NL CFl and LED grow(1st time noobie!)

soo just got back from FLorida and look whos growing nicely!!
What do you think i should do next just upgraded my lights to 35 watt 5100k 4 total



Active Member
soo just got back from FLorida and look whos growing nicely!!
What do you think i should do next just upgraded my lights to 35 watt 5100k 4 total
Before I am going to say what I am going to say next, your grow is looking great!

Now, 5100k is ok. But, 6500k is better for vegging. 5100k is closer to the greener spectrums which is light the plant cannot absorb. You don't wanna be in the middle. Either 1900k-2700k for flowering or 6000k+ for vegging. Being in the middle doesn't do you much good. Good thing CFLs are cheap. Just tryin' to help you with your final yield and potency--watchin' out for my fellow stoner.
Thanks man.. We'll see how these works then.. If i notice any change then i will put those back in... Should i start to flower that guy yet? i have 3 plants in that room now and its gonna get crowded! id rather find out if its a female and then focus on her ! ! is she big enough where i can do that?


Hey Athlete201 your setup seems ok to Veg with, im currently doing my first grow but im Vegin with a 300w CFL which i bought from ebay for £40 its well worth the money. if you are thinking of flowering with CFL i reccomend you flower with alot of bulbs, or buy a 300w CFL they are great ad very cheap to run.

Check out my grow im currently veging 3 plants

Good luck with your grow :blsmoke:
your 100% correct.. i was focusing on veggings. and gonna change the bulbs out for 2100k when everyone thinks it'stime :)

Thanks for looking i will check yours out... Do you think im doin ok so far?


your 100% correct.. i was focusing on veggings. and gonna change the bulbs out for 2100k when everyone thinks it'stime :)

Thanks for looking i will check yours out... Do you think im doin ok so far?

Yeah i think your plants are looking very nice and healthy, are you using any foods or anything? i'm thinking of buying some bio grow tonite. i will subscribe and follow :)

happy smoking :)


Active Member
Thanks man.. We'll see how these works then.. If i notice any change then i will put those back in... Should i start to flower that guy yet? i have 3 plants in that room now and its gonna get crowded! id rather find out if its a female and then focus on her ! ! is she big enough where i can do that?
Are your seeds feminized? Did they endure any crazy light/nute/water problems/stresses? These both affect sex of your plant. I can't tell from the pic if it's showing sex yet.

For whether or not to flower yet depends on a few things:

1. When do you want them to finish? Take your ideal date and subtract the seed bank's estimated flowering period from your final date and you have your "begin flowering date".

2. How much room do you have? Indicas tend to double in size during flowering and Sativas can increase three-fold or more during flowering. Take these rough guidelines into account.

3. Are you going to LST/SCROG them? Great not only for yield but height control. You can manage otherwise huge plants with these techniques.

4. Is it an autoflowering strain? If so, it'll flower whenever the hell it wants to. It doesn't give a fuck when you think she should hit puberty haha.

5. What does the seed bank say about height? Seedbanks give estimates on indoor and outdoor heights although the outdoor is really more relevant because you have control over the light cycle/flowering period indoors--which directly influences final height.

But to answer your question in a word: she is plenty, plenty big enough to begin flowering. Some people even skip the vegetative phase completely and begin flowering from seed on a 12/12 cycle. I wouldn't go to this extreme as most sources sight a recommended minimum of 1-2 weeks of vegging as this period is crucial to the hardiness of the plant. The buds are no good if your precious plant topples over. You've been vegging for some 3-4 weeks now? You will have no problems switching your light cycle now.

Note: Consider your plants as a whole group and think about when to switch the light cycle so as to maximize the yield from all your strains en masse. I am currently in this predicament since I have an autoflowering White Dwarf who is about a week into flowering and an Amnesia Lemon (light cycle) who is about 3 weeks into veg. I want to start flowering my Amnesia Lemon but by doing so I will have my White Dwarf flowering on 12/12 *tisk tisk. So, I am going to let the White Dwarf finish on the 18/6 cycle and veg the Amnesia Lemon the entire time. Right when the White Dwarf finishes, I'll take a clone from the Amnesia Lemon and Start Immediately flowering both of them. They'll get unwieldy but I'm gonna LST them to no end. As you can see, light cycles can sometimes be a puzzle when you're dealing with different strains/subspecies, especially when they're all in different stages of their lives and you only have one grow box/room.

I know this is a lot of information but I hope it helps you decide when to flower. Short answers aren't often complete answers when it comes to tricky questions like this one.


I'm gonna just put all 3 to flower now and see what happens and ill LST (forgot what this stands for)

These are just basic seeds not autoflower.

No nutes have been added

the edges of the VERY bottom set of leaves are turning slightly yellow (normal) but the rest of 100% healthy as cud be? should i cut these off?


