I like to, when I do my pulls, give it a few minutes in the syringe to let the fine tea particles secttle in the spout, then squirt that drop or two back into the bottle, before putting the rest into the evap dish.
another great method for cleaning your solvent pulls is to put it in one dish, let it stand for a few minutes, then suck it up leaving contams stuck to the glass, and transfer to evap dish.
If you can get some Heptane (bestine) I'll show you how to clean up your supicious spice and recrystalise them into large chunks.
But, even with clean spice, the secret is not to burn it, don't bring the flame too close, alternatively try and get some mullein leaves from an ethno supplier, its totaly legal everywhere to the best of my knowledge, (it's a lung herb) then mix your spice/mulleine 1:1, by letting your spice disolve in some high proof alcohol and transfereing that to the leaf material, and leaving to dry. When smokeing it, just get a small cherry going on the leaf material and have fun.
Get yourself a 15cm one of these,
everyonedoesit sells em for like $5.50