of warcraft and all these cocky teenagers would do this sort of thing to build their own self esteem.

to anyone positive +rep


Well-Known Member
To johnnt961:

Please educate us. Leaving your comment open ended like you did makes you look like just another mouth with nothing to back it up. If you cant be constuctive and helpful, then maybe they should have kept the afterbirth and thrown you away.

To sketch:

While I agee that there is a lot of what could be considered rude behavior on this forum, I think it is just a reflection of society as a whole. PLUS, we have been in here kissing each other on the cheek compared to a lot of what I have seen on some threads.

Both of you have a good day and good luck on your grows.


Well-Known Member
Nobody ever on RIU ever mentioned growing only from peat so i would say no. You maybe able too but it would propably be like drowning in a sponge. If that dude thought about try & see he may change history but i doubt it. Arrogance is not without sucess. Ignorance only leeds to arrogance. Most people on here get tired of answering questions u can find out very easily on the site. If it works let us all know soo we can all hug each other. Other than that do some homework & answer some of your own questions. Always there to help but can i grow a pound in 3 dixie cups under 2 cfls gets alittle annoying. If u dont try u wont fail & learn from ur mistakes.:peace:


i love how everyone is so anal. last year my buddies stuck a couple plants on the side of a sunflower field, smoke was great, yield was spectacular. never gave it nutes, never worried about the pesticides and herbacides from the field. all the growers seem like metro sexuals these days. like a girl with a pretty white dress and she drops gets grape juice on it and starts crying.
i dont and wont ever buy a guy little pretty swirly colored glass pipe. i dont use bongs unless i make one out of a pop bottle, i dont say 420, i dont have sex with other boys, i dont like passing a joint, i wont ever buy fox farm soil when i can get regular soil like a human being and be happy for half the price. i dont own a television, i dont watch the olympics and i dont drink coca cola.
and by the way, i took some dirt from my garden, mixed it in with that peat moss and my sprouties are doing just effin great. now ive bought some soil from rona and im gonna compare the outcomes from garden soil to store bought soil. i even went to a thrift store and got a white lab coat. jk, i got 2 pair of new looking jeans, and three awesome plaid shirts. one is yellow like urine, its flippin fantastic.
as for bugs, i got a leaping spider in my closet, hes made a very nice web in there. i had some fruit flies in there before, havent seen one since he moved in. think ill keep him there