Active Member
No nutes have been added
It's about time to start. With 95% certainty, you have a nitrogen deficiency. Plants need a lot of N and little P and K during vegetative growth and a little N and lots of P and K during flowering. You don't wanna cut N out completely until at least halfway through flowering, though. See how the yellow is starting on your bottom leaves only and working its way up to the top leaves? Notice how the yellowing is starting at the tips and working its way back to the main stem? This is because the plant is sucking the N out of the lower (less important) leaves to give to the higher (more important) better-lit leaves. Nip the problem in the bud so to speak and add either a non miracle-gro general fertilizer, pure bloodmeal, or (ideally) a fertilizer that is high in N but still has some P and K. You don't want to give it a bloom nute yet. Wait until sex starts showing. N-deficiency is probably the most common vegetative problem so it should be a quick, easy fix. Also, word to the wise: don't overdo it. Start with 1/2-1/4 strength of the nute bottle/bag/box recommendation or even less--you don't want a simple N deficiency to turn into nute burn where you have to end up flushing your whole system.

Also, make sure to pH your water for regular watering and feeding to 6.5--using dolomite, baking soda, or a pH up product to raise it and lemon juice, peat, vinegar, or a pH down product to lower it. Actually, there's tons of acceptable ways to adjust the pH of your water. Mine tends to go back to neutral so I tend to add a few drops of lemon juice per gallon to get it down to 6.5 (lemon juice is potent stuff). Just look around the forums. pH is vitally important for plants and various sources cite ranges of 6.5-7, 6-7, and 6.2-6.8 as optimal but scientific evidence has shown that the exact, optimal pH for soil plants is 6.5 on the nose. You can buy a rapidtest meter for super cheap online. One of the best purchases I ever made.

Cheers and good luck!

thanks going to start today and see what happens

it got worse this morning soo once i get this under control im gonna start to flower them..


Active Member
thanks going to start today and see what happens

it got worse this morning soo once i get this under control im gonna start to flower them..
Yeah, good work. Make sure that your pH is under control though. I cannot stress that enough. You can be adding N all day but if the pH isn't right, the plant might not be able to absorb any of it (lockout). Try to use distilled water or filtered water and make sure it's pH'ed to 6.2-6.8 and also check your run-off to make sure it's at/around the same level.

All things considered though, nice successful grow.
Yeah, good work. Make sure that your pH is under control though. I cannot stress that enough. You can be adding N all day but if the pH isn't right, the plant might not be able to absorb any of it (lockout). Try to use distilled water or filtered water and make sure it's pH'ed to 6.2-6.8 and also check your run-off to make sure it's at/around the same level.

All things considered though, nice successful grow.

well the leaves are yellow and seem to be spreading PH is fine 6.2 what nutes from fox farm should i order immediately? to help salvage this grow perhaps? i'm using a 3% nitro nutrient at 1/2 strength



Active Member
well the leaves are yellow and seem to be spreading PH is fine 6.2 what nutes from fox farm should i order immediately? to help salvage this grow perhaps? i'm using a 3% nitro nutrient at 1/2 strength
Go with Grow Big Liquid Plant food for vegetative growth (6-4-4)--start at 1/4-1/2 strength. You can bick up Blood Meal (12-0-0) for cheap at Wal Mart or a hardware store for cheap. If you really need it quick, you can use your own urine for a boost. Still might want to flush before you do anything to get out any salt buildup and take a pH reading of the run-off since this is more indicative of the pH your plant is experiencing. You can add dolomite lime, or bone meal if you need to increase the pH.
Well the leaves starting drooping on the main plant :(
Not good now i dont know what to do...

apparently not having the correct nutes really screwed me.


Active Member
Well the leaves starting drooping on the main plant :(
Not good now i dont know what to do...

apparently not having the correct nutes really screwed me.
Check this thread out:

Drooping leaves may be overwatering and/or not enough oxygen to the roots. Are you letting your medium dry out completely between watering? Is there pearlite or vermiculite in your mix? These are a few things to think about.
pictures coming... The bigger plant leaves were drooping BADDDD watered it overnight and they perked right up.. so i guess its an underwatering issue... i am only putting maybe 2 cups of water in every other day.. gues that is not enough..


Active Member
pictures coming... The bigger plant leaves were drooping BADDDD watered it overnight and they perked right up.. so i guess its an underwatering issue... i am only putting maybe 2 cups of water in every other day.. gues that is not enough..
How big are your pots? Mine are about 3/4 gallon and I probably only put in that much or less--but then again I'm growing in a soil-less mix which is mainly peat moss and pearlite (it holds much more water than normal soil).


Well-Known Member
Oh how I love clones. I wouldnt have the patience to start from seeds. Goodluck, I wish you all females!!!