Spots, wilting.

So these are 21 days from germination of seeds, and I have 5xLSD (fem), 4xAurora Indica (n), 3xKandy Kush (fem), 3x LA Confidential (fem), 3xTHC Bomb (n), 1xPure Afghan Kush (n) in 6" rockwool cubes under a 600W @ 75% (~450W) . Currently, I have been using tap water (90PPM, 9pH) and adjusting the pH to 5.5-5.7. I was running about 150-200PPM (250-300PM including the 90 tap) nutrients, using PBP Grow + Cal Mag. Everything has been fine, but yesterday (day 21) I found that I had a plant with spots, it is LSD#3. Check the next morning, just to see what's going on, but it was in a dark cycle, so I noticed the plant was drooping--and there was one other drooping. I checked the other drooping one, and it had started to develop spots as well (it was again, another LSD plant--#4). So far, none of the other strains are showing it, and once the light comes on, the drooping lessens profoundly (which would make sense, I guess). I realize that a large issue could be the high pH of the tap water, but I'm just curious if anyone knows off the top of their head. I was leaning towards mg, but the picture that I've most associated it with is ozone damage from the stickied posts, but I am not using an ozone generator. I did just push the nutrient range up to about 350PPM this morning. The spots are also starting on the lower leaves and working their way up.

