Clones, Vegetation, and Flowering

Hello there folks for the past few months ive been trying to piece together my plan of how i am going to set up my grow op.

Orginally i was considering buying a 1000watt air cooled MH/HPS light and hooking that up in a grow tent with a 409 cfm exhaust fan.

Ive now came across a prediciment after reviewing cloning marijuana. Ive read that the best time to take clones is the week before you induce your vegetative plants in to flowering.

So my thought process here is that if i have to put the vegatative plants i am growing (that i just took the clones off of) in to flowering the next week. How long would it take the rooted clones to be prepared to start the vegetative state again? Woud my flowering plants be done by the time the clones were ready to be put back in the grow room and start vegetation?

Or should i just rethink my whole plan of action and buy two seperate MH and HPS lights. and make two different growing chambers so that once the clones were taken off the vegetative plants i could put the vegetative plants in the flowering chamber. And have the vegetative chamber ready for the clones when they are all set and ready to start vegeation?

Thoughts and comments please would be much appriciated!! Im just trying to figure this out before i blow a hole thru my wallet. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It only takes about two weeks for clones to be rooted and ready to start vegging, usually. You may want to have two seperate lights/grow areas.
It only takes about two weeks for clones to be rooted and ready to start vegging, usually. You may want to have two seperate lights/grow areas.
So in your experience do you think i would have a much greater annual yield if i cycle my plants thru a cloning area, vegetative area, and then flowering area?

Now all i have to decide is what wattage of lights to use now. :-o


Well-Known Member
So in your experience do you think i would have a much greater annual yield if i cycle my plants thru a cloning area, vegetative area, and then flowering area?

Now all i have to decide is what wattage of lights to use now. :-o
Oh yes, without a doubt! That's perpetual growing - it's what I do. With seperate areas to grow in, if you do it right, you can harvest as often as you care to plant. I had been planting every eight weeks, recently upgraded my lights, so now I'll be planting every five weeks - and harvesting as often, once the cycle catches up.
A suggestion? If you can afford to, go with 600w. 400w are good, but 600w are better - and I've seen a lot of threads where people who got 1000w wish they had gotten 600w, and/or even downgraded to them.:peace:
Oh yes, without a doubt! That's perpetual growing - it's what I do. With seperate areas to grow in, if you do it right, you can harvest as often as you care to plant. I had been planting every eight weeks, recently upgraded my lights, so now I'll be planting every five weeks - and harvesting as often, once the cycle catches up.
A suggestion? If you can afford to, go with 600w. 400w are good, but 600w are better - and I've seen a lot of threads where people who got 1000w wish they had gotten 600w, and/or even downgraded to them.:peace:
Ahhh... it all becomes clear to me now bongsmilie

Ive now decided that i'll construct my own grow room and seperate it in to a vegetation part, and flowering part. Most likey using a 600 watt HID in each room.

Do you use another seperate inclosed grow area for seedlings/clones? or do you just leave them under a good old fluroscent?

I appreciate your advice and wisdom very much ! :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ahhh... it all becomes clear to me now bongsmilie

Ive now decided that i'll construct my own grow room and seperate it in to a vegetation part, and flowering part. Most likey using a 600 watt HID in each room.

Do you use another seperate inclosed grow area for seedlings/clones? or do you just leave them under a good old fluroscent?

I appreciate your advice and wisdom very much ! :eyesmoke:
No problem, glad to help! I have a space set aside in my veg room, for seedlings/clones - I actually have a 324w CFL rack over it - but only because I built a pair of them to veg with, and now that I'm using my 400's to veg, don't want to waste them. Otherwise I'd have a fluorescent tube hanging over 'em.



Active Member
Hello there folks for the past few months ive been trying to piece together my plan of how i am going to set up my grow op.

Orginally i was considering buying a 1000watt air cooled MH/HPS light and hooking that up in a grow tent with a 409 cfm exhaust fan.

Ive now came across a prediciment after reviewing cloning marijuana. Ive read that the best time to take clones is the week before you induce your vegetative plants in to flowering.

So my thought process here is that if i have to put the vegatative plants i am growing (that i just took the clones off of) in to flowering the next week. How long would it take the rooted clones to be prepared to start the vegetative state again? Woud my flowering plants be done by the time the clones were ready to be put back in the grow room and start vegetation?

Or should i just rethink my whole plan of action and buy two seperate MH and HPS lights. and make two different growing chambers so that once the clones were taken off the vegetative plants i could put the vegetative plants in the flowering chamber. And have the vegetative chamber ready for the clones when they are all set and ready to start vegeation?

