1Badmasonmans 3rd grow 1st journal BC seeds The Purps.


Well-Known Member
one of the reasons i moved away, first from my home town, then from my home country, fekkers drove me away with their crazy MJ laws, fucking looking up a holmes backside for a gram, punk asses. hehe, just letting out some tension on your thread bud, lmao.

I am not sure about boys drinking on the job, I knew a few who did (f_cking nutters) these Manchester lads who drank in the bar, they were always claiming to be masters in the building trade at this that and the next thing, but really they were just busy freebasing, drinking, smoking weed and getting labouring jobs, lol. But yeh, they got work. So one job they have a car that some other geezer left behind when he left the country. so they use to drive to work, speeding the whole way, getting flashed by the same camera. then they started posing for the camera, holding up beer cans, joints, etc. Thought it was hilarious. I suppose I laughed....


Well-Known Member
Yup me too:-? It sucks having to answer to a fucking PO or parole officer. Worse yet is having to piss in a cup. Man i fucking dont miss that. If ever i get in trouble again im gonna skip the probation bullshit and just do my time. Hopefully that never happens. But it aint nothing to do a stretch for me.


Well-Known Member
ah i fuckin hate PO,s fuckin dicks, i to would much rather take th jail time. i was in a rehab for awhile and i told them to just put me in a cell and let me do my time but the asses wouldnt let me. sorry im kinda gettin off topic of your journal.


Well-Known Member
one of the reasons i moved away, first from my home town, then from my home country, fekkers drove me away with their crazy MJ laws, fucking looking up a holmes backside for a gram, punk asses. hehe, just letting out some tension on your thread bud, lmao.

Its all good my friend Its good for the soal.:bigjoint:

I am not sure about boys drinking on the job, I knew a few who did (f_cking nutters) these Manchester lads who drank in the bar, they were always claiming to be masters in the building trade at this that and the next thing, but really they were just busy freebasing, drinking, smoking weed and getting labouring jobs, lol. But yeh, they got work. So one job they have a car that some other geezer left behind when he left the country. so they use to drive to work, speeding the whole way, getting flashed by the same camera. then they started posing for the camera, holding up beer cans, joints, etc. Thought it was hilarious. I suppose I laughed....
LMAO sounds just like the average joe round here.
I had a chance before to move to liverpool with a couple of good buddies of mine who i traveled the map with. Almost wish i would have, I never in my wildest dreams thought id wind up back home again. And i cant wait to get the fuck out too. hahha.

Been alot of places my friends.

ah i fuckin hate PO,s fuckin dicks, i to would much rather take th jail time. i was in a rehab for awhile and i told them to just put me in a cell and let me do my time but the asses wouldnt let me. sorry im kinda gettin off topic of your journal.
Yep best thing to do is just do what they want you to do and get em of your back. I know alot of so called tough guys who think there so hardcore badass that they keep racking up paper cases and sooner than later they get hit with the habitual career criminal fed penalties. No shit had a old aquaintance who is a waste of skin by the way get 40 to life for habitual crack dist. within 1000 ft of a school.

Ohh and i dont care about getting off topic. When theres something to show i will. Peace 1BMM.


Well-Known Member
Plenty guns and shootings in Liverpool, 1BMM, quite a mad place, but the people have got some of the best senses of humour you will ever find. I know a lad from Liverpool and he cracks me up with his Liverpudlian talk...very funny.


Well-Known Member
Plenty guns and shootings in Liverpool, 1BMM, quite a mad place, but the people have got some of the best senses of humour you will ever find. I know a lad from Liverpool and he cracks me up with his Liverpudlian talk...very funny.
Yes thats what i hear D. Liverpool is a wild place. I think the reason i didnt go was because of my in ability to get a passport at the time. I was in a lot of legal trouble back then and they wont let you out the country till its squashed.
I still keep in touch with my pals over ther though. Actually i got a friend in Yorkshire too. When you get em together you can hear the slight accent diff. But yes i get a kick out of some of there sayings. Some good lads.

bit late but sticking my head round the door ;)
Welcome Las you haven't missed much. Actually things are just geting rolling. Glad to have you here.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
damn dude that looks crazy awesome i will b checkin back on u as well
Thanks SyNiK4L, Glad to have you. Wow starting to get a good crowd over here.

Well just checked tha staus of my seed order and they say its been dispatched. Im assuming that is the Europian equivalant of in transit. Whoo hoo cant wait. Peace.1BMM

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thanks mate, impressed with ur setup, a little jealous in fact. thats in the basement right? cheers 4 the heads up on the link, fixed now come and have a look mate.