Thoughts and comments please would be much appriciated!! Im just trying to figure this out before i blow a hole thru my wallet. :bigjoint:
"Ive read that the best time to take clones is the week before you induce your vegetative plants in to flowering". You really can't say that best time to take clones is 1 week before flowering, concerning the clones. What if u vegged ur plants for 2 weeks then start flowering? There won't be any branches to clone after that first week ;-) It's all bout how big ur mother plant is, when u start 12/12 has nothing to do w it, I mean u can take clones and start flowering whenever u want on the mother, won't affect the clones right, maybe the mother?! Take clones in veg This is how I do it: I have 1 flowering chamber and 1 clone/veg closet. Those plants I put in 12/12 I have taken clones of when the plant is big enough to throw me some healthy clones. I do this and day after I start 12/12 on the mother(s). Takes anything from 5-14 days for clones to root. My experience tells me clones root faster in a light soil than in rockwool cubes and cloning powder is more effective than cloning gel. I did a comparison side-by-side cloning using Clonex gel and a powder named Riso.../Rizo...sumthing. The powder showed to be superior. When the clones have been taken I put them in the now empty veg closet and let them root then veg for 6-7 weeks, alltogether 8-9 weeks from clone to flowering starts. When the flowering mothers are done, the clones have been vegging for 6-7 weeks and are by then ready to go into flowering chamber wich by then is empty since I harvested their mothers. Day before I put clones in 12/12 I take new clones of them, and it goes on like that...If I had more time and more money I'd have a 3 stage grow set up. A vegging room for mothers and vegging clones, veg closet for clones to root and a flowering room. Then I coulda done SOG, but this way as I described I do, works fine for me, I'm not really into this to make money and maximize the yield. I'm into this to have some fun (love gardening) and to get better smoke for myself and close friends. Do i make any sense, I find my post to be "blurry"...I'm sooo baked ;)

Don't get fooled in the streets! Grow your own cannabis :bigjoint:

:peace: //CaL
"Ive read that the best time to take clones is the week before you induce your vegetative plants in to flowering". You really can't say that best time to take clones is 1 week before flowering, concerning the clones. What if u vegged ur plants for 2 weeks then start flowering? There won't be any branches to clone after that first week ;-) It's all bout how big ur mother plant is, when u start 12/12 has nothing to do w it, I mean u can take clones and start flowering whenever u want on the mother, won't affect the clones right, maybe the mother?! Take clones in veg This is how I do it: I have 1 flowering chamber and 1 clone/veg closet. Those plants I put in 12/12 I have taken clones of when the plant is big enough to throw me some healthy clones. I do this and day after I start 12/12 on the mother(s). Takes anything from 5-14 days for clones to root. My experience tells me clones root faster in a light soil than in rockwool cubes and cloning powder is more effective than cloning gel. I did a comparison side-by-side cloning using Clonex gel and a powder named Riso.../Rizo...sumthing. The powder showed to be superior. When the clones have been taken I put them in the now empty veg closet and let them root then veg for 6-7 weeks, alltogether 8-9 weeks from clone to flowering starts. When the flowering mothers are done, the clones have been vegging for 6-7 weeks and are by then ready to go into flowering chamber wich by then is empty since I harvested their mothers. Day before I put clones in 12/12 I take new clones of them, and it goes on like that...If I had more time and more money I'd have a 3 stage grow set up. A vegging room for mothers and vegging clones, veg closet for clones to root and a flowering room. Then I coulda done SOG, but this way as I described I do, works fine for me, I'm not really into this to make money and maximize the yield. I'm into this to have some fun (love gardening) and to get better smoke for myself and close friends. Do i make any sense, I find my post to be "blurry"...I'm sooo baked ;)

Don't get fooled in the streets! Grow your own cannabis :bigjoint:

:peace: //CaL
Sounds like you got a good set up man, this is the type of perpetual harvest system i would like to set up myself.

What type of wattage are you using and how many plants are you growing at a time?


Active Member
Sounds like you got a good set up man, this is the type of perpetual harvest system i would like to set up myself.

What type of wattage are you using and how many plants are you growing at a time?
Good, yes, perfect, no ;) System works fine for me. In veg I have 8 clones topped w UB's topping for 4 main colas, in flower I have 2 big ladies in late week 9 flowering + 3 ladies in middle week 3 flower + 1 male in hes first week of 12/12. Atm I'm using coolwhite fluoros + warmwhite CFL's for veg and for flower I have 1 x 400W HPS + 2 x 200W warmwhite CFL's...I'm only using the 200W CFL's cuz I want to "use" them up, then I will hook up my other ballast and go 2 x 400W HPS for flower. For more info chek up my threads in my sig.