New Member
ya im glad cus before when i had my first BP grow roseman was still around along with a good group of other growers and since iv been back i have litterally only talked to one person that i used to talk to. so im glad were gettin a new group together to bounce ideas and whatnot off each other but keep us upd8ed


Well-Known Member
Will do Syn. Sounds like your in the know about the bubbleponics. I would love to have you stick around awile and guide me a bit.

Just curious why are the bubbleheads all migrating to 420. Ohh in case you didnt know thats where all your old pals are posting theses days. Got the 411 from another fellow bubblehead. Although i dont claim to be a bubble head, Im a Roger 600 watter. hehe. Just like to experiment with the DWC method. Im a soil man at heart, but due to circumstances beyond my comfort level ive changed my methods up. Also i like the idea of recycling my grow medium. Welp getting a lil sleepy gonna catch a snoozy. Will holla top of the morn. Peace 1BMM


New Member
ya i try...still learning i guess ill say i can get it done from start to finish but theres always more to learn with this kinda shit and i still have problems obviously lol...and whats 420? a new group? ya i tried soil once and ill never go back i suck ass at soil....plus IMO this system is soooo much faster than soil so i figured id just stick with wat works for me. ya recycling medium is nice...i started this second grow outa my system without buying one thing cept for seeds....so its pretty nice ttyl


Well-Known Member
So folks i ran into my pal today while running round town that i gave all my seeded plants to from grow 2. And to my suprise he still has them.:shock: i almost couldnt believe it. He has no idea how to manicure and cure a chopped plant so he just had them in a plastic bag open inside a paper bag. Holy bajesus there was some funky ass mold growing on some of it. But i thought to myself hey i can use that seed outdoors, Hell yeah so i brought what was still salvagable home. Just a few colas. He did have some of it dry enough to smoke so what the hell we smoked a few bowls and im still stoned.:shock: Im shocked. That grow was supposed to get chopped today. So it is about a month premature. But the seeds look viable. The genetics would be BC purps bagseed * I believe some sort of afgani schwag. But hell i got hundreds if not a thousand of them.

Heres a few pics of the seeded bitch.

Dont look to bad here.

See the seed pods. I know this pic sucks.:confused:

I deff need to work on my photography skills. But you get the point.:hump:

Im kinda diggin that i got them now. There tons of remote areas i can think of for a go real a grow lol. It will be fun.

As you all may or may not know i frequent the Club 600 quite often so this is a post i copied from there. Peace. 1BMM.

Will be updating the progress tonight or first thing tommorow. :weed:


Well-Known Member
i,m in... i love a bit of diy lol...you got some good building skills there mate...
Thanks and welcome to the journal.
I get my building skills from 4 generations of asshole bricklayers. lol. Ive been bread to lay bricks blocks and stones in all conditions in any fashion. Ive been around the masonry trade as long as i can remember. My grandpas grandpa was a mason contractor and its been a family legacy ever since. Now im the head of it and my 10 month old son will be the next hahah. If he wants to.

Anyways its a trade that demands accuracy and perfection, and i just apply that same concept to all i do in life.

Most people dont know that im a prominant business man and a complete pot head lol. My employees are all smokers, too but i have strict rules for the participation on the job. We work in some dangerous areas at times and i dont just let em smoke the fuck out. Got to maintain a safe medium. Im rambling fuck. lol Ohh i dont require a piss test either. If you piss clean for weed you cant work for me. lol. Jus kiddin Peace out. 1BMM


Well-Known Member
hey masonman my piss is always dirty with weed, hook up a job. na just kidding. glad to hear you are responsible on the work site. who says u cant smoke weed and be responsible


Well-Known Member
hey masonman my piss is always dirty with weed, hook up a job. na just kidding. glad to hear you are responsible on the work site. who says u cant smoke weed and be responsible
Yes i will admit there are some like me who work think and do there job better stoned. And then theres the spacey guys who cant tie there fuckin shoe after a puff, and those are the ones i got to keep an eye on. I really dont advocate the use on the job at all for the laborers who are at the most risk of a high fall or serious injury. Laying brick is a little safer so the brickies, well pass a doob down the line. Maybe if we got a sharp labe well give him a puff aslong as hes doing his job safely.

It really is dangerous work though. I dont want to minimize that at all.

Ok back to the grow.

Going air pump hunting soon as the wife gets home. Got to get that hydro setup running smoothly. Hasn't been alot to show, but the purps are taking off now that there in new pots. I will put up some pics later tonight. I may top them and root the tops. well see. Might need some input on weather or not to do it yet. Until later my friends. Peace 1BMM